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Everything posted by Puckhead

  1. Black/Silver (white?) Perch Clown The split rings are junk though - it's worth changing them out (along with the trebles) if you are going after bigger fish - they open up in a hurry...
  2. Don't take this the wrong way Roy, but none of us have any idea as to whether those lads weren't tyrants away from the rink and in their 'personal' lives........Unless you know those three personally, in which case, got any good stories?
  3. Asked and answered! (re: Dad's smoking contradiction) And I would agree with you 100% on your entire post. I hope by the time my kids are fully grown I can say the same.... Hope being the key word! Chris Rock, that empitome of philosophy , said it well when it came to raising daughters (no boys in my house...): "Your job as a Dad is to keep your girls off the brass pole!" That about sums it up for me...
  4. ^ hahaha - Our Carp are a little too limp wristed up here. Must be all the "pride".
  5. Heck of a post Brian! I'm of two minds on this, ok, maybe 15 minds... I won't get into everything but I will say that most siblings are different. Same environment, same upbringing, but different. Parents tend to have a style (unfortunately it seems more and more that the Do Nothing style is preferred), and that style can work for all their kids, or more often than not, some of their kids. Not for nothing, because I've been there - but usually the behaviour you describe is a cry for attention. Your parents, although good people, and by no fault of their own by not recognizing it, needed to be much more involved in your day to day life when and before the problems started. Your other siblings did just fine because the parenting style suited them. You shouldn't beat yourself up over it, nor should your parents. It is what it is.
  6. Fishing is something that requires work, patience and research. When you put it all together and it works - and you get your payoff - it, to me, is far more rewarding than someone saying "use this and fish here".
  7. Outside of some day trips, the biggest trip I'll go on this summer is to Mount Sinai to hold daughter number 2 for the first time. And sorry C&R guys, I'm keeping this one...
  8. Nope... I am!!! JK, I was trying to be funny with my usual dry sense of humour that no one but myself seems to get... At least I had a good time
  9. Puckhead


    You've got to stick with your starter come playoff time unless he is playing absolutely terrible (Hasek comes to mind) - I think Guy's lack of experience came through with that. Irregardless, Price should be ready to answer the call in game 5. I would agree that Montreal has out shot Philly by a wide margin - but come on, most shots have been peripheral and Biron doesn't give up rebounds easily. You need to create traffic and Philly is simply pushing any hab that comes within 5 feet of the crease, out of the way. They are man handeling Montreal down low and the Habs can't grind so all it takes is some decent positional goaltending and your beat. Habs need to play much more aggressive instead of taking the easy shot that Philly is intentionally giving them. Guy is being out coached right now and not adjusting to how Philly is playing them.
  10. I was expecting that post to get all broke back before it was over... hahaha.... Seriously though, good job and good on bbnotty. I like the pic - I get all my rainbow at that spot too! Jonnybass, you've been complaining like an 80yr old with a fist sized gall stone lately - drink some whisky or something... geesh...
  11. Nice job! Love the brown - caught one similar in size like that the other day and the colours were simply amazing! Wish I took a pic.
  12. Yummy!
  13. Drop Malone....
  14. High in the Kunlun Mountains of China, monks spend days chanting and meditating in hopes of reaching complete enlightenment and drink a tea that contains Green tea, lemon verbena, spearmint, lemongrass and natural flavors including anice, jumba root and dirt. I find the dirt makes it a little chalky. I also prefer it to be light on the verbena but those monks get a little carried away with the verbena from time to time.
  15. Wings have it in the bag...
  16. No - I yell at myself everytime I slip my waders on...
  17. Well, maybe not you, but some of you... Mike's Pics is a wopping 348 points clear of second place - wow.... Approx 300 points seperate second from 15th. Everyone past 15th has some ground to make up fast if they want to get into contention. Pretty much every Sens fan is near the bottom and basically out of it - which is totally shocking... The battle of the Pylons is heating up. Puckhead's Pylons (13th) had a comfortable lead over Kennymans Pylons (11th) for a good stretch and all of a sudden Kennyman's Pylons have inched ahead by a good 33 points... Damn. The Pylon war will be bitter and decisive, sure to go down to the last game. Plenty of time left to get into the top tier - even for you Sens fans... I picked up almost 310 points the other night.
  18. Great job! Fantastic colours on those fish...
  19. I agree 100% to be nice and never have a problem with dog's at all - as suggested earlier, befriend the dog with acceptable treats, etc., and all will be well. But one thing that dog owners must consider and realize, it isn't the responsibility of the non dog owner to keep the dog(s) quiet and civil in a community setting. it is the dog OWNERS responsibility to keep after their pets, be good neighbours and train their dogs appropriately. Rick, it almost seems like you feel it is everone else's responsibility to get along with your dogs, not your responsibility to keep them in line... I'm not going to spend hours and hours trying to figure out or learn your dogs behaviour.... that's your job, you bought em, you're responsible for them.
  20. Elitist - just because that person was obviously not the sharpest "filet knife" in the drawer doesn't mean that you snobby stealheader should point you finger at him... Poor guy was probably just learning how to hack the crap out of a fish for the first time and here you are, with your $1000 gear - and expensive camera I might add, pointing out his stupidity. Go drink your exotic blended teas...
  21. There are so many brands now and prices have dropped like crazy over the last few years you can't really go wrong anymore. I picked up a new tent last spring and was stunned as to how cheap they were... If you buy at a Ctire or walmart, you can try it out and return it pretty much whenever you like. I picked up a low profile woods and am happy with that for cooler temps but a full size standup tent in the warm summer months is invaluable during rainy weather after seeing my friends setup. I'm keeping an eye out for those. Domes are much lighter, even the full standup versions.
  22. ^ hahaha! That's fantastic!
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