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Everything posted by MJL

  1. I thought your name was Brian This fall I’ll be setting up a support group called Anadromous Anonymous...Created for anglers with a severe case of chrome fever...It involves you giving me all your spots and then fishing them while you’re at home admitting that you have a problem I don't mind catching all the fish that would've tempted you to feed your addiction...That's what good friends are for
  2. If you go with gold, you can have the best of both worlds...After banging the reel on rocks or sliding it across a rough concrete pier, it will eventually turn into silver...
  3. I didn't go home unsatisfied ...But in some cases, the 5lb Maxima leaders I was using got violated by big, cartwheeling, tailwalking, logjam diving bars of steel in ways I never thought were possible
  4. Sweet fishy Brian Yesterday I was doing some steelhead sampling in your neck of the woods. I have to admit that even those small bows do fight well for their size.
  5. I want one too...The only ice shack I have is my survival suit...And my epidermis If you paint the bottom of the hut white, you'll be stealthy on the ice and the fish won't be able to see you.LOL
  6. Anagrams rule! Unfortunately in my case, the anagram for my name turns out to be "Mauling Leech"
  7. You’d be surprised what people post on the internet. In the last couple of years people have: - posted pictures of themselves catching tons of fish from out of season sanctuaries and bragging about it...Only after did they realize they just incriminated themselves - promoted the fact that they line spawning fish off redds for the sole purpose of posting hero shots on message boards. The fact is you don’t require a license or an IQ test to access the internet
  8. Muskies are the fish of 10,000 casts...Statistically you're already at a disadvantage
  9. Agreed Personally I’ve never understood the fascination with fishing right next to a sanctuary boundary when there are miles and miles of better water to fish.
  10. Sweet fish Brady. Didn't manage to get out very much this fall, but I haven't seen a coho run like the one this year in a heck of a long time. I really like the last shot
  11. I wish Ontario would grab some of those coho eggs and stock some of those in our rivers with them. Hands down one of the most exciting fish to hook into. A couple I managed to hook into this fall cartwheeled twice in a row, tail-walked across river and came off even before I realized I needed to set the hook.LOL
  12. Good thing I don't need to pull my pants down to show the farmer why...That would be quite awkward
  13. In the fall there’s only 2 things I look forward to: Steelhead and pumpkin pies. I love pies! Chunk, do the truffle shuffle
  14. My friend's puppy just got neutered...I know exactly how he feels
  15. You’d have to ask the organizers about that one In any case, the vast majority of the time, you want your rigs and baits to be stationary on bottom. Even if you were fishing out of a boat, it’s not all that easy to stay in one spot all the time factoring in wind and strong currents...Easier to do from shore.
  16. Use of a boat is prohibited during this tourney – Even bait boats aren’t allowed. They’re all fishing from shore. Ironically, when the tourney is held in France, they almost always use inflatable rafts or row boats (with a minn kota), boat out 200 yards, drop their bait, boat back to shore and have their rods set up on land. I think it’s part of the rule there that boats are only to be used for baiting and dropping rigs but not for fishing. Definitely agree that skill must be considered Lorne. This year at the CanAm, the Canadians were just way more experienced - There were competitors who had only fished for carp 3 times prior to the event. There was 1 competitor who had never fished for carp before. The peg draw isn't the only factor but often times during tournaments, it's a huge one. Looking at the list of competitors in THIS tournament, some of whom we know personally, it's not like any 1 or 2 teams stand out to blow the rest of the competition away - There's a lot of serious talent on the scoreboard...But when you factor in how spaced out the competitors are for this tourney, the peg draw becomes a big factor. Later on in the season carp tend to prefer and travel to specific areas regardless of whether you chum or not. Some pegs have certain features that carp prefer to use when they are in the area. Even if you don't hold them, they'll be back again (like at the first CanAm we fished together when almost all the fish would come at night). In your experience, you probably already know what spots around Hamilton harbour will usually produce better in Sept/Oct/Nov and ones that will be devoid of fish until spring spawn no matter how you much you bait up. In this case when you don't see anglers like Steve Briggs & Tim Paisley, Billy Flowers & Jamie Londor, Shawn Rafter & Jennifer Terriah, Jake Losey & Tom Vielhauer, Vanja Nikolin & Fugas Vrskovy not in the running, it definitely isn't skill that's a problem.
  17. Easy to answer...In many cases, it's all about which peg number you pull out of the hat. Some spots are better than others in terms of depth, current, weeds (or lack thereof). Some spots fish better during the day compared to night.
  18. One of my friends was banned from a golf course for a year for fishing one of the ponds
  19. Tightlines in Pickering for sure. Maybe Gagnons in Oshawa does - I know they sell pre-tied bags.
  20. Very sweet Bill It'll be the 2nd season in a row for me not breaking the 20 inch mark
  21. I've only tried the coho eggs that my friend ordered from Centerpin Angling. In a nutshell they worked. 99% of the time when I do use roe, it's from a chinook.
  22. You can order some loose coho and chinook eggs off here: http://centerpinangling.com/spawn-products.html You can also call up a couple trout farms like Primrose Trout Farm, or the one in Shannonville and see if they'll sell some to you.
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