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Everything posted by BillM

  1. Fish'n'Canada let the cat out of the bag concerning BC bass a long time ago, lol. Definitely an untapped resource.
  2. He can still appeal unfortunately. I hope this is the last time we hear of it.
  3. Don't feel too bad Brian, I drove home from the Notty once with my Loomis IM6 and Frogwater on the roof of my car, lol!!
  4. You don't have to go 3+mph to catch big kings, 2.5mph is fine.. You might get 3mph out of your baits (Or more) depending on the winds and current.
  5. There's a time and place to speed on that highway and it's definitely not when there's a crapload of traffic. The worst thing are the guys thinking that weaving in and out of traffic gaining them 10ft over the car behind them is some sort of victory? lol
  6. It's not the road, it's the idiots on them.
  7. Now people will just keep their reports in their back pocket. I just can't wrap my head around this, lol
  8. I can't believe someone actually requested this info via the freedom of information act, lol what a loser.
  9. I dunno if I'd ever pay to fish that lake.
  10. Yup, this works so much better then any time behind bars.
  11. With my luck I'd lose them. No thanks.
  12. Six Mile Lake just north of GPool? Doubt they'd be walleyes at that depth with the water temps they way they are. Drop a jig down and see what happens.
  13. I think I'll be doing a solo trip up there in a next few weeks, can't wait to get back.
  14. I don't think the initial diagnosis is correct. Definitely get someone to look into it further before dumping all kinds of $$$ into a repair.
  15. I hate those shallow water whities, always think they are brookies until I see their backs, lol.
  16. I don't make mine too long, they become a pain in the butt when bringing them in or deploying. 6-8ft at most.
  17. Everything eats the gobies, whities, lakers, bass. Nothing we can do about them now.
  18. Found the same thing on GPool on opener.. Lots and lots of brown weed, very sparse green stuff. Biggest smallie about 3lbs came out of a 16ft hump on a tiny crappie jig, lol.
  19. With Price not between the pipes, Montreal is doomed.
  20. Yup, everyones will eventually be dead. Just a matter of time.
  21. WU got me on bass opener. Whitecaps everywhere, lol.
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