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Everything posted by Puckhead

  1. ^^Bingo! Not all domestic built cars are junk... plenty of good one's out there but the reputation isn't down to good marketing or import novelty. It's due to a lot of bad experiences. These car companies are learning the hard way that good will, once taken for granted, is hard to get back.
  2. ^I know y'all don't consider Alabama part of your union, but I'd say it was an american who made that statement...lol...
  3. That's awesome! I've been meaning to get my oldest daughter out soon too - looks like they are about the same age. Love the lip grip!
  4. There's fish in Temagami?
  5. Drift sock(s)! 5 gallon bucket's full of water suck when you want pull them back to the boat... And they take up a lot of room in an already loaded with gear boat, where as the drift sock folds up small... Unless they are white buckets, then they rule all!
  6. What a dink! Beauty ski ... i didn't know roethlisburger fished pigeon!?!
  7. Just curious - why don't you like paypall? I rarely buy anything online so I'm a bit ignorant to the whole ebay world... Tried selling concert tickets on there once, didn't work out too well... Something about a "policy" of some sorts...
  8. Way to give that 16 year old heck guys - real classy! Guy comes on here to talk his area and share his knowledge and some of you tools jump all over the kid... wow...
  9. Done... Hang in there and God bless
  10. Uh oh... no electronics, no trolling, no mid lake humps.... your screwed bro! hahaha.... That cottage looks sweet btw...!
  11. I've seen a bunch of these things bush 'wacking 16 mile creek... Good thing I never got too close... wow...
  12. And clearly no chance of survival in my belly! mmmmmm..... one eyed pickeral..... I wonder if that makes it taste even better?
  13. I rarely use a leader with PP spooled up... Unless there are a ton of snot rockets around.
  14. Last time I checked, there was no "humanity" consulate available to you when in a foreign country, if - god forbid, you ever needed help... Believe me, if you ever needed it, you'd be singing our anthem all the way home. I don't get around here much anymore but do lurk occasionally - Holdfast just has his own special way with words... I personally appreciate his love for country so don't take it personally.
  15. Uhhhmmmm, Christmas shopping? Maybe an office party or something... You?
  16. Sorry bud, you are way off base. The reason why he is paid by those sponsers is for exposure. The better you do, the more exposure you get, the more money you get. Exposure comes from tourney's AND recreational coverage, the boat launch being a significant part of recreational coverage. When you are wearing your sponsored gear,etc., you better act in the best interest of your sponsor(s). If you act like an jerk off, then you deserve to get called on it. A big part of making that living is putting yourself out there for all to see (as it were) - behave accordingly. If he came over and apologized and was nice, like any decent angler would do, this post wouldn't be here, now would it? Your argument is nonsense.
  17. Couldn't have said it better myself...
  18. Sorry to hear that Bro..! Hang in there...
  19. I'm honestly stunned that people are upset that this was poll was put up... I was viewing a hockey post (I know, shocking), and a poster was complaining about it being non fishing. I had noticed posts previously complaining about the same thing over and over again. I actually talked with an ex member the other day and he mentioned the same thing. I personally don't have a problem with NF topics - obviously, and as you most graciously pointed out through a summary of my posting history. (I have been around OFC well before there was a "C" - almost the full 10 years, but thanks for that...) Things change - the last time we had a poll on this topic was, what I thought anyway, a long time ago. I wanted to see if it is bugging more people than I thought. And if it wasn't and all was still status quo, I could still go ahead and contribute nothing to the F part of OFC, as you pointed out. I don't understand the lynching for putting this poll up. I explained on the first page why I was asking about it... I honestly had no ill intention of putting this up and had no idea some of the regulars here would get ticked off about it. Thanks for pointing out the lack of contribution to OFC from the "originator of this thread".
  20. In the not so shocking column - Justin's go to lure is a spinner bait. I'm sure they are proud to have been associated with you too TJ!
  21. hahaha - I think it's my third time through it... This time I paid close attention to the authors!
  22. I think that's a coho juvie.
  23. ^ Monsieur Eh was giving me a smack for posting a "newbie" poll... !
  24. Just realized, after flipping through it on the throne a few minutes ago, as to how many members here, past and present, contribute to that magazine... Especially the last edition... wow...
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