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cranks bait

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Everything posted by cranks bait

  1. Ah man. I wish there were more tournies that happened on Sundays. I won't be able to make it. Rice is however just down the road from the inlaws so it is a great spot for me to go to. Sounds like a lot of fun.
  2. I was thinking the same thing. I've never fished any of those species so I don't know. More time fishing is better than more time walking. Carp on light gear sounds like a hoot.
  3. Sounds like our cottage lake, as to the size of it. On this past long weekend we were targeting bass. Caught two big lake trouts in 30 feet of water using smoke tubes. Right at the 12:00 lunch bell within 2 minutes of each other. Decided to move because we didn't want the lakers. Caught us by surprise. They are hard enough to catch at the cottage at the best of times and then to be over 7 lbs each.
  4. I am by no means a lawyer. I feel for your dilema. We have neighborhoods here with that and I think it is a crock, again, your house saying. When you moved in did you sign agreeing to this bylaw? If not I don't think they can do much about it. I'm sure the lady down the street with the windmill in her front lawn is just as offensive.
  5. Yes there are cheaper boats in the states. I however do not have the time to go down there, and all the stuff that goes with it. I also like to try and buy locally as I am a business owner myself and understand this. When I have a problem, which I doubt, my people are right there for me. Yes the anticipation is killing me, and it hasn't even been 24 hrs.
  6. Whatcha gettin' ? Or is it a secret?
  7. I already had an Evinrude motor to be put on a boat. Pirate Cove Marine where I bought the boat is also an Evinrude dealer and have no problem doing it, they actually prefer this setup. They just order it without the rigging and then put in the BRP stuff when they get it.
  8. Nice fish. I can definately see why your son was all excited. He see's the numbers not the fish. My nephew always outfishes me when I take him out, mind you I have to work hard at his stuff, so I don't actually fish much. It's stuff like that that makes you want to get out right away again!
  9. After 8 months of toturing myself and my wife with what to get. I finally dropped a deposit on a boat. Last night I put it on the Alaskan 1600 ss, this morning I changed to the Explorer 1675 ss. I could not decide between the two. I thought I could modify the Alaskan the way I want, then realized that the Explorer makes more sense for my purposes. I now have a new boat coming my way. I only have to wait for about 5 weeks, still to be confirmed. I am so giddy right now. It's a 2009 model blue with grey interior. 70 lbs trolling motor with my E-tec 75 on it. Opted to get the galvinized trailer just for the cottage road alone.
  10. This happened to us a couple of years ago. Neighbors HUGE tree fell across our driveway. Claimed it wasn't his responsability. We rent the place and they diod nothing about it. After 3 days of not being able to get my truck out because the driveway was blocked. I went at it with my chainsaw and chucked everything into the neighbors yard. It was a piss off of my time, but at least I got to play with my saw. Not sure what happened after that, except I got out. Glad to hear that everyone is safe. That's the important part.
  11. Thanks Roy. I will take you up on that, once I figure out what I am doing.
  12. I'm guessing I have to disconnect the batteries from each other to do that then?
  13. If I run a 24 volt bow mount motor do I use a one or two bank charger to charge the 24 system?
  14. Oh ya, I forgot. I just picked up a box of o-rings in various sizes at Princess Auto for my father in law. It was something like $2.00 for a gizillion rings.
  15. Oh ya, I forgot. I just picked up a box of o-rings in various sizes at Princess Auto for my father in law. It was something like $2.00 for a gizillion rings.
  16. My brother in law got the kit from BPS. A handy tube to roll them onto the Senko. I thought about making my own as I have several scrap tubes that size. The o-ring can be purchased at any hard ware store easily enough. Then I noticed that his didn't really last that much longer than mine, and I always had my lure in the water first. Needless to say, I haven't gotten around to doing it yet and probably won't. Altough it is a pretty slick set up. The other thing that gets me is all those rubber donounts (mmmm donouts) floting around when they do break off.
  17. Did you get a chance to go look at it? Is it a big leak or just a wee one? Did you sleep last night? Did you talk your kids and Sinn's ears off? Are you giddy as a school girl?
  18. Have fun, play safe.
  19. Just checked it out. Ironically the same boat comes up for sale in Ottawa. But it does say Dover for street address. I compared it to what is available from Sylvan now. I'm guessing it should have a 135 to 150 on that boat. It is way underpowered. It'll push it and that is about it. If it's a minor hull repair that should be easy, especially if you have the pros do it.
  20. That's a good package there Naughti. It would all depend on what hull work needs to be done. I would also be concerned about that motor. First it's not quite enough power for that boat from what I recall. I have been banging my head over boats for the last few months. I had a '93 50 hsp Evinrude on my boat that is smaller and it was alright. It was loud, smokey and used a lot of gas. This is the reason there is a new E-tec on my boat now. Didn't know what I wanted, but I had to get rid of that motor.
  21. I have no idea what is going on up there for fishing. However thank you for the post, I need to remember to take my chainsaw. I am heading up to that area for the weekend to fish. Unfortunately I think I may be clearing roadways instead. Darn micro bursts up there make for a lot of work. although it also creates a lot of bass cover on the shore lines too.
  22. I used a 3" tube from them last night. Didn't catch any fish. On the bright side, my wife thought I was hanging out with some young chick because I had glitter and sparkles all over me. I thought I was going fishing, not getting all decked up to go to a disco.
  23. I've never fished it, but it looks like it should hold your usual panfish and even some largies. The cover looks good anyways? I've only ever driven past it. There is a tackle shop on the right hand side as you head north out of town towards the park, they would have some info as well. As for line ups, they are going to be everywhere. Wise idea on packing food, and drinks.
  24. I've got a suction cup mount on mine. I put it on last year because I was unsure of what I was going to do. Let's just say the suction cup is still there. I don't get depth at high speed, but I figure It won't really do me any good anyways because I know when I "hit" bottom.
  25. Man o Man you are a sucker for punishment. Bancroft is going to be a zoo this weekend. I'm at the cottage about 1/2 hour away and hope I don't go to town. The Gemboree is a great experience. Did it when I was a kid. The Dairy Queen there is a great spot. Make sure you order a small, cause their servings are HUGE, or at least they used to be. Are you taking a boat or just shore fishing? If shore and might only be an hour or so, before the kids give up, I know there is a river that runs through town. The north end has some parks with table and right next to the river if I recall properly. Have a great weekend.
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