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Everything posted by chickenhawk

  1. Thought I knew how but I guess not! haha any help would be greatly appreciated!
  2. OH I lost one on Monday about 12 pounds but the average fish that day was about 5 lbs. Once again pics are on there way.
  3. Well I am enjoying my week off of school haha! I have been fishing from Saturday all through till today and I am going tomorrow morning as well haha. Saturday morning started at first light and went 1 for 4 on the steelhead with my buddy going 0 for 2 and my other buddy going 2 for 4. There were alot of fish in the holes but by the time the sun hit the water they were all suspended and not interested we fished for a while longer and called it a day around noon. Sunday morning my friend and I went back to the same spot for first light and on my second drift my float went down and I set the hook and SNAP! DAMNIT I hate it when that happens. Anyways my buddy was still putting together his setup while I retied my hook and another guy walks in makes 3 drifts and lands 3 fish. DAMN! But we continued to fish the hole and my buddy hooks into a scrappy 3 pound steelhead that took him for a walk downstream and while he was fighting that fish my float went down and I hooked into a pretty little pound and a half steelhead. HEY! nothing beats a double header steelhead! After another hour or so of fishing we decided to change rivers and there I ran into DMASSE and Bowshep once again nice to meet you again Dave as well as yourself Bowshep. Anyways ended up not catching a damn thing and called it a day. Monday morning was there once again by first light and I hooked and landed 2 nice steelhead by 7:30. Around 9:00 my buddy and I had just the 2 fish so we decided to move upstream and after another hour and a half up there we didn't like what we saw so we decided to go back to the same spot we were in the morning. When we got there we had the entire place to ourselves. Made a couple drifts in a few of the bigger holes with nothing so I went and checked out another hole and looked in and seen about 10 steelhead at the surface and I called my buddy over who had the polarized glasses and took a look into the hole and said WOW!!!!! there are about 30-40 fish in this hole. hmmmmmm.....kept drifting from upstream down on top of them with roe bags and they were not interested. So we tried single eggs and second drift BANG! FISH ON!!!!! Well.....long story short between the 2 of us we went 11 for 25 I am not lying it was a GREAT DAY!!!! Now today we toughed it out in the rain and I caught the only fish with any size to it about a pound and a half. Anyways we took lots of pictures and I even got a video of me fighting a fish at first light but currently I do not have them, I have to wait until my buddies send me them but once I get them I will be sure to post them. Like I said I am going tomorrow again for first light and will post how I made out tomorrow when I get home......how is everyone else been making out this week?? Until then, Hawk
  4. that is a fat fish!
  5. do you have a website or something to go see your rates and what rivers you fish and what not? i just have a buddy who is just getting into river fishing and i was going to suggest going with you for a day. anyways let me know thanks alot. Hawk
  6. looks like a whitefish to me. but do explain what a speckled perch is?
  7. yeah if you look close on one of the other pics there is some blood on the garbage bag so yes i do think there is enough evidence there to have a case on these 2. bout time these ppl get caught.
  8. if you look close the guys roe bag is right in the fish's cheek which prolly means the fish took a bite at it and missed and got hooked in the cheek it happened to me this year. it is quite possible that the fish was hooked in the hole right above the shallow water and fought its way down there. once again, happened to me this year already salmon make some pretty big runs and get themselves into shallow water.and why would 20 people snagging fish just sit there and let someone film them do it? i've seen many people doing it this year one guy had a big net and was scooping up the females every time they tried to make a run upstream. soon as he seen me and my buddies coming dropped the net and picked up a fishing rod. i just think that too many people point the finger and say that guy is snagging fish because he reeled in a fish that swam into his hook. its not poaching until they are ripping hooks through the water and milking out the big females! thats when we should get involved don't just assume that every person fishing for salmon is snagging them. sorry guys it just seems like everyday there is another post talking about snagging salmon and how these people should be punished. well.....truly they should be punished but make sure you know for sure they did it on purpose. i can't wait till the salmon run is over and then we won't have to worry about morons that do that kinda s**t. anyways guys good luck for the fall steelie run and milty i do know how to catch fish in a river. you put a roe bag on a hook under a float with a couple of float weights on and when the float goes under the water you set the hook. oh but i wouldnt know something like that i better let you explain it to me better! hahaha Good Luck Everyone Else!! Hawk
  9. Well this week started on Tuesday afternoon ran into dmassey on my way down the river who hooked me up with some fresh roe and told me where to start so thanks again dave! caught a couple of male chinooks not a whole lot to brag about there. Thursday morning started before light and the moment the sun came up float goes down set the hook STEELIE ON!!! quick fight and snap! steelie off!! retie and a couple more drifts and bang STEELIE ON!!! this time a nice little 3 pounder was landed and released to be caught again another day. couple more drifts and bang steelie on again this one was a pretty little 2 pounder pure silver gorgeous fish. then moved upstream a ways and bang big male chinook and after a quick fight he was sent back on his way. switched rivers around 10:30 a.m and went downstream. at the first nice hole bang another small steelie. Now on friday me and 2 buddies went and cleaned right up! at the end of the day we ended up with 3 female chinooks, a nice female brown and 4 or 5 dirty male chinooks as well as numerous fish that got away haha anyways all in all a pretty successful week on the river. Hawk
  10. that video proves nothing! maybe he hooked it in the mouth ive caught plenty of salmon this year in the mouth and i've snagged a couple on accident so unless you see them walk in and rip their hook through the water in front of one its not poaching.
  11. NICE!!
  12. bring on the snow makes for good steelie fishing
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