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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. Love the big fish photos downtown. I have no idea why I’ve never just got the harbour license and given it a whirl. Guys seems to really smash em down there. also loving this little trout creek jungle spot you’ve got going on. Unreal
  2. Gotta be careful Johnny, a lot of the weather apps can’t pull data from canada. Especially apple based weather info. I remember having an argument with a buddy about it cause he was convinced his apple weather app was saying it wasn’t going to storm, but when I showed him that the weather was pulling a forecast from Ohio for Peterborough he figured it out
  3. shame, my finbor that i hate is a foldy, and my finbore that i like is a two piece. Whoever though of the staggered handle type is an idiot they dont work at all. Let me know if you are interested in the stupid staggered folding handle one. Its never going to get used again at my place.
  4. two of my best friends are from canberra...its horrible, basically every inch of forest on the east coast is gone its nuts.
  5. the good ol boys should be out in their 3500 diesels by the weekend!
  6. Dan do us all a favour and dont educate the ministry too much. When i bought my boat i went to register it and it became completely obvious no one had ever registered a boat at the dufferin road location in the last 50 years. They made me pay a bit of tax on the trailer registration and I was out the door for $120 with plates!
  7. I definitely admitted I put my dog at risk. I put that out clear as day that I made the mistake and definitely learned from it. I 100% put myself at risk, just like anyone does any time they leave the house. I also backcountry snowboard where the risk of being in an aavalanche is extremely high in comparison to just staying on the resort. once again, just like going on the ice, you do what you can to mitigate risks. Wearing appropriate gear and carrying a beacon, probe and shovel. finally you said that I was putting my friend at risk? I am not in control of him. In fact as funny as it is, it was his idea to try and fish a different area in the first place. My responsibility to him is as simple as his is to me. We both take the right precautions and we both agree to help eachother should anything bad happen. I’m not certain where I’m responsible for his respective choices? He’s an experienced fisherman wearing the appropriate gear too. finally your reference to first responders...I can assure you right now that if I was needing first responders just like anyone else that ventures into the wilderness...I’d be dead long before they would ever be able to save me. There was 0 chance the cops were going to save my life if I was stuck in that water for an hour. they might go look for my body, but my survival suit, picks and rope were going to get me out of that water long before they ever showed up. Roelefson has a point, people should go in and see what it’s like. You’ll be more confident and comfortable when it happens unexpectedly. also the comments about cracking ice, there isn’t almost anything more true than that. The sketchiest ice is quite. Soft ice doesn’t make noise!
  8. I can’t find the helly hanson versions anywhere anymore either. I think they may have also stopped making them. They are a better suit, more pockets and features, internal suspenders etc. discontinued everywhere.
  9. Like most things, you take preventative measures to ensure that when things go catastrophically bad, that you will be able to get yourself out of the situation. in this case, I made a really bad error in judgement and the impact was simply that I got cold and had to dry my suit out literally for a week. that’s extremely low negative impact all things considered and the reason why is that I took every single other preventative measure possible. Absolutely had I not been dressed appropriately, aware of the ice conditions on the “good sections” of the lake, able to visibly see bad ice due to lack of snow cover (one of the key reasons for us even venturing out at all in the first place) ventured too far from home or been alone, all things I considered befofe venturing out, the situation could have ended horribly. So in the end I can live with the fact that I did basically everything else according to the book, I was with a friend walking in a line with myself in the lead checking the ice. wearing a survival suit, equipped with picks, and walking out very close to home allowing me to get home very easily should the worst happen. the comparisons you use are funny because quite literally the most dangerous activity anyone does on a day to day basis is drive a car. No one ever gives a second thought to it. Just like driving though, being overtired, making judgements in error and driving too fast/not according to conditions, being drunk, not wearing a seatbelt etc etc not doing any of these things allow you to mitigate the risks associated with driving. you are definitely more likely to die from heart disease from sitting on your behind all winter than you are getting outside and dying ice fishing. most horror stories you hear there is far far more at play than just some innocent soul falling through bad ice and dying. The most common of which is attempting to navigate lakes at night on a snowmobile without a floater suit on. I personally hate lake crossing at night, it’s disorientating as all hell and super difficult to have any spacial awareness unless the shoreline is immediately visible. When it snows nearly all bets are off and I would admit it’s very dangerous. Once again, this is where preventative and common sense measure can help you avoid trouble. Getting drunk and going for a rip out on the lake at midnight or leaving the ice shack to go home absolutely wasted is a recipe for disaster. Unfortunately lots of folks take a taste of that spoon and make the rest of the responsible, cautious, careful people a bad rep.
  10. The habs and sens are like the two pieces of the titanic, both at the bottom of the atlantic
  11. Frostbite is Alex’s company. He basically replicated the googan baits business plan and did it for ice fishing. He knew that the only way it would take off is getting weibe involved so he paid him to get involved/gave him a share in the company. I’m pretty certain alex has some well to do parents that are investing in their son’s business ventures. I don’t necessarily like the guy, but I don’t think he’s a bad person he’s just somewhat annoying in videos. He is definitely a decent little businessman though. Aaron specifically was responsible for developing frostbites line of rods. youll also notice that almost every single frostbite promo YouTube video features a close up of Aaron’s face. That’s what weibe has become, anything he touches basically turns to gold. it recently came out that frostbites hard baits are exact replicas of another company called “euro tackle” baits. Turns out China sold their mold to frostbite. it’s easy to tell what’s going on when in the most recent frostbite video Aaron basically complains that Alex is forcing him to go out fishing with him for the purpose of promoting their products. In a way you can see how pained Aaron is by what he has become. The fame has become a curse for him and you can tell he doesn’t like selling out but he’s trying to make a living. I feel somewhat bad for him.
  12. The fly in actually isn’t unfair because they have severely hindered their multi species ability by doing it. they basically have walleye, pike, lake trout, grayling , burbot and maybe whitefish to target? Anything else is going to tough to gain points on. fishing Lake Ontario, erie and simcoe seems far more unfair to me. I agree about the timing change because it made it funnier when they were really really tired, but I get it that it’s a safety issue especially with them driving both boats and trucks around. The sponsors probably wanted nothing to do with them and driving around insanely sleep deprived. you aren’t alone with your feelings about AP bassin, he’s widely disliked by a lot of people, hence they keep referencing it non stop. Aaron weibe makes fun of him a bunch of it too on the frostbite fishing channel.
  13. whats Montreal going to do, continue their xenophobic hiring practices and hire Guy Boucher? what a joke. love watching their overrated team fail miserably now that Carey Price hasnt thrown the entire franchise on his back. The cows are coming home for Montreal, every stupid terrible move theyve made for the past 20 years while being bailed out by world class goaltending is eating them up from the players to the management. Theres no end in sight either aside from a total sell off for draft picks while eating the overpaid salaries of their horrible contracts. They have all sorts of players locked up (price) until 2026 at 10.5 million a year. Not sure what the heck they can do aside from trying to get a pile of draft picks and just pay out money for players to play for other teams.
  14. First episode was great. Of course Taro falls in the lake before even getting on the boat for the first time Hahahaa what a guy. i can confirm, people may think Taro is putting it on because he’s on film...dude is 100% genuinely that wild and hilarious. Fishing with him was an absolute riot and I am planning on going with him again this year.
  15. With the weather we are having it looks like you are gonna need to drive sally down the trans canada to lake Winnipeg lol i think February will give you a chance to get it out. Long range looks much colder
  16. Sad Manny Milas isn’t involved this go around. That guy’s Al Linder impersonation literally makes me die every time.
  17. It just came out this week that he’s struggling with a lower body injury and I assume it’s a groin. Because if it’s your knee you wouldn’t continue playing a full schedule on it. unfortunately the only thing that heals a groin is time off, stretching and therapy. Which Morgan cant afford at the moment
  18. Only thing about EK is it’s quieter now that he’s gone to California. max a 60pt max 20 something goal scorer is thrown into the company of mcdavid, marchand, matthews, crosby on the regular. I wouldn’t even put him in the same dimension as any of the tkachuk’s yet everyone says they are the sandpaper type of players with a scoring ability...ya the tkachuks are exactly that, domi isn’t. i think people now know duchene is the victim of a good agent that got him overpaid. I wanna say bobby ryan is much the same except his is more related to his cocaine and alcohol problems rather than his inability to perform.
  19. Most overrated player in the nhl, EK or max domi?
  20. enough to not attend the games when the team makes the conference finals. Thanks for clarifying that 😜
  21. that 2001 sweep of ottawa was the moment i truly became a hockey/maple leafs fan. I was 12 years old and from that point on ive watched every single game that i possibly can.
  22. jeez the boys at bear point are in for a long winter. I think Callum Johnson just opened a bait shop too...Ouch I guess thats the way of the game, its feast or famine for those operators.
  23. lmao, imagine ottawa ever had a player that was half as good as matthews...actually maybe the argument could be made for chara being somewhere in the realm...but wait they traded him away for alex chaisson lol Heatly scored 50 goals, and then begged to get the hell out of ottawa too ahhaa
  24. yup, another dead canadian company. Unfortunately this company made a super high end quality product. Couldnt compete with the made in china crap and gone with the wind. Closest thing is the Mustang Integrity Deluxe, but even it isnt as nice. Im actually kinda ticked off, my suit aside from losing its waterproofing due to wear and age is a beast. Last year another crappy now made in china piece of junk Jiffy auger friggin overheated and melted a giant hole right into the front chest pocket of my suit.
  25. yup my nautilus is as well but its beat and needs replacing. Worked well though! Speaking of, has anyone seen the "deluxe" mustang at cabellas or anywhere in vaughan/barrie? I see that sail sells them but they are sold out. I am thinking of retiring my old full of holes dirty as hell and no longer waterproof suit after its one actual usage lol.
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