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Everything posted by BillM

  1. Lots and lots of rain in the forecast for the entire week. Can't complain to much though!
  2. I'm sure GM is really heartbroken about the fact you won't buy another GM product The Duramax/Allison combo is killer, at least they learned from their mistakes.
  3. If you want to destroy your diesel, that's the best way to do it.
  4. Why would GM try and reinvent the diesel after the 6.5? That might probably be the worst engine, ever. Instead they get a tried and true powerplant with the Duramax and combined it with easily the best transmission on the market. If you ask me, they did it right.
  5. They aren't coming over here to fish Hunting is where the $$$ is at.
  6. Is anyone really surprised? I hope the OP reports her.
  7. I'm going to start running off road dyed diesel, lol
  8. There are 3 major refineries in Canada. ALL gas stations get it from one of these 3.. I have a buddy who hauls fuel for Suncor.. It all comes from the same place, lol.
  9. He'll stand in front of the judge.. And depending on where the court is, that's the only person he'll talk to.. The Crown can recommend the fine be reduced, but they don't approve it.. That's the job of the judge.
  10. Bring the shotgun next time for those cormorants!
  11. Sell your truck/car buy a bike.
  12. No he won't.. He'd be silly not to go to court and plead to a lessor charge or at least a reduced fine. They'll give it to him without issue.
  13. Never heard of that lake before.
  14. My charge isn't going to cost very much at all.. I'll get it reduced to something silly, low fine and no points. ( This is my first accident so the insurance company gives me a freebie. I also didn't make a claim on my truck (so there are no costs to me at all).. As far as time to go to court, I'll work from home that day
  15. That's what police reports are for. All the info you need.
  16. If I got into an accident and someone asked for my license, I'd outright refuse. They have no need to have my license in their possession. You'd get my insurance information and that's it. I tapped the rear of a lady on an offramp this winter while coming back from fishing.. One of those people who is turning right on a red, goes about 3ft then stops again. I tapped her at maybe 2-3km/h. Well the we pull over and she calls the cops, then refuses medical treatment, lol. So I get charged with careless, court date is in a few weeks. Even the cop was shaking his head....
  17. My dad calls them pickerel, so that's what they are
  18. Simcoe is ice free from Kemp as far as I can see east towards BBP.... Was down there tonight for a walk.
  19. Dan, I'm sorry bud. My condolences to you and yours.
  20. I would really appreciate anyone in the Simcoe area giving me a heads up.. I've never fished for smelt, but I could use a dozen or so for spring pike!
  21. I thought this was going to be about mono vs flouro
  22. Mike, you wanna come over and help me with my lawn? lol
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