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Everything posted by musky666

  1. Some boats list a minimum HP requirement as well- makes sense from a safety and usability viewpoint.
  2. Second on the Kingfisher Boats, looked at the new Flex 2025 SPT XP- beauty and will be my next Musky boat for sure. Do I need it- nope, but boy do I want it!
  3. I have a very precise boat in mind, doubt I can find it slightly used at this point. May need a year or two for the right one to turn up. Until then I will look at everything I can and weed out the ones that don't 'measure up', I have a good rig now, so if I can't find the perfect boat I won't pull any triggers...
  4. I am heading down, want to see the latest from Kingfisher, considering a new Musky rig...
  5. If it was fuel related you could goose her and keep her running somehow- primer/choke, starting fluid etc. Sounds electrical to me and not related to the just cleaned cards- I say its the mag/coil/ plug leads
  6. I have four Shimano 700CTE's, three 400CTE's, two 400 CT,a Curado E and a Tranx- love Shimano, love the good stuff. Pick up what I can from classifieds and get them serviced in Peterborough. Best thing about higher end reels is they can be repaired when needed.
  7. Could have swore I saw a couple of them hanging out behind my facility in Newmarket last week- will try to confirm...
  8. Love the service there, used to drive the reels out and go get em, now I ship them out and have them mailed back to my work. Got Chris to make up a parts list for my CTS 700's in face of a slowly dwindling parts supply. Thinking its a plan to have a parts stash to keep them chuckin Musky baits through my retirement years.
  9. So if thats the lowdown on Walleye numbers- how many Musky in the same sized lake? As the top predator there will be substantially fewer I imagine.
  10. I used to but deer tail etc from his site, heard he was ill, very sad.
  11. Looks a good deal, but I love my Beckman!
  12. Snapped a pair of needle nose pliers, Rapala brand, many years back while removing hooks from a big 'Ski, wrote them a letter and received new pliers, a new lure and sticker- I was satisfied. I was likely using them for the wrong purpose in the first place, and I wouldn't use them for that again. Too bad about their recent quality issues- I have no complaints as most of my Rapala lures are over 15 years old and still look/work great.
  13. I have all my high end Shimano boxes- as mentioned- boxes within a bigger box. The few reels I have picked up from Kijiji and OFC classifieds etc, all came with boxes...
  14. No doubt that it is cyclical, and looks good for the present, but wherever Men alter the landscape for the 'better' there is the risk of messing up Nature. I don't think it is a bad idea to ask questions, gather data, and be watchful for the benefit of us all.
  15. I am sure the first nation folk want a healthy fishery as well, more fish for anglers and their own nets as well. It is in everyones best interest to restore Lake Nip to its former glory- hope that it can be done.
  16. Is there a decent public ramp anywhere on the Pool?
  17. Yep- I dont fog my 115 Yamy with EFI either, pull the plugs and give it a spray maybe, then turn her over- but not through the intake. Do all the other things though- even change my engine oil and filter midway through the season since I troll so much...
  18. I use whatever is on sale at CTC, usually the red, regular Stabil.
  19. I usually Musky hunt into November, so I change gear and lower unit oil in mid October while still fairly warm outside. Also change crankcase oil mid season since I troll a lot- just to help keep things clean.
  20. Thinking I may upsize next season to a bigger boat and motor- can the big motors troll down well enough? I currently run a Yamaha 115 four cycle efi and It will troll for hours- all day often with no issues. Not quite slow enough for Walleye maybe, but I goose it a bit for Musky. Can those big Verado's with Smartcraft gauges do the troll?
  21. Trolling a Skitter pop for Smallies once- works wonders over 10' deep weed flats, and had gulls drop on it- first one dropped it but the second one was hooked. Reeled him in, put on my fillet glove and grabbed it- pliers unhooked it and away it went.
  22. Also consider that the 5.7 engine and trailer tow come with larger brakes, likely larger than is available with the 3.6- an important factor when towing. My 2011 needed 18" winter rims to clear the brakes, while my fathers 2012 V6 didnt.
  23. I used to do very well for Musky on Balsam, but only Pike to show for all my June trips this spring. I would still work weed lines- trolling jerks or blades, cast weed lines etc- Should connect with Pike- although the bigger ones will be down deeper. Musky are still there as well of course- but Balsam is not the lake it once was for them....
  24. I have read in a local cottagers newsletter that a native was confronted this past winter illegally netting on a lake near Nippissing, and that there is a potential for a lot of those roadside pickerel stands to be selling the spoils of his nets. Definitely a bigger problem than just one facet, as has been discussed here.
  25. We have been stopped on Simcoe, launched out of Sibbalds Pt, and most recently on Balsam, new boats have orange sides. A couple of young folk each time asking pretty inane questions- where you from? what are you angling for? any success?...
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