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Everything posted by kemper

  1. Cool story...too bad its an Iroc I would be much more impressed with say a '70 Mach 1 fastback
  2. Agreed. Well with toskala out for the season and Gerber coming in to fill his place we shouldnt have a problem getting lit up for the rest of the season Also antropov and moore are out of the way so it looks like were good to lose out the season and pick up John Tavares! Ah who am I kidding. Anyone else feel a strong run into mediocracy coming on?
  3. The only way I can see GM surviving would be if they were able to capture ME and my generation. I cannot remember the last time (if EVER) I heard one of my friends (from 16- 22) talk about buying a GM. It just doesnt happen, kids my age are looking at hondas, mazdas, toyota etc etc. No, we arent buying brand new cars today, but in 3 or 4 years we are out of school and looking at the new car market and GM will NOT be the company we are looking at unless they get it together and FAST. I think the reason my generation avoids GM is simple, we have watched our parents headaches and cursing when their GMs fell apart for no apparent reason after 50 K. My mom drives an Aztec, between 80K and 120K she probably spent more on keeping the car on the road than it was worth! Dad drives a Cadillac CTS 3.8L, TWO read it TWO rear wheel bearings went before 100K. Why won't I buy a GM? Its simple, I have never had first hand experience with a GOOD one. The generations above me had years of quality GM cars, and look back on that when making their decision to buy another one even though the last one was crap... "All my GMs were good maybe the last one was a fluke" I dont have that experience to drawn on when making a decision about a car, all I know is bad cars. Same with my friends, mostly bad experiences with family cars. Im not trying to say that Imports dont have their share of problems, but overall they seem to stay on the road a little better. / rant Next up, the reason a 19 year old with a job for 4 years can't afford to drive...INSURANCE well save that for a later day
  4. Pierre needs to take a puck to the beaner when hes down "on ice level" and head to the IR room with Toskala for the rest of the season. Cant STAND the guy and I dont know how anyone works with him. As for the leafs, I have been waiting to see Antropov gone for a long time, but I had hoped he could do a little better than a 2nd round pick. Not impressed at all with the leafs moves.
  5. not too far north...but Buckhorn ON. Awesome little town, surrounded by amazing fishing
  6. BIG time respect from this guy Love it
  7. Nice fishin boys, We were looking to get out this weekend pretty bad, but everything is blown. Dave and Steve might have gotten out? Not too sure
  8. I will say that the rivers have been clear of ice for the most part. They will get some skim at night but the high salt content from the road runoff seems to be even keeping that at bay. I was fishing in - 8 last weekend with NO freeze up on the line/float. Can you say rock salt?
  9. sounds unpleasent. Luckily I (almost) never eat saltwater fish
  10. Theres rivers...and theres trout! Gotta do your own footwork though, especially at this time of the season no one is going to give up their hotspots
  11. I understand the excitement but all the yelling of OH MY GOD ITS A GIANT when you put a 2 lber in the boat is just embarrasing...
  12. The original plan was to have a rock climbing section upstairs and fishing downstairs. Used to be run out of an old house, now its in a plaza. Weird place, has a bar in the front presumably to detract attention from unsavoury folks entering and exiting? This hit me hard, I have literally been going there since I was 11 or 12 for my fishing gear. Ian ( the guy who owns it) fishes lots of tournaments and has been on shows etc, I am sure many here know him personally.
  13. Yep, heard about that. Stopped in for roe and fishin chat numerous times, never crossed my mind that it was a drug front. WOW. Although when I think about it there was never any business in the fishing department so it was strange how it stayed open
  14. A spinning reel will do fine, especially for bottom bouncing. Float reels can be had for fairly good prices second hand. Look for islanders or Ravens, usually a good price on the Ravens
  15. The warrantee call comes from a 416- 000.... number. Its great because I have no car....Hence no warrantee
  16. ah but it does! I added a little twist of my own with braid. Insead of pulling it tight after i go thru the loop, I take the tag through the new loop that was created by going thru the first one. Holds like a charm even with braid
  17. Dont quote me on this one because im just taking a shot in the dark I havent actually looked into it but it seems logical that demand for US products by foreign nations is still relatively high. Also just because it is high against the CAD doesn't mean that it is high against other currency (it may be, im sure a quick google search could tell you that) If I spent more time doing my homework, and less on OFC I could probably give you a real answer
  18. In fact they do... New bridge was built last night amazingly. The no fishing sign was reposted in the CORRECT location but sadly is still ignored. Those condos just went up too, in the last week. Amazing what modern technology can do isnt it.
  19. I asked one of my economics profs that question, because it didn't make sense to me. General answer is that Canada is a big exporter of energy (not just oil) and much of our trading is done with the U.S. Less demand for our energy means less demand for our dollar
  20. kinda off topic...but does anyone know the numbers that head up the ganny? Is it really enough above other rivers to warrant the mass fishing fest 24 hours a day?
  21. Am I the only person that uses only one knot? I dont even know what its called... Through the eye, spin the bugger around 6 or 7 times, back through the loop spit on it yank tight and BAM there ya go
  22. Yep, custom handle. I love how the rod looks, but it just doesn't perform how I had planned. I cheaped out on the blank and it bit me in the ars. Beauty for smaller steelies (5lbs and less) but anything bigger and fresh kicks me pretty hard. Thats okay, I got a new stick in my sights! Thanks for the compliment on the build though, it seems to attract a lot of attention on the river as well. Not bad for a first build id say
  23. played with it a little. Gimme a break i'm ignoring my accouting homework
  24. Don't worry about the team banner, much bigger ones are on the way. And if Im wrong
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