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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. for the most part...but really, the standings are what matters. The leafs got off to one of the worst starts they have had in a decade and are now trending in the right direction after a coaching change, meanwhile the sens are what 5 years away from even having a team that can make the playoffs again? Will the franchise survive long enough , or will they be the nordiques by the time they make the playoffs again?
  2. I need to learn a thing or two from you about 1. writing reports as good as yours and 2. how to land those monster gar!
  3. "so much of what the leafs are missing" whats that, 3rd and 4th line talent playing on the top line? "Fast" lol the leafs are perhaps the fastest team in the entire NHL. Ron Hainsey just an absolute rocket out there "Will not back down" sounds a lot to me like a team that doesnt give up even when they are losing almost every night ahahaha "fun to watch" if you consider watching your team lose almost every night "fun" then i guess you are right
  4. Lets definitely get out again this winter! Cheers and nashville is really really cool. If you like live music its a must go The lake is frozen, just how much is tbd! I will hopefully be wetting a line through a hole on saturday! and hopefully the line isnt getting wet because ive fallen in with it lol. Ive been living 50% ish of my time at the lake now and loving it! so soooooooon Cheers! tri lakes kinda has it all if you are a bass angler, slop, grass, shoals, deep, shallow you name it. I could go get a bag of 5 smallies or a bag of 5 green ones, dependent on your mood. Im nowhere near a good enough LM fisherman, soooo much to learn still. cheers bill!
  5. this is great. I think my dad somewhat believes me now when i tell him that trimming up a little will solve his problem. this all stemmed from him being convinced his motor was causing issues with the previous deucer, however it didnt show the right beam even with the motor out of the water.
  6. Ive got my dad wearing one all of the time now. His balance aint what it used to be even when sitting in the boat walleye fishing, its when you catch a fish and he reaches for the net and stumbles etc. Always glad hes wearing one now.
  7. I did a bunch of research on this and literally couldnt find any specific reference to a defined expiry for them. I found it weird but i was certain that I was supposed to be re-arming mine at some sort of frequency. then when i looked into it, it always just said inspect the thing and make sure you store them correctly... maybe someone knows better than I? But im pretty certain that if the thing is armed and the "status" indicator is green and good to go, you have nothing to worry about.
  8. I really like my cabellas guidewear auto i wrote a thread about auto inflatables a while back and the somewhat stupid mentality that I had gained from people talking about the fact that some people have had them malfunction and not Inflate. the problem with this logic is that basically 99% of people who wear lifejackets in the boat take them off once they are no longer under power...I was guilty of this, I always wore my jacket under power but then slipped it off to fish! Stupid! All because I was caught up in this idea that my auto inflate might not inflate while I’m driving my boat fast! which all things considered is stupid as all hell because the majority of drowning accidents are from people falling off of boats while fishing. I think we can all agree that wearing an inflatable pdf full time is 1000000 times safer than wearing your foam pdf while driving but then taking it off to fish. These things are so comfy these days I’ve fallen asleep on my couch inside the cottage while still wearing mine!
  9. Hi Guys, Looking back its been longer than I thought. Its been over 6 months since I last told you guys whats been going on in my life. The boat is away in her slumber for winter and we are in that terrible limbo period between no ice and enough ice to walk on. I somewhat planned it earlier this year to finish up getting my Project Management Professional Designation that I have been working on over the past 5 years. I of course timed it right into the period where fishing is limited by ice and bad weather. Well after taking a 4 day intensive crash course and then studying intently for a month straight I took the exam on Friday and to quote Ricky "I passed with flying f-k-in carpets" Now that my mind is a bit more free, there aint much fishing to do, and work somewhat quieting down as we head into the holidays I figured it was time to post up yet another AKRISONER's (eh-kree-one-ers) somewhat semi annual year in review! When we had just left off, Bass season had just opened, we had had some absolutely incredibly spring fishing. the bugs were bad but the bites were good. Once July hit though, I dont know what tipped it off, but it set off one of the most challenging summers of bass fishing up on G bay I have experienced. My catches were less notable size wise but this two faced smallie was interesting. Ive seen the black spot patterns on smallies many times, but this guy had the most extensive black marking I have ever seen on a fish! My girlfriend, her beginners luck having long dried out, is now learning the finer details of what it takes to catch fish consistently. You dont catch a PB every trip, her face telling as much HAHAHA!. Her luck the previous couple of years was just ridiculous, she still had the biggest pike caught at the cottage in the past 3 years! Bites were tough to find, when you got them the size just wasnt there. In some ways it was a blessing in disguise. The smallie bite being junk meant i spent way more time learning how to flip and punch. I can honestly say I am now a flipping addict. Aside from a good topwater smallie bite, i may not enjoy anything more than flipping. Georgian Bay's recent high water has caused large expanses of forest in the back bays to be reclaimed by the lake. The areas I fish have within 2 years become an incredible timber fishery. If you want to talk about Bass and their movements, It became 100% obvious that those fish are opportunistic as all hell. They go where the best cover is even if that cover didnt exist two years ago. Flipping the flooded trees takes me back to fishing santee and guntersville. In fact sometimes I swear to god the laydowns at guntersville and up on G bay are almost indistinguishable. Whats scary though is that when the wind blows hard enough the dead trees regularly fall! Multiple times this year ive been fishing near them when a gust of wind knocked over nearby trees! Spending a lot more time in the back bays brought a couple of really cool new experiences due to situations that I was aware of, but had never specifically tried to capitalize on. The first one being the late summer collection of gar that occurs in a couple of my largemouth spots. They seem to just one day appear in droves. Im talking trophy sized gar, some definitely close to 50 inches if not over. Admittedly I have absolutely no friggin clue what so ever to what I am doing when it comes to gar. One particular hot sunny day in the pads flipping I switched it up on a particular clear patch and tossed out a small sized spook, and not realizing that the gar were there, one charged my spook but didnt bite. This was quite literally the first time I had ever had a gar act aggressively towards one of my lures. Ive had them swipe at crank/wakebaits in the past, but generally even they spooked any of the fish with any size. It was only the tiny ones that were aggressive. This fish however was a decent size. The Gar having settled right back into sunning itself on the surface of the water was open for me to make a quite approach and begin flipping my spook until i felt that I had the perfect line to bring the lure right past his mouth. Sure enough as my spook walking approached it, he began to get excited with his fins fanning, I brought the lure right up to his mouth and gave it a twitch and he swiped. Knowing i needed to bury those trebles into that bony nose i set the hook hard and he was hooked. He went airborn and gave me a decent little fight and sure enough I had caught my first gar on a topwater none the less! a quick photo and release later i then realized I was completely surrounded by hundreds of these things. Big small and in between there were gar absolutely everywhere. I kept using the same technique, kept getting bites, even hooking up but could only manage to land one more. I even had an absolute giant on at one point but I couldnt keep it pinned. He t-boned the spook and had it clearly sideways in his schnoz, one extra jump and off he came. Regardless a really cool experience and maybe something I will have to exploit a bit more when the bass fishing is slow. The one thing I cant get over is how damn weird they feel to hold. They stink like a pike and feel like a sheet of metal! To switch it up, a big part of my summer has now also been diverted to fishing a small set of tournaments mainly based around the kawarthas, 2 of which are hosted by my close family friends and two others by the trailer park that they have their trailer in and the finale a small family tournament hosted by me for the first time this year! (more on this later) I love fishing the tri-lakes because they are just so very different then G bay, it challenges me as an angler and summer largemouth fishing offshore is something that I have a driving desire to continue learning. This year I learned a lot fishing those tournaments and I hope to continue to understand deep offshore weed structure and how largemouth relate to it. Spent time graphing, pre-fishing, learning and fishing hard. Some of those weekdays off of work alone on the water learning were absolutely awesome. The lakes were what they always were, punishing during the tournament and more than gracious while fun fishing before and after the tournament. One particular July weekend, we didnt catch 5 keepers all day saturday, feeling dissatisfied we went out and did some flipping on pigeon, sure enough in the hour and a half we were out there in the absolutely howling wind, we hooked up with a 15+lb sack and a couple of muskys to boot. go figure lol My buddy dave actually won the tournament earlier in the day so perhaps it was his luck in the boat that did it. What a contrast, he had close to 20lbs for his days fishing, meanwhile I had about 4lbs until i started fishing with him! That tournament wrapped up, back up to my place I went to do one of my favourite things, taking my neice and nephews fishing, they are all old enough now to learn how to use spinning reels so a few weekends were spent teaching them to drop shot and catch smallies. The boys arent even scared to hold the fish anymore, Ashley not so much. My nephew Hudson is 10 now and has good command on a spinning reel, it was time to take him out fishing for real in the bassboat and teach him how to cast work a topwater and catch on his own. He loved the boat ride,i drove it like a tournament for him that day 55mph through the channels and narrows a big grin on his face the entire time and wouldnt you know it, a 10 year old is a better person to guide than his Dad...the main reason is that he listens to every word i say! Hudson became a pro with the Pop-r To quote him to his mom when he got back from fishing "today was the best day of my life" I think I felt the same way the first time i started catching smallmouths on topwater as well More tournaments on the tri lakes, more time spent fishing grass...youd think I had been getting a little sloppy or something! Then came the time, my best friend was getting married and a trip planned much earlier in the year saw 25 of his friends all make the trip down to Nashville for his bachelor party (I know 25 people?! his wedding also had 400!...if i died i dont think 25 people would even show up to my funeral lol) I saw my first college football game the Georgia Bulldogs vs the vanderbilt commodores. Nashville is an incredible city, great times were had along with far far too many alcoholic beverages. Back home we came where cooler september weather had arrived and finally the fish were doing things that I was accustomed to again. Another family tournament this time on stoney lake had me thinking I was finally going to take the trophy after struggling all year. The format for this one is a series of 3 5 hour sessions over the weekend. Session one we went out and caught pretty darn good for Stoney at that time of year. We had close to 11lbs for our 5 fish including a 4lber. Figuring the other guys did ok we got back to the docks to find out that Jamie the host for this family tournament didnt make it back for weigh in. Sure enough his outboard was having electrical issues so out we went to tow him home. Once at home we weighed fish, they had 2 fish for 1.2lbs and their boat was toast. The other two boats literally got skunked. I had a 10lb lead. I figured if i caught a limit of fish again there was basically no way to catch me even if I only caught dinks...the other guys got skunked again. I decided to go fun fishing in the evening since we weren't going to do the second leg due to the motor issues but with no main motor those guys went out on the next morning go figure I caught a limit of 5 bass that weighed 4 lbs and they caught 13 something and I lost both the big fish and the biggest weight. Needless to say I was a little rattled. My following weekends were not much fishing and a lot of work on our boathouse up at our house. I spent 4 full 9 hour days on weekends in the lake in late September replacing a crib (about the worst work you can do, diving under 6 feet of water to pick up 150lb rocks, hauling them to shore, replacing the crib and then filling it back up again) and then the next weekends jacking up the boathouse to try and get the beams out of the now high G bay water. Weirdest of all of this was a bowfin that had taken up residence in our boathouse cribs that basically had no fear of humans at all. He would swim right up to you while you were working in the water. One evening I snuck out for a quick largie bite and explosion after explosion in the pads had me thinking that the bass were feeding. It was dark and out I casted my frog when it got absolutely smoked, I set the hook hard and a hell of a battle ensued, I figured I had finally caught a PB largemouth, not being able to see anything in the black water, This bugger got bass flipped over the side of my boat lol. Once the work settled down a late september warmup hit...past experience told me that sometimes when you get those hot calm days in late september and early october where the water temperature spikes, the fish come up almost into a spring trance, youll find smallmouth up feeding with their backs nearly out of the water. That weekend was one for the books. We put down a bag just short of 20lbs for our best 5 fish, double headers, top water strikes, sight fishing in 3 fow of water, crankbaiting on shoals you name it we were doing it and just hammering big smallmouth after big smallmouth. What a riot! Then a week later, back to the cold fall weather. The fish moved back out of the edge and started stacking up and feeding on bait. Find bait, find hungry hungry smallies nearby. This time it was my turn to host all of the guys up for our family fishing jam and the lake was setting up beautifully. Having put a small no fishing zone to keep everyone on their toes, i headed to it the day before just to see how the fish were patterning up. While on the phone chatting with my brother on speakerphone, I was catching some pretty decent fish when i hooked into one and I immediately said to my brother "hold on this one feels really big" She came from the front of the boat and made a run to the back and then around my motor just to keep things interesting. As i swung her around away from the motor i yelled "oh my god thats huge" continuing the battle on the 8lb test dropshot i am crying "dont come off!" and into the net she went, just a beautifully thick healthy fish 5.86lb and not even a lot of gut on her, just pure muscle and size. I figured if I lost my little jamboree I was hosting, it didnt matter I had just caught a pb smallmouth whatever came next didnt really matter. The next day we headed out, and the magic begun. I had a few places in mind related to a small chain of shoals plus a couple of main basin points. We started on the shoals and proceeded to catch fish after fish after fish. We had a limit in about 25 minutes and the spot just kept producing for almost 3 hours. After things started to slow down, we moved. We found a musky, a couple of big pike and a couple of small bass so off we moved again. We upgraded one fish at the next spot, but with only 2 hours left in the day my partner and I agreed, maybe our original spot had replenished after resting for 5 hours, lets give it one last shot to see if we could upgrade. Upgrade with did we culled two more fish and pulled in the big fish for day a beauty 4lb+ smallmouth. returning to the docks for weigh in, The guys started weighing and I looked at the fish they were weighing and i said to myself, omg there is no way in hell we have won, everyone had clearly laid a beating to em out there. I didnt see a single fish under 2lbs easy. When it came to weigh our bag, the scale showed 16lbs I couldnt believe it, we had won by 2oz. Everyone was within 1lb of each other the lake had absolutely produced a pile of sacks that day. The boys even went back out in the evening and Dave hooked up with another 5lber plus the guys bagged a couple of 4's just ridiculous numbers and size. All told I think between the boats we had all caught over 100 fish on the day and only a handful were less than 2lbs. Work made the call a week later, and it was off to thunder bay for the first time to do a meeting, and with a free flight to thunder bay, i was also going to have a look around and wet a line. I ended up doing a bit of fly fishing, but the river was pretty blown as thunder bay had just had a big rain storm 2 days prior. It was nice to do some fly fishing again. Thunder bay was absolutely beautiful as well. I made a quick drive out to kakabaka falls (spelling?) as well. It was far more impressive than i expected...the size and volume of it was astounding! It was also quite cold, with the mist putting a layer of ice on everything. Fall was in full swing indeed. Even the November Great lakes Gales were early, that one particular storm that devastated the shorelines of lake erie, I headed out musky fishing in it. Usually when I go fishing in intensely bad weather I get rewarded. Well if you can call a blood blister rewarding after the gearing on my Abu reel exploded and jammed my finger all into the spool rewarding, then i guess it was a really successful musky trip in 100kmh winds. The good news was though that with the arrival of crappy weather, the walleye were getting hungry. An annual tradition up at our place my brother brought some of his buddies for our walleye weekend. The season as a whole this year was definitely not as crazy as previous years for numbers, there were good days and slower days mixed in. No skunks but only one day with the insane numbers that we have grown accustomed to. Some great fish caught and a few lost. The cold snapping right in before october was done. That called for my favourite chore of all (intense sarcasm), removing the docks and marine rail systems while the snow flied and the lake froze. Just out for a casual dip in the snow. A few more odd jobs around the cottage, I learned to service an outboard carb for first time, it sort of felt like a right of passage. The motor is all ready for next years musky trolling, the boats are away and im sitting here itching to get on the ice while it pours rain outside. I guess we shall see what happens as the week winds on. Early forecast calls for some very cold nights up near north this week, hopefully not too much snow and maybe just maybe Ill be able to throw the lifejacket and rope on and sneak out onto the ice in front of my place and wet a line again. After all of that month of studying its due! Cheers till next time.
  10. definitely take the time to learn to replace your impeller. If you are handy at all you can figure it out and the winter is the best time to learn! I learned how to do mine on youtube!
  11. People go a little crazy about impellers. It really depends on the types of lakes you run the boat in when talking about when to change it. If you fish the kawarthas you need to be changing that thing regularly. If you mainly fish open water on the shield Lakes you can definitely push replacement intervals out a little longer. The rubber does degrade over time so eventually they need to be changed, but in general if you are fishing clear rocky lakes and not running your motor through the junk, rice, grass, slop and mud like on the kawarthas all of the time you should be good to go.
  12. This was my thought as well, simply trim up a bit and it should be fine right? his old unit no matter what you did completely lost it’s signal on the right side and hence he’s convinced it will be the same with his boat. My understanding was that the side beam is narrow front to back so if you aren’t trimmed totally down you won’t have an issue. a jack plate would definitely solve the issue but remounting the main is Not gonna happen lol
  13. Hey guys, my old man has an alumacraft trophy 19 deep v boat and took advantage of a Black Friday sale to get a new Humminbird unit with side imaging. his previous 798 unit was having some issues with gps and imaging where his one side image beam would just not read at all. anyways, long story short, being the overthinking panicker that he is, he has now convinced himself that his side imaging won’t work with his boat because his motor is going to be in the way of the beam. can anyone here that owns a deep v boat with a side imaging unit on it please confirm for me two things, 1. How you mounted your transdeucer and 2. Does your side imaging work without having to trim your motor entirely out of the water. I know this seems ridiculous but of course he doesn’t trust what I have to say because my boat is a bass boat so according to him they are “nothing alike”
  14. The harbour license Toronto port authority thing is beyond bogus. It drives me insane
  15. I unfortunately havent had the opportunity to do a fly in outfitter trip, but I am sure I would love them. The boys and I have been doing a yearly early spring bass fishing tent camping trip into the southern states. The fishing to be honest has been pretty bad every single time and the weather also not great. Our best outing I think we had one day we caught 5 largemouth total. But after 3 of the trips (the last one i literally got skunked for bass for 3 straight days) we got absolutely soaked in severe thunderstorms, I for some reason still want to go every year. Ive learned to appreciate taking the boat out in the first week of april while my home lake is still frozen. Wearing shorts and t shirts with the boys is what the trip is about. The fish are just a bonus. Luckily a bit of by-catch has kept it at least somewhat interesting. Ive caught some new species chain pickerel, warmouth, shellcracker, and ive caught a couple of giants a ridiculously huge bowfin, a 20lb blue cat...so those things make it fun too. my buddy caught a 3lb shellcracker last year that was insane. Like most things, they are what you make of them. Attitude and expectations define your trip. Ive got so many stories, because even the really really bad parts are the best memories and stories to tell in hindsight.
  16. best part about the senaturds is that they cant even tank correctly lol I dont think the team survives the next decade
  17. a thread on another fishing forum talked about what guys are losing passion for and most were saying dear hunting. Between land usage rights (especially down in the states) cost, work it was a big time ordeal. Ive considered taking up deer hunting, i have the benefit of some good land in my backyard, but even then it seems like way too much work, where with fishing I can choose to eat or not, and typically i catch every day.
  18. the itch is real. My Lake locked up, and then broke up, Its now locked up again but definitely not safe yet, and we are due for another warm spell....still waiting patiently.
  19. This is the world of $300 dollar tickets. Even the guys that are fans that are given the tickets...they probably got them from work. Do you really want to be the guy that yells and screams and gets wasted while sitting in your cOmpany seats? In other news, habs fans have now resorted to thinking that they are going to trade Carey price for Taylor Hall! Lol I guess they think that their backup tender playing in front of their group of league average scoring and skill level “super stars” is going to fix the problem lmao fire the coach too while you are at it, I wonder what french coach the xenophobic fan base is suggesting to replace their current one lmao even better maybe you can force Babcock to take french lessons!
  20. All extremely accurate. I’ve got holes in my sled from ice punching through...the skirt on that spot is torn from dragging after falling out from under the cover. ours is holding up but it definitely leaves some stuff to be desired
  21. myself, and my two best friends that I fish with all use Buddy heaters with propane hoses that we ordered off of amazon hooked up to barbecue propane tanks. We all have never had any issues over the past 4 years. My only complaint about my little buddy heater is that the cage has a nack for popping off when its being towed in the sled.
  22. I am only speaking from light experience because I have had to tow the guys home off of the lake lol. I absolutely dont know the specifics of the issues its none of my business but I do know ive towed them off of the lake 2 times in the past 6 years lol.
  23. Im not huge on holding people accountable today for words they said in the past. But using the N word to a black man in the last what 50 years?? Youve gotta do better than that. I think the flames were willing to forgive him for that because it wasnt specifically directed at the player...schemantics, But then the second scandle came out, and the flames were already looking to fire the guy When the kicking and punching players came out?...forget it you are done. I pray to god that there are people smart enough to differentiate people saying bad words in the past vs using the N word with People of Colour, or physically abusing players. I pretty much guarantee that if we were to put a recorder on every single thing a person has said in their life and our jobs depended on us never saying anything out of line, every single person would lose their job. Theres a fine line, but I think Peters getting fired is a large combination of factors rather than one single specific problem that resulted in his firing. Kinda funny, in 2019 a hockey coach gets fired for stupid stuff he said and did, but a known racist draft dodging blundering idiot is the president of the United States lol But I digress...Please dont reply to this comment, i dont want the thread to get locked ahhahaha
  24. Scabs have given up 14 goals Over two Losses lol thats what happens when you call a bunch of 20 something goalscorers a quality top 6. we always knew that if price played at a human level the habs were toast
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