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Everything posted by chickenhawk

  1. exactly my point Rizzo! he knows what his role is and he does it EXTREMELY WELL!!! Hawk
  2. you think that would shut Avery up? hes been beaten way too many times and yet still keeps yappin....it's the way he plays....it's all he knows....
  3. Love him or hate him Sean Avery in my opinion is a key player for any team he plays for. He gets the other teams so worried about killing him that they make too many mistakes and wind up in the penalty box which gives Ave's team the advantage. So with that idea what is your opinion? I personally love his style of hockey and going back to the playoffs last year with the Marty Brodeur incident....I don't care what you say that was GENIUS, there was nothing in the rule book stating otherwise so by all means it was legal....anyways I'd love to hear some opinions on Sean jus to see what the general public thinks of him....I know this might be a controversial topic but I think we can all act our age here.....so please let me know what you think of The Most Hated Man in Hockey..... Hawk Sean at it again here!
  4. YOU CAN'T BRING BANANAS ON THE BOAT!!!!!!!!!!! something i learned this summer BAAAAAAAAAAAAD IDEA.....i actually wouldn't let one of my guests bring it on the boat and he left it at the dock and wouldn't you know it we had a great day.....thank god i was thinkin ahead tho! One of the other guides had a lucky can of beans that nobody was allowed to touch....it stayed in his cup holder all summer and he caught the most trophies!!! But as far as im concerned bananas stay home! Hawk
  5. is that all salt? if it is i dont use that much but it'll work nonetheless i would say there is no right or wrong way to do it.....maybe try washing them out a bit to get rid of that excess salt....anyways good luck on the river Hawk
  6. nice thats good fishin right there....too bad there werent any big jacks kickin around...was gonna go up north this weekend to find some big jacks but i think im steelheading tomorrow and muskie fishin on saturday anyways nice catch WTG! Hawk
  7. well i'll tell ya they don't get much tougher than sean avery! lmao i love that guy tho!
  8. maaaaan looks so fun....ive never fished at the outflow before....always wanted to tho! Hawk
  9. looks like a fun day minus the weather.... Hawk
  10. OH MAN.....can't wait to get out there sitting in a field with the wind blowin snow across the field into my face....so i actually have about 10 yards of visibility in the hopes that a deer walks within 10 yards of me......lol but seriously i cant wait.....another month seems like forever.....maybe i'll jus go sit in the woods with a baseball bat until then... Hawk
  11. I love the snow....better for tracking deer....but if you were me you wouldnt have track em....lol okay im gettin cocky now... Hawk
  12. you could probably pick up some bass off the rockpile there as well...good luck make sure you post how you made out.... Hawk
  13. what about normandale or ryerse dan? give them a go next weekend if its slow again by st. williams.... Hawk
  14. nothin
  15. cool!!! beauty fish!
  16. mmmmmm your killin me here! Hawk
  17. welcome aboard! im sure you will enjoy yourself with this message board! Hawk
  18. looks like fun boys!
  19. how bout Bayfield??? anyone?
  20. lol somehow you always catch fish....what a great year it's been for you steve! congrats!
  21. i think you can buy patches with glue on them already....then all you do is iron it on there....worked for me.....good luck Hawk
  22. nobody hunts moose anymore, theres none left....lol the wolves have done good this year though! lol Hawk
  23. welcome aboard....look forward to your reports
  24. beauty wall dawg! few more inches and ur lookin at a trophy fish....but hey not to bad at all for the grand! WTG Hawk
  25. just came from oktoberfest feelin pretty good right now! what a time.....sorry it was my first fest what a time i might add tho....llllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooottttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttssssssssssssss of ladies who were single and lookin.... Hawk
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