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Everything posted by chickenhawk

  1. mmmm....mmmmm....look at that beautiful meat on those brookies!!!
  2. Thanks for the idea Roy! I will for sure keep a journal....can't wait to share my experience with you all!
  3. Decided to take a few minutes between packing to come on here and say goodbye to everyone here on OFC.....I really enjoy chatting with ppl on this site and have alot to learn from them....I am not sure if I will have access to a computer up there or not so I am saying goodbye and thank you for the entertainment over the last 6-7 months.....it really helps you get through the winter when there are sites such as these....good luck to everyone and have a great summer! stay safe, Hawk
  4. hahahahahahaha......good try though! Hawk
  5. Hey Dave! Best of luck to you....you are an amazing fisherman and have alot to teach people....I am sure wherever you go you will continue to help people the way you do....fishing next fall?
  6. thought i'd bring it back to the front page again...
  7. any old mepps spinner, or a spoon, senko, spinner bait, topwater lure, pike will eat anything i swear.....they are stupid lol throw a roller skate you'll probably end up getting a largemouth first but the pike will come next
  8. there is musky, walleye, bass, crappies, catfish, carp, you name it minus pike haha....there are no pike in the kawarthas
  9. Just wondering if you are heading back to Kesagami this year....if so when you leaving? I head out for Halley's on Tuesday morning....PUMPED
  10. no no mines better LOL jk....but heres the link http://www.halleyscamps.com/
  11. Halley's camps has walleye and pike....but its alot more than 6 hours out of London
  12. Anybody with a boat heading that way? Willing to pitch gas money! I gotta get my smallie fix....REAL SOON
  13. that i can say where i caught....lol below the locks in Lindsay! you can actually get some good fishing in there.....you can catch walleye there all year but they are best in the spring....we've caught musky there and smallies and i even lost a big catfish once....
  14. wow....that is really unfortunate to hear! im gonna have to take a drive on saturday and check that out....
  15. some dandy looking specks and lakers!! wish i was there!
  16. Sundin is a plug! clean house and start all over again is what i say....but then again i could care less if the leafs win GO WINGS GO
  17. i got it...it's a pain in the arse....especially cuz i work straight nights so i am even extra tired now...
  18. i apologize.....and i apologize to TJ....i honestly didnt mean any disrespect....
  19. ummmm....obviously you didn't understand....nothing I said in this post suggested that anything was wrong with OFC....
  20. if thats the case then give me a pin to prick myself with...lol no problems signing my name in blood hahaha
  21. I never said anything about it not being recognizable....in fact I am proud to be a member and would show it off if it was new or old....I was just suggesting maybe some cool things to add to it....maybe for some t-shirts or hoodies or something....but as TJ stated it seems to be expensive and a pain in the arse for him....so I will just leave it at that.....TJ would it be a problem if I got my own shirt made?
  22. i can't wait to try them out! i know they will catch fish! the lpb smallies will LOVE them
  23. jus tryin to be a nice guy is all...lol
  24. Well......it is clear that everyone is happy with the current logo....I apologize for suggesting otherwise....
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