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BillM last won the day on September 25 2024

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About BillM

  • Birthday 10/29/1976

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    Barrie, ON.

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Imperial Angler

Imperial Angler (10/10)



  1. Let's remove ALL THE SLIME off the fish before we release it. Good god those guys need some lessons in handling.
  2. i don't need any new muskie gear this year (Unless St.Croix comes out with a 10ft Legend Tournament lol)
  3. Depends on what I'm fishing for. If it's muskies I'm not stopping till I hit NWO.
  4. This is going to be quite the S show.
  5. Yup, gimme two rods for muskie trollng, that's all I really want. I've got no desire to hang a live sucker off the back of the boat while I cast.
  6. MNR shut down the idea of 2 rods on Gbay, at least for this year.
  7. All good bud! Let me know if you get into anymore of these things.
  8. Don't be afraid to make some runs. Scout out those giant weed beds before you even step foot on the plane.. I can show you some spots via Google Maps if you'd like.
  9. Been to Beteau, we did well on pike.. I think our boat got 10 or 12 over 40in for the week. Walleye were basically unlimited. Bring a bunch of Johnson Silver minnows and big Kalins grubs and superglue them to the back. They work really well through the weeds. Those fish will still be shallow in June. As for this year, The French (lower), Nipissing, GBay like always.
  10. Ohhh I could use some of those come May 1st!
  11. Lower Niagara if it were me. Basically every species you could imagine. Lyle from HookedOnNiagara or Paul from Cast Adventures would be the ticket. Can find both of them on Facebook. Great guides.
  12. No fish in that lake, stay away.. lol
  13. I'd run rubber studs if I could. And I really think it depends on where you live if they should be mandatory or not. The entire province doesn't get the same weather.
  14. I've already got two Helix 12s, the sickness started years ago!!! lol!
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