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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. SWEET!!! Thanks for the report and pics! Gerritt.
  2. HAHAHAHAHAHH!!!! now thats some funny stuff!!! LOL! Gerritt.
  3. Thanks for the info! something just doesnt look right with that muskie pic.... Gerritt
  4. Bojangles, thank you for your reply concerning the PhotoShop thread, for a 17 year old you certainly have a great command of the written word. Rick is correct here however, the sharp declinnes you are seeing are a result of the MNR reducing their stocking program, Lack of Money, Manpower, or Lack of Interest??? Want to change your fishery? Lobby the Provincial Government to reintroduce stocking as a priority. As for my owl comment? believe it or not some of the amazing pictures shot and posted here have been hunted down albeit with a camara instead of a rod... Sounds foolish to photoshop a background to a picture of an owl doesnt it? That is my feeling towards some of the pictures here as of late.. Please dont take this post as a personal attack it is not meant to be such, Just stating my opinion. I should add there are less anglers in terms of License sales now then there was a decade ago. Gerritt.
  5. Sleded right on brother!!!... cant wait till I get out on the hard water! Gerritt.
  6. To be honest Snag for me (me myself and I) I like pics that show scenery... I personally think that the reason I fish is because I love being outdoors surrounded by nature. How can I say this and get my point across correctly....???? If there are obvious landmarks say a skyscraper, or a fishing lodge, a bridge, yes if you are concerned about your spot then by all means blurr it out as it is an obvious landmark... but if you are surround by trees and rock (yanno nature stuff) then leave it in. It adds so much more to the report and to the pictures in general.. In away I agree with you yes some reports are a type of self gratification... but as of late some of these reports have gotten worse and worse... look at my trout I caught it in the Grand Canyon! these are hardly reports but are more along the lines of see me and my fish!! I took heat (in pms) for posting my last report because I didnt edit the pics and I told people where I was... for christ's sakes you could see the Blue Mountains in the background... heaven forbid.. I will not edit my pictures as I think pictures of mothers natures beauty are just as deserving of praise... perhaps we should start editing the backgrounds of Owl pictures too.... just so NOONE else can photograph them... understand what I am trying to convey? not to mention the fact that SOMEONE owns the pictures that have been used as backgrounds... and could be sued without having permission to use them or paying royalties. This site could also be asked to remove said pictures via legal channels. <--- Just a thought..Please do not post copyrighted material. <-- as per the board rules... we know OFC doesnt need anymore legal hassles. Gerritt.
  7. nice report thanks for sharing man!!.... hey notice the fan boat says "rescue" on it ?? also has the federal government badge sounds like they were the ones in need of rescue! LOL Gerritt.
  8. thanks for the report man! glad to see you got into em Gerritt.
  9. carp cool report! glad to hear the kidlets had a blast!! wicked... want a simple way to resize pics?? Use Windows paint!!!! LOL sounds stupid I know... Use the Stretch/Skew function... 50x50 usually does the job... Be sure to use the SAVE AS function afterwards. again cool non-fishing report! Gerritt.
  10. Yeah I am bored... I am also a avid /.'r (stands for slashdotter for those of you not in the know) Here is an interesting article... http://news.yahoo.com/s/livescience/200701...wflakesarealike Gerritt.
  11. I WILL NEVER USE UPS!!!! they are nothing but a bunch of nickel and diming ripoffs! Had two new cell phones shipped to me by Telus.. They were shipped via UPS... well they would try and deliver during the day obviously we are both working.... I asked for the packages to be delivered to my local UPS store where I could pick them up... the UPS agent on the phone stated I needed to get the stores permission... weird but ok... I go to the UPS Store and they demand 7.00 per package! I said are you dang nuts? you already been paid to deliver them. They told me they were charging me for a convience factor... I lost it!! Told them to shove their little brown shirts up their rear and left... went down to the local UPS depot in downtown hamilton and picked them up there... I have NEVER had an issue with Purolator They attempt delivery... if they cant reach you, you go to the purolator and pick them up no 7.00 per package crap... I told them at the UPS store I would tell this story to everyone I know. They dont give a damn Gerritt.
  12. Well most of you know where I stand on this issue.. I have no issue with touchups resizing etc.. But to put yourself in a casino holding a rainbow... it definately takes something away from the report... and borders on foolishness. instead of being a pic of nature and angler it has become a picture of the angler and only the angler. There are other fishing related websites out there that this is all that is posted (edited pictures) and those sites are full of people I dont think I would care to fish with..I wonder if that is why so many anglers migrate here because they are fed up with other sites....and they even state "I finally found a place where I am comfortable" then the same thing starts here and they will move on again once the get fedup enough... I am all for reports and pictures etc... but some of these reports have turned into less of a report and more of a LOOK AT ME type of post... Just my opinion folks dont shoot me for it. Gerritt.
  13. WOW!!! thanks for the report! Looks awesome!!! how far North is this place? just outta curiosity Gerritt.
  14. Yup... definatly a NiN original tune.... but Mr. Cash adds something to it... now if only he did "closer" that would be awesome! I can still remember one of the first "blue" films I watched as a teen.... burning ring of fire was playing... Ohhh the memories Gerritt.
  15. "What you talkin' 'bout Willis" LOL funny pic! Gerritt.
  16. not fast and furious but neat to see... wow... seems odd seeing cars skating sideways like that... thanks for sharing! Ger.
  17. Speaking of JP where has he been as of late?? and why havent we heard from him? Gerritt.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRqgeU-FQL0 Gerritt.
  19. Feel like UPS'ing me Wild Turkey??? I wouldnt complain in the least and would be doing my part Gerritt.
  20. Dude... that sucks!!!! Rob here's to hopeing for a speedy recovery!! wishing you all the best! Gerritt.
  21. Ron I also just got in and just got the same email from Conservation Officer Dietz... it is a shame they could not finger the pricks... I gave them what I had... hoping it would help... Well I would not hesitate in the future to do the same again! sucks they didnt get caught though....may they burn in hell.... as the will do be doing it again. Gerritt.
  22. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!! the quote of the year for 2007!!! LOL... Seriously laughing my pants off! LOL Gerritt.
  23. You assume I am being negative.... quite the opposite... I am simply stating the pictures that are edited, in the manner in which it seems a SELECT few steelheaders have been posting are some what fake... and are seen by many as just that... I am not trying to insult you in any way.. sorry if you think that... this is just simply not the case.. There are ALOT of people on this board that have been here for along time... and until this year it seems this didnt go on... I have recieved a ton of pms regarding this thread... most 95% are in favour of what the other posters before Me posted in this thread... I have also recieved two that were in your favour...so you do have supporters again I am not against you nor am I against your reports... just the manner in which pictures are being posted not only by you. Have a great night! this will be my last post on this subject. Gerritt.
  24. CC nice crome!!! thanks for sharing! Gerritt.
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