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Everything posted by e-z-out

  1. mike you deside Scugog for this weekend
  2. i saw you on shore from steves boat. Looks like you had a good day from shore. Nice looking cats by the way
  3. Are they for a bass boat?
  4. the fishin hole They should be able to help you out with your needs
  5. I use to have one and i never did tow anything with it. Going with a 4x4 is the only way to go your right for the bad ramps we tend to find. Good luck
  6. Try road runners they work great.
  7. Looking good how is the towing with the extream?
  8. Had a great time with you guys thanks again for the great day out on the water. Cliff i'll be heading up your way in the next few days or so. Great meeting you stan cliff and john. Mike you can wash them pants now lol Thanks again to steve for all the hard work. Will be seeing you for that combo in a few weeks or so.
  9. e-z-out

    Got it!

    Going to put a GPS tag on your car lol
  10. Got to go with bill on this one. The store in Mississauga has a wall just for fly tying When it comes to price i have no clue since i don't fly fish but would love to give it a go some day. Good luck with the fly tying
  11. e-z-out

    Got it!

    Only thing in that water is
  12. e-z-out

    Got it!

    We all want to know now spill it
  13. I have to try this Carp fishing looks fun Nice looking fish by the way.
  14. Happy birthday Brian all the best on your 50th lol
  15. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=16506 The Lodge has been talked about take a look in the link.
  16. Don't think you can i've fished that lake and you would have to get out on a boat if you plan on hooking into a pike.
  17. Warning: Cormorants impose a health hazard !!! Do not eat Cormorants too often because of possible high PCB contamination !!! Cormorant Breasts with Lentils Ingredients (for 2-3 persons): Breasts of one Cormorant, 1 large carrot (cut into pieces), 1 piece of celeriac (from the roots, not the greens - cut into little pieces of 8 mm), 300 g lentils, 2 onions, 200 g smoked bacon, 6 table spoons of vinegar, 4 cups of chicken broth, 2 cups of the marinade, 3 – 4 little red chilies (or freshly grounded pepper), salt, ½ bunch of fresh thyme, goose lard Marinades (it looks as if you will need 2 marinades one to marinade the breasts and one for cooking the meal): each ½ liter of a dry white wine, 4 table spoons of olive oil, 1 onion, 1 carrot, ½ bunch of lemon thyme, parsley, 1 by leaf red pepper. Preparation method: Cut the breasts out of the bird, cut away all body fat. Marinade: Cut all vegetables for the marinade into pieces and boil it shortly with all other marinade ingredients. Let the marinade cool down, pour it over the Cormorant breasts and marinade the breasts for 48 hours. Then, dry the breasts, cut them into pieces, and brown them in a pan with some goose lard (fat). Add one cup of marinade and cook (stew) the breasts for 2 ½ hours until the meat is almost tender. Add some of the chicken broth every once in a while. In the meantime cut the bacon into strips, cut the onions and brown both with some goose lard (fat) in a (roast) pot. Add the carrots, the celeriac, the chilies and the (washed) lentils. Heat it. Then add vinegar, the marinade and the chicken soup. Now salt the breasts and give them onto the bacon and the vegetables. Add the thyme and cook the meal to perfection. Serve salt potatoes with it. Serve Riesling wine with it. Scottish Cormorant Pot/Stew Ingredients (for 6 persons): Breasts of two cormorants, 300 g smoked bacon, 2 onions, 1 green celeriac, 6 grounded juniper berries, salt, freshly grounded pepper, 2 cups of chicken broth, 2 cups of the marinade, whipped cream, 1 shot of whisky (Scotch), goose lard, 150 g barley (pre-boiled ?), ½ bunch of parsley, ½ bunch of fresh marjoram Marinades (it looks as if you will need 2 marinades one to marinade the breasts and one for cooking the meal): each ½ liter of red wine, 4 table spoons of olive oil, 1 onion, 1 carrot, each ½ bunch of fresh marjoram, some pepper corns (berries), 1 piece of garlic Preparation method: Cut the breasts out of the birds, cut away all body fat. Marinade: Cut all vegetables for the marinade into pieces and boil it shortly with all other marinade ingredients.Let the marinade cool down, pour it over the Cormorant breasts and marinade the breasts for 48 hours. Then cut the bacon into strips and brown it with some goose lard (fat) in a (roast) pot. Put it on a paper towel and let some of fat drip off. Put it aside. Cut the breasts into peaces and brown in the same fat (pot). Cut the onion and the celeriac into pieces and add it into the pot with the parsley and the marjoram (do not cut the parsley and the marjoram). Season it with salt pepper and the juniper berries. Heat it. Now, add the marinade and the chicken broth, and stew the meal for 2 ½ to 3 hours until the meat is almost tender. Wash the barley and add it, now. Cook the meal to perfection. Add some of the chicken broth every once in a while. Take away the parsley and the marjoram (remember that you should not have cut them!!!). Finally, add the bacon and some whipped cream and the Scotch whisky (to make it a Scottish dish !!!). Serve it with potato croquettes and green beans. Serve it with red wine (Burgundy). Cormorant in Cream Sauce Ingredients: 1 cormorant, salt & white pepper, allspice, 2 onoins, 2 carrots, a piece of celeriac, 1 tarty apple, 3 dl cream, 5 dl clear broth, 1 bay leaf. Preparation method: Flay and divide the cormorant. Salt, pepper and brown in pan. Simmer 1,5 - 2 hours together with carrots, celeriac, apple, allspice, bay leaf and clear broth. Strain, thicken broth and add cream. Serve with boiled potatoes, green peas, carrots and lingonberry jam. The perfect compliment: Egi Bikavér, 1993. (A rich, full, slightly tarty wine with a touch of liqourice). Here are just a few ways to eat that damn bird but dont forget the Warning i posted good luck guys
  18. LOL you 2 old men always trying new things
  19. Sorry it's Bass Assassin BANG Fish Attractants oil
  20. Myself i just leave them out after use on the boat as i change lures often. You could always add a bit of oil after use but thats up to you. Hope that helps
  21. Family first fishing right after Remo you not working today?
  22. lol read the post under the video
  23. I'm with wayne on this one where can i get some money
  24. That was cool smart dogs
  25. sorry to hear that wayne but back to whos the post king and thats wayne.
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