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Everything posted by Puckhead

  1. Show me where and I'll help you! PM me your spot(s) and it's a done deal :). Crappie are yummy...
  2. Nice job... that looks great!
  3. Sorry man but I completely disagree with you. He's a decent goalie, and he seems like a good guy - plus he's got to have the best goalie helmet in the league, but he's still got the second or third worst save % in the league. Granted the leafs D is so so, but you can't expect to be playing behing pronger and neidermayer every day before you can crack the 900's in SP. You need a goalie to steal a game 6 or 7 times a year (or in NJ's case, every week), to win in the NHL. Raycroft isn't that kind of goalie. Raycroft needed to make a big save on Friday night to stop the momentum. (Maurice needed to call a timeout too - big screw up on his end IMO). These are the situations that defines whether a team is going places or busting out the golf clubs. You need your goalie to make that big save and he isn't stepping up to the plate. Especially considering Rask and about 4 mil in cap space over the next three years was sacrificed for the third worst goalie in the league. I hope he turns it up somehow - but it seems to me, high 800's is about all you can expect from Raycroft.
  4. Exactly why Kyoto is a non starter. We won't sacrifice our lifestyles in the west. We want technology to fix the problem. The technology isn't available and by the time it is, we will all have moved on to another issue with more political capital. Perhaps global cooling in 2012?
  5. ^Are you crazy? Over rated? I'm sure many leaf fans would give up their left nut to have those two teams swap jerseys. Not me though, I value my leftie too much... Raycrap for Miller would be fine by me!
  6. Good luck Quebecers!
  7. Your missing my point. I'm talking specifically about the global warming debate. As in the theory that we the sole reason why the globe is currently in a warming trend. I am not talking about the irresponsible practices that all of us are involved in - in one form or another. I am not talking about eradicating species, polluting water, fish stocks, etc. I am specifically talking about global warming and it's causes. You can't argue position B in order to discredit position A. You either address position A or don't. There simply is no actual knowledge that global warming trends currently are not cyclical or entirely normal. That doesn't mean we are not contributing nor does it mean it gives a free pass to some of these yahoo's that feel it's OK to just burn energy at will with no consequence. I almost feel like I need to take a shower here as I'm in a way giving food to these twits, but the fact remains that it isn't actually factual yet. Let me put it this way: One of the consequences of this "debate" may be the outlawing or heavy carbon taxing of marine based combustion engines for example. Would you be willing to give up your boat based on the information that we have available to us today? Simply put, would you be satisfied if the government came to you to impound your boat or slapped a big annual tax on it based on the actual facts we have before us now?
  8. It's a devisive issue, no question - but this place is OFC - emphasis on the C for this debate. I don't think anyone can possibly believe, some of the posts on this one not with standing, that humans are not playing a role in climate change. Having said that, the key question is how much and what are we willing to do about it. Snag raises a good point in saying everyone wants to have what we have in the west and it isn't sustainable. Kyoto asks us to put our development and economies on hold (or even on the line) while places like India and China get a free pass until they are at western standards. And even then we can only hope they agree to participate at that stage. Quite a gamble to play roulette with your economy on a hope. Yes we know that the earth's climate has not changed in such a short time frame during recorded weather history. However, we don't know if anything similar has happened prior to global weather records - key thing being record keeping here. How do you temper the India's of the world into limiting development? Or better yet, have the west fundamentally change their way of life? It's a huge undertaking and we will really never know in our lifetimes if any effort made a difference, green profiteering being irregardless to that. Funny story, was just reading an editorial in a TO newspaper: Toronto Hydro is raising electricity prices for an ironic reason - Residents of Toronto have been so good at conservation, T-Hydro is under it's revenue forecast and needs to raise more. Nothing to do with profit. How's that for a reward 416ers? you conserved too well... Nice incentive. One other thing - this isn't a pesticide debate or anything else of that nature. Some people just won't believe facts, no matter what you say. There is one fundamental issue with this and that is simply that global warming is still a theory. We can't forget that, irregardless of what your position(s) is/are - and if your like me, your sitting in the middle with an eye on the vultures circling above.
  9. I was actually commenting on global warming, not pollution in general. My comments are specifically geared towards climate change and my personal opinion that there are more factors at play than simply carbon. Taking it in the light of overall pollution, what I said doesn't make a whole lot of sense and although the topics are related, they are different. Off topic, and in response to your post, I would argue that oceans being devoid of fish may have a bit more to do with poor commercial fishing practices than pollution. You are correct in that us human's are certainly impacting the earth in general, my overall concern for the earth isn't as great as it is for us being on it. I'm not against best environmental practises and do my best to control energy waste/usage, but I'm not an idiot either and am not interested in being taken for a ride. Suzuki just finished his tour of Canada pushing the issue. The man has the audacity to be touring with a full coach bus. His own people admit that he will/has dumped about 20 or so tons of carbon due to the trip. Problem is he could have rented a van, or maybe even a fuel cell bus to make a point, as he only had 3 or 4 people at the most in this thing. It was more than excessive. He felt it was OK as he was going to donate some money as a "carbon tax" to a green fund for the amount used. No doubt one of his own green causes I'm sure. That's the message folks - go ahead and pollute, just make it carbon neutral by handing some money over to a green company. But I digress, this has nothing to do with profiteering. This is only about saving the planet... right? I know I'm not in the politically correct arena here, but I'm more than a little skeptical of the people pushing this and their actual agenda's.
  10. To be honest, I don't think brand matters much... I got a B&G at Walmart 6 or 7 years ago and it's great. I think it cost me 250., 5.5 hp. I think the brand was MDS but it was briggs and straton under the hood - and its great - no matter how hard I treat it - it just won't die. It's not really about the price. Some of the mass produced good brands are junkier than the "cheaper" smaller brands. I wouldn't be too hung up on the brand. I would look at engine, profile (max height available - a lot of the newer models are too low and if you have a couple weeks growth, yikes). I will say that I know the john deere's are bullet proof. Had a friend that had it for a million years... never skipped a beat. Mulching option is good if there is enough hp on it. Low hp + mulching + tall grass = swearing.
  11. ^ that's the best way to put it I think. Do everything possible, err on the side of caution, but keep everything on the table with a healthy "grain of salt". If guys want to keep their lights on all night, it isn't communism so the best option is educate, but in the same vein, gorebal warming needs proper checks and balances in place so we don't all jump off the cliff during the hysteria.
  12. For me it's really simple: I find it extemely arrogant of mankind to think they could put a dent into a planet that has been around for millions of years and been through far more pressure from solar extremes than we could imagine. If the planet could talk, it would probably say give me a shower and remember that your all your meaningless peons in the grand scheme of my life. Green movement is a "business" movement first and foremost. Exploit good natured tree huggers and use heavy doses of fear mixed in with some sprinkles of guilt to burn holes in our collective pockets. But we'll feel good about being ripped off I suppose... Hmmm... now that I think about it, has mankind gone wrong in the past with theories that weren't actually proven??... no wait, that couldn't have happened before... we are far too superior and important to have made colossal mistakes based on suspect science or convoluted fact? And surely global warming has nothing to do with external circumstances like decreased or elevated levels of solar activity that have direct interaction with cloud formation which plays a vital role in climate control. Nah. it must be humans because at this stage of the game, we are all god like and our 50-60 year industrial revolution has destroyed millions of years of evolution. Sorry, it's not just arrogant, taking theory for fact is absurd. There is nothing wrong with cleaning the environment and being cautious with your energy use/pollution habits, but there is something wrong being bilked out of gazillions in personal and public dollars based on theories. All the while it's the theorists that will benefit the most, with fat bank accounts - if it was that important, why are most of these "green" organizations that are popping up everywhere for profit and not charitable?
  13. hahahaha!!
  14. I can't stand the light CFL gives off - gives me a head ache. I'll have to get used to it at some point I suppose but it really bugs me... What happened to global cooling anyway? 30 years ago that was all the rage, now it's global warming... why can't we just meet in the middle and call it global room temperaturing?
  15. Just tell them your thinking of your bud in a dress - they will understand... Or avoid you for a while
  16. I'm personally upset at the blatent disregard for the safety and well being of that drink.
  17. Same here CC... You know darn well these guys have some serious penis evny. Keep those reports coming. We all love them! No matter what ity bitty peni thinks...
  18. Vlad the impaler
  19. Nice job bro! Never had much interest in going to Cuba, but seeing that mess of fish gives me a new point of view!
  20. Agreed - not to turn this into a BPS love fest or anything but I was there on Wednesday to pick up a float reel and a few other things. The guy behind the counter must have spent a good 25 minutes talking about the setup's he uses, even went as far to bring me to the different backings/mainline, etc. that he goes by. Never once did I feel like I was being sold on anything nor did I feel like I was nusiance to him at all - nor the girl behind the counter that started showing me picks of some of her river fishing experiences - that was cool too. Might very well be one of the better shopping experiences I've had - and this is coming from a guy that hates shopping and relatively avoids talking to the guys behind the counter at that "other" store simply due to bad prior experiences. I like the smaller shops just as much as BPS, but I really give credit to the guys/gals at BPS that make an honest attempt to enhance the shoppers experience - it makes the trip out well worth while.
  21. Good one! I like subtle strategy. Not as tough starting out but then it forces you to be creative getting through it. Very cool... I had a laugh at one point, - I won't give it away but it's funny in how you go about it getting past this particular squaking obstacle...
  22. No kidding? Nice surpise for sure... Good on BPS.
  23. hahaha... nice! I was suckered too...
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