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Everything posted by e-z-out

  1. Lew is living the life right now but i might run into him this weekend.
  2. Thats no real test give the lures to Lew and he could give them a real test.
  3. it's 9:51pm here in the ZONE
  4. So Wayne you getting out this long weekend or staying in and playing around with the planes
  5. Wayne that hurt man that realy hurt Now i have to find you and show you my licence for ontario and NYS
  6. Nope you're off the hook for that. They get fined last time i checked
  7. I would love to give that a good but don't think they fish them that way any more.
  8. Well put Terry With some boats you have to bring the fish out and with others there is no need to do so. So use common sence Guy
  9. If you have a good set of cutters just cut the hooks off. Easier said then done i know when it comes to muskies.
  10. You know it's a bass or another OOS fish unhook it and let it go in the water no need to bring it out. Your fishing with a friend have that friend take the picture of the fish at the side of the boat. Makes for a better picture and your not the bad guy for posting it out of the water. There is no need for it to ever leave the water even to unhook.
  11. Curt i guess i'll have to hit that stream with you one day.
  12. i think only down south they eat cats that big Bill Nice look cat by the way
  13. All the best to you and the Mrs on your get away. Take good care of yourself Lew your not as young as you use to be
  14. Looking good steve cant wait till i get out there.
  15. you're going after slabs tomorrow lucky you. I have to wait tll this weekend for that. Good luck and stay dry it's going to rain from what i hear.
  16. Time will tell on what will happen. I hope we never have to resort to killing the already dead thats just crazy and only in movies
  17. Ok boys brake out the 12 gages remember to shoot them in the head
  18. Thats crazy Resident evil all over again
  19. Nice looking carp well done. I still need to get out and fish for them this year. When would be the best time for carp?
  20. Welcome Laszlo myself i have not been down there in years and have no insight for you but we do have lots of memebers that would be able to fill you in. Take care Jose
  21. You want to keep it clean and looking good i would frame sides and bottom and run a center frams as well just to keep it clean
  22. double doors look nice but do you want to always open both doors or just one? I would frame it but thats just me. good luck
  23. Not so good to post out of season fish
  24. Angel 2 Smuggler HRA2150 9' / 2.74 price tag 679.00 thats just the rod Angel 2 11/12 H00038 price tag 349.00 add 2 spools at 129.00 each That comes to 1,286 now add tax So thats why i'm picking up the reel first. Would love to pick the combo up but the price tag is a bit high right now. So now you know and i still need line to go with the reel another 90 on top god help me
  25. Rob ANGLING SPECIALTIES has lots of large suckers.
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