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Everything posted by Puckhead

  1. I couldn't agree with you more Dan. The experience of getting in a plane and flying somewhere is neat, but it doesn't make a difference in terms of "quality" fishing. I personally would have a hard time paying that kind of coin unless that plane met me at pearson so I could avoid the drive...
  2. Here she comes..... RADAR
  3. Nice job! Some hogs there... I keep saying this but I've got to get one of those on...
  4. hahahaha.... this avatar is free to a good home!
  5. He's got a ton of skill, no question. One of the top players in the game from the perspective. He isn't a leader. Not by a long shot. You can't have your captain pulling up on back checks and firing pucks at other players. Your captain can't cost you 2 games in the finals. Alfie is a top line winger, nothing more, nothing less. That C shoud be torn off his sweater. I was reading Ottawa sports writers are now blaming Emery for not stealing a game??? what the hell? You guys want Raycroft? I would kill to have Emery on the leafs roster right now...
  6. I just noticed on TSN that Giguerre is unrestricted this year! Come on fergie - go get a guy who can stop a puck...
  7. The funny thing is though, if the it were the leafs in the finals, do you honestly think any of us leaf fans would give a crap what a sens fan was thinking or saying? You guys take this stuff way too personally. Alfie is a crap leader. Niedermeyer is a solid leader. Ducks win the cup. Sens ain't going to win the cup with Bozo the clown at the helm. And this year was clearly the year to do it. The sens have some cap trouble coming up in the off season and someone has to go. My money is on Alfredsson hitting the road.
  8. ata boy! I'm already tired of waiting...
  9. hahaha - maybe that's why those Ottawa guys have been so nice to me, they think I'm a sens fan...hahaha... I don't hate the sens. The captain of any team defines it IMO and I just have never, ever liked alfreddson, ergo, I don't like the sens... Habs deserve all the respect in the world - they are the yankees of hockey and will alwasy have a leaf fans respect. Sens on the other hand, not a chance, at least not until Alfie is long gone... If it aint the leafs, go habs...
  10. Hey Bunk - get used to it. Looks like you are in for a whole lot of years of nada too Welcome to hockey fan hell.... You know what, with Ottawa, it's simply alfredsson for me. On any other team, he isn't the captain. alfredsson has skills, but he has no heart and clearly no balls. I have never understood why he wears the C and I suspect after this preformance, Alfredsson is done in Ottawa. Which in all honesty, is the best thing for the Sens IMO. Fisher should be the captain, no doubt about it. Captains need heart and grit - motivate the team. Not a guy that clearly cost Ottawa game two and arguably cost Ottawa game 4. Yeah, he's a lot like Messier my @ss Muckler. Muckler dumps Alfie, Signs Smyth and makes Fisher the new captain. Then you'll have the entire country behind that team, no doubt about it.
  11. Nice job Cliff!! That bite may have been a blackfly. I was golfing the abbey two weeks ago and got a good bf welt on my arm. LOL at the crossed line story.
  12. Go get em Lew - hope it's great!!
  13. Monday is going to be great with all the muskie reports!! Go get em Squid!
  14. Thanks Lew - if that pikeral impresses a guy that is used to nailing BOQ monsters - icing on the cake!
  15. That is fantastic work! Absolutely brilliant! You have a gift...
  16. Waste my time with a bunch of little snot rockets... ... JK - Awesome fish guys!!
  17. 58 trays full? WOW>>>>>>>>>>>>
  18. Ling I would say sturgeon. I've been lucky enough to have pulled in kings, muskie, lakers, pike, etc. and they are fight differently - can't compare. Never caught a sturgeon but the size of those things and the overall esteemed "trophy" status of hooking into a prehistoric fish gives it the nod as the "king" in my book. But how can you really compare any type to another - apples to oranges IMO.
  19. Holy cr@p Lew! Any room left for you on the boat?
  20. At least you've had something to be excited about for the last 6-8 weeks... More than I can say...
  21. Love that fish finder pic!
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