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Everything posted by BillM

  1. Fall steelhead action is just starting to heat up! Great vid.
  2. Gbay is great, but it's nothing like the Attawapiskat or other similar flyin lodges on big river/water systems. The first day up on North Caribou I think we put 5 or 6 in the boat over 40in. You're not doing that on Gbay.
  3. Wouldn't be surprised, have you seen the baits guys are trolling in the fall? lol
  4. Lots of softwater fishing to do! Smallies are on fire!
  5. I still make 'pussy' jigs from cat hair, lol. Browns love them.
  6. You aren't going to win the cup playing the neutral zone trap, lol.
  7. My go to under the float for fall brownies are white jigs, I love fishing that in the frog water. Don't count out live emeralds as well, nothing will pass that up!
  8. BillM


    Yeah salmon are long gone.
  9. I usually cook steelhead or trout whole. Meat just comes off, and zero bones.
  10. Maybe a bit early for fall brownies but whatever pier chucking gear you have will work just fine.
  11. Lets hit the net the next time we hit the ice ok? Jesus.
  12. My fav was when him and Randy came out. Randy dressed in the bee outfit and Lahey as Indiana Jones (Or as Ricky would say Indianapolis Jones, lol!)
  13. I really wanted to fish muskie, but I'm glad the weather turned me north instead
  14. Raf, I guess you need to weigh the pros vs cons. I'd hate to lose warranty as well. Luckily any diesel I've bought has been out of warranty so it's never been a concern.
  15. No salmon there. And yes there's a sanctuary nearby. Only thing you'll be fishing for this time of year at depot would be escapee rainbow trout.
  16. Any modern diesel with the amount of emissions crap they've slapped on them in recent years will have issues. EGRs, SCR systems, DPF, the list goes on and on. Another reason to delete all that stuff, get a retune and never worry about it again.
  17. Is the yellow bucket brigade the guys getting busted by the MNR for keeping over their limit of escapees? lol
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