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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. guy is pretty well known on social media and connected to this site through 1 degree of separation. dudes also a hardcore fisherman so I don’t see why he’d get rid of the boat when he’d just need another one. Toronto and the GTA just keeps getting worse by the year for this crap as the city gets bigger and bigger
  2. When smart people are talking, I’m listening. Those coils are getting changed for sure now. Really fantastic tip. $70 usd a pop, not bad...not cheap but much cheaper than a top end rebuild!
  3. I believe they are original. I always thought that coil failure was very very noticeable though (I had them fail on my old car, the thing wouldn’t drive!) care to elighten me on how they could be the culprit? I’m totally open to totally replacing them and the wires! How would one go about testing them?
  4. Hey Guys, Beginning this year I noticed something was a little bit off with my 98 two stroke yamaha TLRW130. The main thing is that I seem to have lost about 3-4mph off of the top end at WOT. The motor had also seemed to maybe lost a bit of pep that I was used to. I wasnt sure if I was just getting fatter and weighing the boat down with quarantine weight. But lately ive been working out and eating right and am back in shape so its not that anymore 😆 Anyways, immediately when dealing with carbureted two strokes I think, compression, air and fuel delivery. In order of price and worrisomeness, I figured there was a chance that I was losing compression and this was causing my motor to not deliver as much power as I was accustomed to. So yesterday I took it upon myself to do a proper compression test (warmed up the motor, removed the plugs and turned the motor over on each cylinder) and thank the lord, my compression was about as close to 130psi as a person with a 22 year old motor could hope to be. Needless to say the headgasket and rings are in good shape. So now after discussing with a few friends who are a bit more mechanically inclined I talked about what things I should consider to try and get the motor back up to speed. First obvious choice is the plugs, but I change those every year so the current set literally only has about 20 hours at most on them. One friend mentioned the gapping, but the plugs Im running are the plugs for my outboard. I dont see how they should need re-gapping? (feel free to tell me why im wrong here, im oblivious) Second, is bad/weird gas...I only run premium ethanol free fuel in the boat and regularly run seafoam through. No different gas has changed anything. One friend mentioned to check the reed valves for wear and seal. A good idea IMO, i may even upgrade these to a performance set manufactured by the top yamaha outboard performance shop in the United States. Doesnt seem like a difficult job to do once the carburetor is off. Another suggestion is to swap the fuel filter and inspect the fuel line/replace them. (I think I am going to do this immediately, especially the fuel filter) Finally, to simply clean and redo the gaskets on the carburetor with new gaskets using a carburetor repair kit and clean all of the jets and ports out. Ive done this on a small 15hp suzuki, with the right amount of time Im sure I could do it on the bigger yamaha. The one thing Id be scared of is simply adjusting the air and fuel spring screws once clean. Im not certain how the pros adjust these considering some are basically inaccessible while installed on the outboard. One thought is to simply count the rotations of the screws to "snug" from their current position and then try to repeat that backwards when re-installing. Perhaps they need adjustment though? Is there a bible on how to do this? Another idea I had just from experience with my old car was a potential vaccum leak? Im not sure if thats possible on this type of motor, but is there somewhere that can be considered a "trouble spot" for vaccum leaks on these types of motors? my experience is specifically with your standard DOHC 4 stroke car. My old mazda leaked like a seive lol. Does my train of thought seem logical? Is there anything else that you recommend that I check. At this point Im basically willing to do anything knowing that I was prepared to have the top end rebuilt, knowing that its in great shape leaves me with an almost wide open budget to tinker. Im all ears to those that surely know far more than I do! Shoot me your suggestions!
  5. they should be starting to make moves now! Wont be long till they are up the creek and ready to be swung on with some flies.
  6. I had a topwater hit in 55 fow on lake of bays a few years back if you can believe that
  7. My guess is muskoka. Bill informed me of that deep jiggin pattern up there this time of year a few years back.
  8. very very fair. The smallmouth bite is a grind this time of year but if you find the big ones, its wild.
  9. recent trip to simcoe 2 weeks ago tells me the bass are getting educated. It was harder to catch them then anywhere else ive been recently, and that includes the kawarthas. Not surprising considering they get hammered witha lot of pressure. The bass in muskoka and georgian bay on the other hand...dumb as posts lol
  10. do muskoka or even Georgian Bay. Its quieter and the fishing would be better for you in a rental boat. I spent a weekend fishing lake of bays at the beginning of September 2 years ago for the first time. I went in blind, looked at a some charts, Made some decisions on where I thought the bass would be related to the time of year and went out. it was dead quiet, i think i saw 2 other boats fishing the entire weekend on the whole lake and it seemed like the fishing was excellent and totally under pressured. Simcoe is a lake for the hardcore "I want to catch the bag/fish of a lifetime" for bass. You and your niece would have a much better time enjoying a quite lake surrounded by beautiful scenery catching crazy numbers of smallmouth.
  11. and either one I partake in i end up with all of my money gone lol
  12. the problem is that i cant assemble that housing because the plastic piece that holds the spring is missing. Thats the part that holds it together and why I cant get my reel back together. Interestingly there were felt drag disks within the housing as well when i took it apart.
  13. thats exactly what Im looking at, the part seems to be discontinued and i have no idea whered id find a scrap. At the end of the day if the reel is toast ill set it to someone for parts or something, ive already got an offer of $20 lolllll
  14. Hey Guys, A couple years back someone posted the link for a website within canada that sold unbranded high quality fly line. I placed an order and was very very satisfied with the service and quality of the product that I bought. I have searched the website but I am not sure if the post was lost in the revamp of the site. Would any of the fly guys around here have any memory of this or perhaps even ordered from them? I need me some sinking line as mine has started to crack and is now catching itself making some fantastic knots when I double haul! Thanks,
  15. simcoe to me consistently has the biggest rockbass I have ever seen. They are size of small largemouth its insane. Apparently they are delicious, our friends to the south are actually obsessed with them!
  16. well i posted the question to my instagram and got my answer. Its the plastic piece from within the rubber housing of the reel. Of course this is not listed on the schematic at all. Does anyone know if there is a place to get these kind of parts. It makes it even more difficult to get a part when theres no associated parts number for it...or further more what the part is actually called. any ideas im all ears! Im not sure how that plastic piece went missing but it sucks that its gone!
  17. Theres a sucker born every minute. If you are dumb enough in Ontario of all places to pay that much to go to a lake, you deserve to be robbed...Enough said lol We live in the best place to freshwater fish in the world, where 90+% of our lakes have easy free access. Dont like it, go somewhere else. If you dont want to put the effort into finding free access, then pay the piper. Time is money.
  18. This is a huge problem fishing industry wide. Covid has gotten people on the water more than ever. With no gatherings, parties, weddings, events etc people have started going boating more than ever before. From bait shops to boat dealers, everyone is booming. Theres apparently a huge outboard shortage right now as well. Really really difficult to almost get anything new this year.
  19. Wish he woulda broke 100 but what can you do! Still the all time biggest 4 day total of smallmouth ever I’m pretty sure
  20. https://m.bassmaster.com/video/bassmaster-live
  21. If you want to see insanity, watch bass live right now on bassmaster.com peterborough’s own Chris Johnston is in the lead And he’s fishing lake O in 7 foot swells. It’s insane
  22. looks to me like you should be out fishing in that kinda weather!
  23. good to see ya back on the water bud.
  24. Georgetown is finally getting some very much needed rain. We have missed out on a large portion of the storm fronts that have come through and when we did get the storms they were fast and violent and quickly over. Today we have had a persistent row of storms come and rain and lightly thunder all day. Much much needed in these parts. Also very happy to report the areas east of georgian bay are finally out of their extreme fire danger ratings. 4 out of the last 5 days PAB has recieved substantial rain. We are very happy about that!
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