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Everything posted by Puckhead

  1. If the series is wrapped up in 5, sens win, if it goes 6 or 7, sens will choke as usual. They will fold like a cheap suit if any pressure games are played. Happens everytime and I see no reason for it not to happen again this year.
  2. lol at snog..
  3. Nice! I always wanted to try a drift at night... Seems like a blast... I've heard it can be good when it warms up a bit. Either that or it's just more tolerable
  4. Awesome chrome CC! Beauties!
  5. Is there something wrong with me that I started laughing when I first read the title of this thread?
  6. no... nooooo...nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. If that tune won't wake you up on those days when the bed is too darn comfortable to get up and go fishing, nothing will...
  8. hahaha!!!
  9. OK, I'll start it off.... You're all idiots, your breath stinks, your opinion on politics is wrong because I said so and I will disagree with any hot button issue you support... bring it.
  10. I suspect that section is for advertisers/contributors of the pay per use variety.
  11. ^You almost had me there, then I realized your a Sens fan... Your opinion has now been rendered irrelevant. :D
  12. I have grandfathers that have served in both, but for the Queen and America. One died before I was old enough to know him and the other never wanted to talk about it - just wanted to watch endless movies and documentaries on both wars. Needless to say, it would be nice one day to see Vimy.
  13. ^hahaha.... I don't think the isles have a shot. Winning 3 in a row now is tough at the best of times but 3 in 4 nights is near impossible. Let's just hope they loose this afternoon so it's all settled by the time the puck drops tonight.
  14. Nail biter tonight for sure. With the islanders game on at 1:00pm, I hope that there out by game time. I hate the fact that a tie doesn"t help. It would have been something if it was decided by a shootout.
  15. Couldn't have said it better myself. As usual, Roy sifts through the cr*p and adds clarity to what the actual point of this thread was.
  16. Nice job bro!!
  17. Nice job!! Love reading your reports CC!
  18. Shore lunch.
  19. "Since writing this some four years ago I've had a number of emails on the subject. A few people don't believe me and think I drowned or else made the whole thing up. Apparently in Germany you *do* drown if your waders fill up with water... so don't fish there then." Hahaha ....!
  20. ahhhhhhhhh... so many one liners.... can't focus....red neck joke overload....head exploding....
  21. That wasn't a joke Terry. I posted that in the "global warming" thread a few days ago. Nice reward for conservation, isn't it?
  22. How can I determine which on is red and which one is blue? I was at home depot the other day and I couldn't figure out what was what? I want to give the red spectrum lights a try.
  23. I think that's the problem... If more effort was spent on it, it would be done by now but it's not a priority I suppose.
  24. He knew he was poaching and did it again. Check that, he was caught again. Who knows how many times he's walked away with OOS fish. Vehicles, boat, gear, anything used to assist in the crime should be treated the same as any other crime. If you use your car to rob a bank, they sieze the car. Why is this any different? If messages are not sent that poaching is a serious crime/issue, jerk offs will keep taking the risk... $1000 is hardly headline material.
  25. Awesome report... those pike are monsters!!
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