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Everything posted by kemper

  1. seriously? thats so amazing I feel like someone is messin with me!
  2. I guess i should add something useful as well, I have only fished the fireline once or twice but the PP is great stuff and not too bad for the residue. a quick cleaning always helps out
  3. Apologise for earlier comment, I wasnt aware of the language business.
  4. Sounds like a worm gear to me, I had one go on me last season. Not sure where you can get parts though, I gave up and just sent it in.
  5. I got double scammed once, at a cheap gas station bank told me before i ever noticed, and gave me the money I got ripped off It was next to nothing, like 15 bucks or something
  6. The panic really needs to stop. How do we expect to pull out of this mess when the media is predicting armageddon all day. Yes, its brutal but the added doom and gloom of the media is not making this any better
  7. My old man went from 230-240 to 170-175 (hes a shorter fellow) and feels a million times better and is more healthy. What worked for him was exercise (hits the gym 5-7 days a week) and the G.I diet book. Not that he strictly followed the GI diet, but just cut out the foods that were really bad for his blood type. Its a controversial book, but if you knew pops before and you saw him now there would be no doubt in your mind. Bad carbs are well...bad. So are empty calories. that means that things like chips, pop, caffiene and the likes have to go. Not everyone can do that, but if you can its huge. He also cut beer out of his diet almost entirely the whole time he was loosing weight, and just now has started to enjoy a cold one again. Its the cold 4 that kill you, not the cold 1. good luck!
  8. Get a spool of raven in 8 or 10 pound. The stuff is indestructable and cheap. I like either the high vis pink, or the smoke grey colour
  9. looks good to me dead easy to do eh? shhh quiet, im trying to sell mine!
  10. to be honest, im not exactly sure. Next time Im at home ill try to remember to check and shoot you a PM
  11. My ultralite set up is REALLY cheap. Im talking walmart $27 cheap and I love it. Ultraliting can save a day when the bite is off, a 12 inch crappie is a blast on an ultralite. Also last year landed an 18" largie on the UL. That was a blast!
  12. I think last time this came up we concluded that it was just a colouring thing and the fish are actually no different?
  13. Thats the best answer on here try out different stuff till you find what you like, the rest of us might not agree but it works for you right?
  14. Its the 1000 yd spool that is probably doing it to you. The line has lots of time to accumulate memory, and that causes it to twist up easily. I have never had any problems with 6 or 8 lb trilene XL, but I have never tried the ande so I cant comment
  15. Didnt see anything the first time, that comment wasnt meant for what you posted.
  16. Interesting you like Pline Hawk, I spooled up with it when I got a bad wheel of raven and I nearly tossed my set up into the river. I thought it was absolutely terrible! Got a spool of that new float line Im hearing so much about, no idea if its worth it but we will see. As for leads, probably no sense in running a 2 pound lead. I never use less than 4. Maxima owns, nuff said.
  17. oh they sure do! planning on marketing a crappie/panfish jig down the road too
  18. Sounds good to me. Im on your trib quite often in the spring. Sounds good. You'll find me out there from the end of Feb. untill they are gone.
  19. you sure do detect a bit of sparkle there bly I cant wait to get out, hoping for nice temps on reading week to get it started!
  20. HA not at the price im currently tying the dang things at. Once I get ahold of a better supplier then well see. Come fishin with me, and you get to demo whatever you want Yep Ive seen some strange things too, the jigs tipped with pinkies were hot this fall.
  21. Its been way too cold outside for me, so i've been tryin out some new jig patterns. Let me know what you think about them, and if anyones got any suggestions for a pattern ill spin them up. Keeps me busy and sane between studying! Is it spring yet?????? keep one eye open for a website comin from me in the future. gotta get rid of some of these buggers
  22. Funny how that works eh, because its actually spending that would help us out of this mess. Of course, how do you spend when you lose a job Im sure you will bounce back Stoty, especially with a good resume. There are lots of companies ditching employees but there are also some looking for more specialized employees that can do a better, more efficient job.
  23. Unemployed. But for a reason, Full time student at University of Guelph in Management Economics and Industry Finance I got myself a co op position so its very competitive as there is 500 kids waiting to take my spot if I slip up. Really happy with the program, I love it and I think it should work out quite nicely for me in the future
  24. I dont know much (anything) about ice fishing but assuming the conditions allowed I would go with a quad. A sled you can only use part of the year whereas the quad you can get full year use out of
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