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Everything posted by chickenhawk

  1. nice big eyes! did you get a length measurement on that first fish? Hawk
  2. ummm maybe check your local library??? Hawk
  3. I too have found myself day dreaming about fishing.....just sitting there staring off into space thinking about fish that i caught in the past and stuff.....i love it!!! lol Hawk
  4. Wow.....thanks for that information!! somehow they found nothing on my insurance when i know i got a seat belt ticket......right now im good to go....but thanks for the future!! Hawk
  5. Definately go with the one piece......my suggestion is St. Croix though.....amazing rods! Good luck with ur decision... Hawk
  6. great report.....i'd sure like to get up there and try it out...way to go Hawk
  7. o man......so jealous have no idea
  8. Erie tribs are way better to fish.....there isn't poop all over the shoreline....and the tribs i fish on Lake Erie are all private property.....so no one around for MILES......and I have seen some pretty big salmon in the delhi area before.... Hawk
  9. Congrats to Steve Rowbotham for being the Barrie 2008 Bassmaster Angler of the year! Excellent feat! Hawk
  10. some piggies.....damn i wanna get out and do some of that Hawk
  11. good stuff fellas.....alot easier watching a report than reading it....thanks for the change Hawk
  12. hahaha....good report jediangler!
  13. they are actually silver bass.....or white perch i believe.......either welcome to the board Streamerguy it'll be a pleasure to have you on here..... Hawk
  14. Fishing For Life........dude we get it....salmon BITE in the river.......every1 knows it so you don't have to come on here and show off dirty salmon to make yourself feel better when nobody even cares.....the only reason people gave you a hard time in the first place is cuz you made a post about snagging salmon and how you miss snagging them in the old days with 10 lb power pro....personally couldn't care less.....not calling you a snagger just letting you know why people give you a hard time..... Hawk
  15. Iunno about this......something seems a lil fishy to me here Hawk
  16. lol nice filthy ol salmons! i need to get myself 1 of those girls....
  17. nice colours on that muskie! nothing to complain about there guys....nice lookin fish Hawk
  18. big head on him eh
  19. Hey paul, when do we get to see the muskie fishing on the fly report? lol jk
  20. Yeah I played that game with a few pike this summer.....one REALLY big pike.....biggest I'd ever seen and she would show herself everytime I went for her but she never hooked up....
  21. Well.....I can assure you that I am not going to eat it cuz I still don't trust Lake O and I really do not like salmon at all.....but my step mom says she is going to eat it and it is cut into steaks....so hopefully thats mainly the back part of the fish..... Hawk
  22. ooh come on now you don't wanna cheat the guy.....lol
  23. maybe you should throw up a direct link to the draft tomorrow??? just an idea.....make it easier... Hawk
  24. Yeah, use the fly rod! hmmmmmmm as for hotspots try Google Map Hawk
  25. Here's the thing, my step mom went on a fishing charter yesterday out on Lake Ontario......and she ended up catching a big chinny pure silver and everyone else caught trout.....well seeing as she LOVES salmon she wanted to keep it.....now heres my question......I myself don't eat the fish I catch out of Lake Ontario especially the salmon....should she eat this thing? or should I get rid of it? What do you guys think? Hawk
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