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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Mike..... What an adventure brother! Just glad your home safe and sound with nothing hurt (except perhaps your pride?) LOL! Good thing you had your wits about you or thing could have been much worse! You had an angel watching you for sure... I love the pic of your daughter with the frogs... CLASSIC! Being out fished by your buddies sucks... Being out fished by your kids is priceless!! High-Five to your son on his first walleye! Gerritt.
  2. I remember that post very well........... I was told something by someone that has to this day become a very good friend... "God takes the ones he wants by his side." A bitter pill to swallow for the parents right now I am sure.. But Lauren will forever live in their hearts and not a moment will go by where she is not in their thoughts.... They will become stronger people/parents because of this sad situation. In time all things heal.... while she will never be forgotten, Acceptance grows... you realize you were powerless and that God had another calling for her that was more important then the flesh....it is then we realize just how fragile life is. I will make sure she is in my prayers tonight knowing she is beside her higher power. She will always be there in heart and spirit and no one can take that away...... Gerritt.
  3. Nice report!!! Sooooo... can team three expect a new entry?? Gerritt
  4. Jesus....... Absolutely horrible.... I pray for the family of the victims and the kids themselves..... and I hope the person driving that boat is banned from operating watercraft for life.... kinda puts things into perspective dont it..... Gerritt.
  5. not sure I am following what you mean Art... perhaps you can explain in further detail.. Gerritt.
  6. Yeah... I have the Release-A-Seat as shown in those pictures.. Perhaps I need to rethink the middle seat... As for the rear (my) seat.. I will be placing 3/4" plywood underneath it to sandwich it in, I will also be adding a locking handle to it to keep the seat from opening. All great suggestions guys.. please keep them coming! Gerritt.
  7. I will be rigging my boat tomorrow.. adding the seats and electronics and whatnot... and I got to thinking.. How am I going to mount the seat to the middle Bench? The bench is tight to the floor so it will be difficult to strap around the entire bench... and I cant get underneath it to put some marine grade plywood in.. are 4 stainless Screws going to be enough? I would hate to see the quick release plate ripped right out of the bench especially when under way and your leaning back into the seat.. What have you guys done to ensure your passengers safety? Here is a picture so you can see what I am referring too... Thanks again guys! Gerritt.
  8. Just thought I would share some various pictures with everyone... I will let the pics speak for themselves Camping @ Camp Hillbilly with the family.. Weekend @ Bernies! And her Maiden Voyage! and Last but not least..... <embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i129.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid129.photobucket.com/albums/p224/gerritt_2006/MOV01962.flv"></embed>
  9. Yet another question... sorry guys... I am considering a Ram Mount for my Fishfinder... as I know I will upgrade before the year is out and I dont want a million holes in my boat. So I was thinking of a Ram Mount... so I only have to replace the bracket, eliminating the need to drill more holes when I do get th new unit... Do they hold their position in rough waters? (not flopping over etc..) easily adjustable? are they durable? any complaints?? Thanks again guys! Gerritt.
  10. I would have paid 10,000.00 seeing as how I am deathly allergic to them... the only good bee is the one you dont piss off... I have been able to live in harmony with them for 10 years now... just dont swat them or threaten them... and you too can live in peace with the world pollinator... Gerritt.
  11. Brian that Looks awesome!! but I am not looking for a bank of switches... she is too new for me to cut a hole in her that size!! LOL Geez.. I dont want to drill any holes period... but I have no choice and they will be stragically located Thanks for the offer brother! Ger.
  12. Thanks everyone for your suggestions! I wound up heading over to Mike's Marina and let them know what it was I was looking for... it takes standard automotive spade fuses and allows me to hook up all my accessories to the terminal block... then to the battery... this way I dont have a million connections on the battery terminal and makes for a nice clean install should problems arise at a later date.. Thanks again guys I appreciate it!! Now I do have one more question if you dont mind... I need to get an idea on Amperages Running Lights Bow and Stern..7-10 amps sufficient? or is this too much? Fish Finder... 15-20 amps? Cigarette lighter.... 30 amps? Possible radio or iPod installed at a later date... 30-40amps? Thanks again guys you have been a huge help! Gerritt.
  13. Have a great time @ Welcome Lodge Tell Gary and Angela The Stocktons say Hello!
  14. no no no I have the StrawBerry Shortcake rod.... Geez man get your fictional characters correct LOL Gerritt.
  15. I will be running the electrical in my boat this weekend and would like to keep things as neat as possible so I am thinking about a distribution block to connect all my various devices too... Are there any brands out there that are better then others? are their units with circuit protection built right in? Perhaps you guys can tell me what worjed best for you and include links if possible?? Thanks in advance guys! Gerritt.
  16. I am heading out to the driveway to begin rigging up my boat... (Mounting the quick releases for the seats, Trolling motor, electrical for the lights, Might even get to the floor etc...) I have been looking forward to doing this since I bought the boat... but have been unable to find the time to work on her till now. Have a great weekend Lew and I look forward to the report! Gerritt.
  17. Is this a Dear Abby letter? I am hearing some serious whining and crying here.... Man up, dont worry about looking the part on the water and catch some fish! If your Dora The Explorer rod works?? then use it! LOL Gerritt.
  18. Tell that Liberal Pinko Commie to get his Bass pyjama wearing arse in here!!!... Gerritt
  19. Yup she is injured... Even tried it manually... Gerritt.
  20. I bet dollars to donuts... the guys that are on the 400 series cutting everybody off and weaving in and out of traffic in their BMW's... are the same morons you seeing on the lakes.... they drive like jackasses on the roads... they also think the lakes belong to them too.... How many Chevettes do you hear doing 200km+ on the 400??... nope notta one... BMW's, Mercedes, Porches (sp?) etc... Oppps.... forgot my boat keys!!! Complete Bull.... Time for Cam Wolley to be on the lakes... just as much as they are on the 400... Perhaps it is time for the OPP to look at other forms of travel then just driving.... most of the time they (opp) are the causes of gridlock... everyone slowing down etc... when EVERYONE is traveling at the same speed... they should be looking at the water alot more then they are... I have seen 2 OPP on the water in 7 Years!... but 70000 on the 400... I understand some will disagree... but if you want rules on the water... then put the people that can enforce the rules on the water! Gerritt.
  21. guys, I see some of you have rate lower then mine.... but your rigs are worth more..... what is your deductible? I ask because I am sure... if I raise my deductible.. I am sure my rate will decrease... right now it is set @ 100.00... Thank you all for your replies... it is helping in my decision. Also.. does your ins. company insure you should you lose your lower end?? Thanks again guys! Gerritt.
  22. Roy, I agree! have been browsing them for some time now... Infact I almost bought a boat!!... until the wife announced something big..... yup... the freezer died... you heard it here folks... LOL... In the end I did wind up purchasing a boat from another OFC'r.... I have bought a couple things from the classifieds and they have all be very smooth transactions … nice to see seasoned members posting their wares for sale... as opposed to some triad classified.. also not allowing people that are not contributing members is added assurance to those on the fence... Yet again OFC comes through, looking after it's members. Gerritt.
  23. Seeing the creation of new life is just awesome!...it is amazing what a couples love can achieve!... and without love... you and me and your grandfathers grandfather would not be here... (ok ok ok There is Maury Povich!) But seriously, congrats brother and enjoy every minute of it! I wish you and you lovely wife all the best! Gerritt.
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