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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. I do have a bilge... but for it to be effective I would need to mount in the centre of the boat @ the transom (due to the "V").. Meaning it is in my way... My solution was to put the Bilge on Alligator clips for the time being (until I put in a full floor) and make it a portable unit.... so I am not stepping on it etc.... Once I get the floor in I will make is a permanent fixture. Gerritt.
  2. It already has a hatch in the Bow Rick... these pictures dont show it though,.,, but this one does.. Gerritt.
  3. I have been busy with work and family commitments so finding a spare couple hours to work on my boat has been difficult.. I have made some progress though... Here are some pictures.. I still need to tidy these up... and add some more Wire Wrap....the three coloured wire you see is the remote T/T wire Sterm Light Socket installed.... I was a bit nervous drill a 1-3/8" into her.... but it worked out fantastic! This is the wire that is running to the Bow Light.. I removed the Corner Brackets and feed the wire through the gunwale then wrapped it... Makes for a cleaner install I think. Here is where I mounted the switch for the Stern and Bow Lamps... It is an old school Push/Oull switch... but extremely solid and should last my lifetime! Thanks Bernie! Here is the Bow light I feel in love with when I saw it on an old cedar strip up @ Bernies place... It is unique and not like the run of the mill lamps you buy today... I just better not crack the lenses!!! You will also see I have the trolling Motor installed. Seat is mounted on a quick release ... The View from the rear... I still have a ton of work to do to her... I am going to take your suggestions and purchase the clamp on mount for the middle bench seat... I also have to purchase a Ram Mount and then I finally have to put a floor in her and she is good to go! Hope you enjoy seeing her progress:) Gerritt.
  4. I should add.... that if you or anyone else would like to continue this debate... lets please take it to PM's... is it is removing from the original point of Lew's thread... or lets start a a new thread so we are not highjacking his thread and what it was meant to be about... Sorry Lew... this has got a bit carried away... Gerritt.
  5. PS.... I am a carpenter by trade.... and yes My wife honestly has a degree in History...Her masters in fact... and I am proud of her for that She told me straight up... none of us know what the *&^% we're talking about... she tried to explain... but being the guy I am I lose my attention after 39 seconds LOL... she was the one that provided the references however...and I did not post any of MY OWN definitions.. those were straight from Websters....and Websters redirects to Wiki often... Just an FYI But whatever if your interested in a pissing match then challenge away... and I will use standard definitions anyone else can find... including the university Library... or you could chill out and acknowledge there is a difference between a constitution... and Canada's constitutional act.. I leave the choice up to you... PS... there is a difference and I tried to show it to you... just read... Gerritt.
  6. From Websters.... Constitution Noun 1. Law determining the fundamental political principles of a government. 2. The act of forming something; "the constitution of a PTA group"; "he still remembers the establishment of the hospital". 3. The way in which someone or something is composed. 4. United States 44-gun frigate that was one of the first three naval ships built by the United States; it won brilliant victories over British frigates during the War of 1812 and is without doubt the most famous ship in the history of the United States Navy; it has been rebuilt and is anchored in the Charlestown Navy Yard in Boston. CONSTITUTIONAL ACT Specialty Definition: Constitutional Act of 1791 (From Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia) The Constitutional Act of 1791 was a British law which changed the government of the province of Quebec to accommodate the many English-speaking settlers, known as the United Empire Loyalists, who had arrived from the United States following the American Revolution. Quebec was divided in two. The western half became Upper Canada (now southern Ontario) and the eastern half Lower Canada (now southern Quebec). Upper Canada received English law and institutions, while Lower Canada retained French law and institutions, including seigneurial land tenure, and the privileges accorded to the Roman Catholic church. Representative governments were established in both colonies with the creation of a legislative assembly; Quebec had not previously had representative government. Along with each assembly there was also an appointed upper house, the Legislative Council, created for wealthy landowners; within the Legislative Council was the Executive Council, acting as a cabinet for the governor. The Constitutional Act also tried to create an established church by creating clergy reserves – grants of land reserved for the Anglican Church. These reserves created many difficulties in later years. The act was problematic for both English speakers and French speakers; the French Canadians felt they might be overshadowed by English settlement and increased rights for Protestants, while the new English-speaking settlers felt the French Canadians still had too much power. However, both groups preferred the act and the institutions it created to the Quebec Act which it replaced. Here is some more.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constitution and here is another... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constitutional_Act There is a large difference... I am shocked you cant see it to be honest.. Gerritt. PS... My wife with her Masters in History is shaking her head at us.... Sheesh....
  7. Ohhh my dang god!!!... There is a HUGE difference between the Constitution and the Constitutional Act.... a HUGE difference! Gerritt.
  8. Ok... in keeping with the spirit of this thread..... where your opinions are most definably welcome..... what Constitution are we talking about here in Canada? We dont have such a thing... Are you sure you are not American?? Our Country was not founded upon a Constitution... It was founded under British Rule.... while we are now a sovereign Nation.... if Britain goes to war.. Canadian troops could be conscripted... we are a society of Laws... where a man is supposed to be innocent until proven guilty... however as humans we have emotions and I personally think emotions come before law when it comes to major cases... have innocents been jailed?? Yes! but we have a system that allows them to appeal etc... and when they come out... they have won the Government Lotto!... dont believe me?? Look at WW2... or perhaps I should be Pleading the fifth?? LOL! While I think we are not Canada but Canuba... I know were not American! LOL PS.. I love Americans... even the plummas.... However... this is a debate... PSS.... Shhh dont say this out loud....(charter of rights and freedoms) Gerritt.
  9. Nice score Corey.... but a word of advice... consider selling them... before Linux, Novell etc sue VMWares arse for copyright infringement.... http://www.venturecake.com/the-vmware-house-of-cards/ http://linux.slashdot.org/linux/07/08/14/1618241.shtml The last thing we want to see is another SCO scandal...but this does have some merit..compared to SCO... Just a heads up brother... make your nickels and get out.. Gerritt.
  10. uh oh brother... you just opened up another can of worms.... Talking about the Gun registry!! LOL.... I understand your views.. I may not agree with them but you are certainly entitled to your opinion. Please dont feel as though you are not welcome to express them here (within reason of course)... if we all always agreed it would make for a pretty boring discussion wouldnt it? Funny you mention being a hick... but a city slicker @ the same time.... I am in the same boat.. I grew up outside of Hamilton on a small farm... but was close enough to know what the city was all about.. I am still country (Hate the music though) but I am city enough to have some street smarts... Feel free to debate here if you do not agree with the masses... god knows I have been in disagreement on OFC on more occasions then I care to admit too... I have also had to eat some crow too... Your time will come young jedi...your time will come... Gerritt
  11. I can tell you what I did... as soon as my boat was in the driveway I had it insured... It is called responsible ownership. Accidents can and do happen, I insured for just that reason... do what you wish and if a accident does happen and your being sued for a million then let us know what you think about insurance. It is illegal to drive a car intoxicated It is illegal to drive a boat intoxicated It is illegal operate a car without insurance It should be illegal to operate a boat without insurance Snowmobiles REQUIRE insurance unless your on your private property... <--recreational vehicle I fail to see how your argument holds water... Boat insurance should be mandatory on publicly navigable waterways. I am glad to see though that most of our members believe insurance is a good thing when it comes to boating. Gerritt. I should add that most off-road vehicles also require insurance if driven off your private property... that includes taking an ATV into the bush etc.. or dirt biking at your local track..
  12. LOL no doubt!... I wonder though... I might have to upgrade my boat however...... with the brother-in-law and myself on board there is no more room available!..... Unless my BIL becomes my boats mascot...... god help me! Gerritt.
  13. I replaced my recoil spring on my 25hp Johnson last year when it snapped while on vacation.. I did it on a picnic table and it took about 45 minutes.. Get an extra pair of hands to help you once you put the recoil spring under tension. It is a simple fix and can be completed with an average set of tools (decent socket set) this is certainly a repair a novice can tackle. Good Luck! Gerritt. Ps. while you have it apart it would be a good idea to replace the pull cord at the same time.
  14. *inserts Foot in mouth* Dont get me wrong here though... I am happy an OFC'r won.. I just think the contest put a bad taste in people's mouths due to its lack of control. Gerritt.
  15. Interesting theory... something I should hypothesis about...Where is Canadave!!!! I could see noxious gases "knocking" someone out... in a closed environment .... but even if the wind was dead calm or at their back... I would say this is an old wives tale... as it would only take a mild wind to air out an open boat... unless I was sleeping on the floor due to the Ol' Millwackie! Gerritt.
  16. Again... sometimes it is best to continue at your current rate of speed then it is to slow down....by slowing down you create more wake then if you just just kept on truckin' ..... a simple law of forces/friction and gravity are at play... I mentioned it in Lew's thread.... less boat in the water pushing less water equates to less displacement of water therefor less Wake.... or displacement of energy...Slow down... and your displacing more water... kinda like throwing a pebble in a pond... Vs.... Throwing a boulder... Sound about right douG? Ohhhh... Almost forgot... wear your PFD for Jesus Aged Christ! Gerritt.
  17. uh huh..... I have not used Norton product since Utilities ... so I cant comment on direct settings to change however sounds like JavaScipt or adblocking is the most likely culprit. Gerritt.
  18. Sounds like yu might be experiencing a Java issue... Norton is a PIA always has been... it could also be because of the ads... I would suggest you look at your Norton Settings and look for mention of Javascript and Adblocking. Sorry I did not see your post in the help forum.. Post your results.. and lets try to narrow this sucker down. Gerritt. PS.... I hate NORTON!!!!!!
  19. Nice report! thanks for sharing guys.... and a special thank you to Nancy for her web-sense! (pictures) Gerritt.
  20. Nice report Steve!...seems as though one OFC member is a permanent fixture upon your boat! She like the boat mascot or something? LOL! Thanks for sharing. Gerritt.
  21. Bill welcome back brother!! Have I got news for you!! LOL.... we will be cruising them lakes in style now man! LOL Gerritt.
  22. if our American friends are driving up here for a fishing trip... Or us as Canadians are going to the USA for a bit of shopping this could be a useful tool... http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/general/times/menu-e.html Gerritt.
  23. Yup it was pretty clear to see who the winner was going to be.. seeing as how it was blatantly obvious there was little to no security measures taken to ensure fairness of votes...just turn off cookies and hit vote 3000000000000000 times from one computer in one day, for months on end... Congrats on the win though. Nice to see an OFC'r get-r-done. Gerritt.
  24. Moe, I have a spare dish floating around you can have.... Just point it @ 82 degrees... Install a 15.00 switch and your golden for WFN.. I will bring to our next gathering. Gerritt.
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