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Everything posted by kemper

  1. awesome guys my harbour is frozen solid, my creek is frozen solid, and my river is frozen solid. COME ON MARCH
  2. I have a very similar Dame, Stoddard and Kendall box at home, with some antique lures in it. No idea where it came from though
  3. mmmmm crappies mmmm pabst! its the beer of choice around here
  4. is it an auto update? anyone tried flight sim? cool google earth function
  5. Only if you cut a big enough hole for my float gear. More seriously dude I would definately head up with you but im stuck at school next weekend
  6. silicone spray, vaseline seems to work. Ive used WD 40 with success too.
  7. Might just be my computer but I doubt it, I got held up twice at the floatboard with my virus care stopping a trojan both times. Just a heads up edit** what the HECK kind of censors do we have around here! I type f f . net and I get generously proportioned.net! thats hillarious!
  8. Yep, Ive done it as well. Takes some time out of your day and eases the mind a little. I prefer doing my pin though. Open, three screws, POP, degrease, POP, sewing maching oil, three screws, close. Total time, 3 minutes lol
  9. oh ya, I worked 3 years of customer service in highschool and I have one tip for you. DONT let angry customers get to you. There will be lots, youd be surprised how mad people get when there is 2 sugar in their coffee instead of 1.
  10. Its a fast paced work place, might make the shifts go faster for you or it might drive you insane. I know I couldnt do it but I have alot of friends that worked there through highschool and didnt mind the pace of it all. If youre looking for another job in highschool head to your local grocery store, easiest job you will ever have and a lot less stressful (part time jobs should NOT be stressfull) good luck bud, I know as soon as I got a job I started buying fishin stuff all the time!
  11. Ive got a package of those somewhere... I remember my dad hooking a musky one night up on buckhorn with one. Bass tackle, three bass fishermen, a 14 ft alum. boat, and approaching pitch black. That was an adventure
  12. They better rock for the outrageous price of their stuff...
  13. I don't think that (most of us) who fish for steelhead (Ill try not to generalize with pinners/steelheaders etc) are really about the "NEED" for more and more rods, or custom ones. For me anyways, its more about the pleasure of using a custom rod or a really nice rod. I also have an older Fenwick 10'6" that landed me tons of steel and is a pleasure to use, but its cheap compared to a couple of my other rods. Does this stop me from using it? NO ... but if I want to use my custom, or maybe purchase a nice factory build then why not? I like to think of it this way... If you had the cash, and you opened your garage and looked in at a 1999 Dodge Caravan, and a British racing green 1969 Aston Martin DB6 Vantage, which one do you take for a sunday drive? I know which one I would drive. Sorry for getting off topic... NO WEIGHTS
  14. Awesome! That was me 17 years ago, and look at me now! Buried in tackle (much of it adopted from dad) and broke as ever! I see lots of good times on the water with your little guy, fishin with dad as a youngster make up most of my favourite memories and I still get out with him as much as possible.
  15. Go for it bud! Get lots of practice in at a golf course or something and collect tips as you go. Keep it simple, egg patters and popular flies. Sometimes a small stonefly will get them when nothing (even roe) will. Biggest hint, learn a roll cast. You will not have room for a back cast out there and a roller will save your life Roll Cast
  16. I got interrupted halfway through that post. Also, what Solo said is very true (shhhhhh) My favourite time to fish is from late february until early april. You will find them quite hungry and willing to take just about anything. The key is to find a river that you can get to relatively quickly and learn it. Learn every inch and what the fish want and when they want it. You will be surprised how this knowledge translates to other bodies of water. I got into the pinning three years ago, after fishing since I was a little kid with my dad for trout. We were never really good at it, but caught the odd one to keep us interested. Since then I have spent countless hours learning the river near my house, and I know it like the back of my hand. This allows me to a) catch fish when alot of others cant and translate what I learned on other rivers. hope this helps kemper
  17. Firstly, you can fish almost anywhere with a 13 footer. I have a 10 and a half, 11 and a half and 12 and 13 and a half, but in late feb through march the biggest stick sees the action without fail on almost every trib. The fish in the spring are full of fight, and strong as heck and with the higger current in the spring you need all the help you can get.
  18. Thanks! Everglades was the only one that came up in my schools online journal database so thats the one that im gonna go with thanks everyone
  19. wow that was fast, checking out the tuna situation now
  20. Hey OFC, I have to write a paper for one of my courses "human impact on the environment" , its an elective (I'm a economics student) and I figured it might be an interesting class. Anyways the paper needs to be about a resource that we have ruined in some way shape or form, and the activites/causes/results of us doing so. I want to do something fish related, so can anyone think of a fishery that has been ruined because of humans ? Only one rule (heres where I run into problems), it CANNOT be in Canada. Thanks
  21. It could probably be caught with the same technique as those sharks...kitten fishing. Hawks are really cool, but the coolest thing I have witnessed with birds was out on Buckhorn lake, looking up at an eagles nest and it came down, soared (too close) close to the boat and my head, and slammed down on a bass that was just under the water. WAY too cool. Took it back up to feed the little ones
  22. agreed, wicked flys I remember being SUPER stoked the first time I hooked a steelie on one of my jig patters. All I was thinking was NO WAY, I cant believe that actually worked!
  23. Definately not something I would order, but cool! Wicked reel, seems to be more and more of them popping up. One day...
  24. Im one click....so that means its probably your internet settings
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