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Everything posted by BillM

  1. resists.....urge....to....reply...
  2. All we got were snot rockets today, biggest maybe 6-7lbs.. The warm water has really turned them on... I think we were averaging about 72 degrees today for water temp.
  3. I'd had 4 beers tonight, is that a good excuse? :clapping: The shirtless pics are his trademark!!!
  4. :EDIT: It's the beer!! We got into a couple of OOS fish today, but actually made out fairly well with the pike...
  5. Dave, pics of you in that boat out on the lake please, lol
  6. I was assuming this was a new species similar to the whole asian carp fiasco in Lake Michigan.
  7. Have you put an unweighted nightcrawler past his nose?
  8. I had a lovely PM convo with Cliff and we'll hopefully having a brew and a few fish tails to tell in the near future. You can take the twist out of your panties anytime now.
  9. A buddy of mine used to work for Toromont CAT before ending up with the Coast Guard. He told me some very interesting stories, lol... Hell the lube truck sounds like a fun job
  10. I guess you and I read things differently. My apologies to Cliff and anyone else that took offense to my original reply. That still doesn't change my stance on the subject, but again that's my opinion.
  11. You forgot to mention that you need to be a certified mechanic to do all those things. Or did you completely miss my point and go off on some misinformed rant? (I'm thinking #2) We can poodle back and forth about this all day, you are entitled to your opinion, I'm entitled to mine. How about we just leave it at?
  12. Nice dude! If you ever need a netter, let me know. Still haven't been out on the Simcoe software yet this year, lol
  13. IT Management, but I'm not to sure how that matters in this conversation. Anything else you'd like to know? Perhaps the amounts in a few of the boxes on my T4 slip? My point is this.. Swapping out a headgasket isn't complicated, either is cleaning a carburetor. If you have a bit of mechanic ability and some patience you could easily tackle it. Now, what I do have a problem with is someone coming on here and trying to 'scare' the poor guy into taking it in somewhere to get replaced. Perhaps I misunderstood Cliffs reply, but I don't think so. I guess I've pissed off a lot of VW and GMC mechanics by doing all my own work on my car or truck. I don't remember taking that $7000 course or buying $10,000 worth of tools to do it either... Food for thought.
  14. Typical mechanics response. What a joke.
  15. Man, a headgasket on that motor isn't a complicated thing.. You might want to try it someday, it's not as intimidating as it sounds.
  16. Run the tank down to a 1/4 tank, dump a can of Seafoam in it and run it almost dry. I've run it in my truck, but I just unplugged the vacuum hose to the brake booster and ran it through the engine that way (straight)
  17. Mike has the answer, we can end this thread
  18. Perhaps turning over a few stones and finding some stonefly nymphs... Put that on a #14-16 hook and dead drift it right into the beaver lodge
  19. I better patent that before one of you guys steals my idea!!!!
  20. I am just going to wear my floater suit 24/7 while in the boat...........even in the summer time..
  21. We should probably demolish baseball fields, hockey rinks and walking paths.... They are all potential hazards as well. I'm sorry your nephew got hurt, but it was nobodies fault but his own. Kids get hurt, it's a apart of growing up. Laws are there to protect you... If you aren't smart enough to abide by them, without the fear of getting caught I really don't know what to tell you. I don't need a law to tell me to wear a helmet, do you? I guess you really can't teach common sense....too bad.
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