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Everything posted by BillM

  1. That's too bad, St.Croix makes a great rod with a great warranty. I'd rather have it US made then Chinese
  2. That's the plan man, but we all know how plans work out sometimes, lol!!
  3. Packing for this week, I'll fish musky when I get home I guess Good job! Great pic of the moose!
  4. You shouldn't have any issues with this rebate Rizzo, lol.
  5. Goodluck! Johnson Silver Minnow with a big Kalins grub on the back was always the ticket for me when fishing up there
  6. Nice job man!!! I'm heading to the land of giants on Thursday, I'm hoping to find the 50in'r that broke my heart a few years ago.
  7. These are midges, I can't see the mayflies being out yet. Guys on Lake O have been dealing with these buggers for a few weeks.
  8. Those sound like midges. Been swarming boaters for a few weeks now.
  9. Sure, find the deep spots, get close to the bottom and keep at it.
  10. If there are mayflies everywhere, then slow death hooks and little bits of worm would be the ticket.
  11. Late spring = late bugs. Let's hope they stay at bay until I get back.
  12. Absolutely, you can make that loop as big as you want. For light line I use an improved clinch. Not a fan of the palomar with 3-5lb flouro leads.
  13. With bad hands I can't see anything easier then the palomar.
  14. Really like your last spot as well. Anything with multiple rapids should be the ticket and have a lot of holding water.
  15. I saw 77 in a back bay when looking for crappie. Craziness.
  16. Current sections are always a draw, really doesn't matter what time of year it is. I'd fish that section and the one south of it if you're looking for brookies. Also the one way upstream of it looks killer as well. The next section below your initial spot looks the best out of all of them. https://zoom.earth/#51.368232,-77.752476,13z,sat
  17. Wish I could help, I've only ever fished them in rivers(Sutton, Asheweig).. Let us know how you make out!
  18. Lets hope the bugs haven't started yet, but I have a feeling they have. Good luck! I rescheduled my trip, heading up on the 8th! w00t w00t.
  19. Problem is after going through the bush that clear is going to look like garbage and he'll probably wanna take it off, lol
  20. Dave, I'll sacrifice my feelings for some NWT lakers and snakes
  21. The gunnel height on the Pro-Vs aren't high enough for my liking, on my buddies I feel like I'm sitting ontop of, not IN the boat if that makes any sense. I don't get that feeling with our Pro Sport though, although I wish I had an extra 2ft to play with I haven't had a boat where I'm as comfortable in the rough stuff though, I do get why people pay the money these boats command. The search for the perfect prop continues!
  22. Didn't go, partner canceled, long drive by myself I'll be up there in Aug.
  23. I'm sure we might fish some of the same pikey water north of HH. Goodluck, I've blanked so far this spring. My one spot that usually has 6ft of weed growth by now has zero, lol. Always a big girl or two hanging around there.
  24. I think the lack of new weed growth is putting a damper on things, everything is behind this year. I've found lots of snot rockets but no big girls yet. Haven't even seen one. Last place I fished water was 68, with those temps the big girls should have been moved back in after the spawn. Hopefully you make out better then I have!
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