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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Beauty pics man!! nice looking chrome you got there! G.
  2. Pete, your friggen howls brother!... Nipissing, Ice.... this year? G.
  3. Ken the best is yet to come... your relatively new for all intensive purposes... wait until cabin fever sets in... then read your above post 10 times to yourself... it might restore some sanity... G.
  4. just thought I would post this as a reminder... as most of us will be arriving @ Quinte on the 16th.. Please visit the "Hook-Ups" section and if there is anything in the list I need to modify please let me know and I will update it. Also we could use a bit of help with the potluck supper alot of people expressed interest in on the Saturday. I look forward to seeing alot of old friends again and alot of new friends for the first time.. Here is a direct link to the Hook-Ups Forum.. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showforum=4 Cant wait!! Gerritt.
  5. I have a two peice setup... and I dont find it nearly as warm as my single.. infact my single gets too warm at times.. Just my opinion. G
  6. So.... Orange Duck up @ Quinte next week huh? Sweet report brother! G.
  7. I am currently entertaining the idea of a new vehicle.. I have a 2003 F150 now.. but and dont shoot me for this guys... but I am looking at the Nissan Xterra G.
  8. Screw young and the restless.....Antiques Road show here he comes!!
  9. I see it as a lack of meat... nice pictures though! being out there is 90% of the experience.
  10. I dont have the issue of frequent urination.. (almost ruling out diabetes) I just feel as though I am not sleeping even though I am in bed for usually 8 hours... I wake up as tired as when I went to bed... and yes. I have this leg twitch but only while at rest... I dont nap as I wake up miserable... but usually once every week or two my body has had enough and shutsdown for 15 hours... it is a hard feeling to explain.. as for the pills... I will live with this if sleeping pills are the only answer, they are highly addictive, I really dont want to go down that road....relying on a pill to sleep... beside how restful can a chemically induced sleep be? Steve, i can say this with all honesty you are an inspiration to us all. going through what you are and still full of life and out there fishing... I only hope I would be so determined given what you are now dealing with. Gerritt.
  11. Wayne she Specifically asked me about my legs... and this is what I do... I sit here and they vibrate.. but I only have a cup of coffee in the morning and rarely if ever drink pop.. I was asked if I stopped breathing at night as well... well I said I dont know but I dont think so.... Turns out (Becky corrected me..) I do.. she notices it when (If) I am in a deep sleep... she elbows me and all is good.. The problem with this is it is sleep related.. and I dont know what I am doing while sleeping... my GP mentioned she was going to setup a "sleep study" after my blood came back.... maybe this will offer answers.. I do drink... however rarely in excess.. a couple with dinner or with friends is not uncommon.... again Rarely in excess (dont let Lakair alcohol consumption rate me in my participation! LOL) I thank everyone for their responses and PM's I will more then likely have some more questions as I walk this path... I hope for your understanding.. Gerritt. And in regard to exercise... I do get quite a bit at work... (or used too) but this has been going on for alot longer then I have had my new job.. infact I worked the hardest year of my life (too me anyways) with this.. again thanks guys.. I am bookmarking this page for future reference. G.
  12. Rich, Thank you... I do have a thing with my legs where they are always bouncing them up and down in a rapid manner... it drives everyone I know nuts... but I dont realize I am doing it.. and it seems it only happens when I am in a rested position...ie.. Sitting here typing this to you now. Or when I am in bed my foot is always going. I always just thought I was restless.. I did not know it could be a brain thing..Nor did I think it would effect my sleep.. I am still getting all the other stuff done to rule out any more serious medical condition.. I have just started a bit of reading on this subject... a brain thing... some doctors agree it is a problem others dont... seem this warrants some research on my part.. Thanks for the info I appreciate it. G.
  13. I dont think you see my point... I am asking if anyone else experiences this... not for a medical diagnosis. Nice fish btw G.
  14. yeah they do....... it is called the loonie bin... I dont feel like visiting today.. Did I mention I could add a fish pic to this post? I know alot of guys from OFC (I have been around a long time), and value their opinions... infact some have been role models (something I have not had many of in my life) and they know who they are. Gerritt.
  15. Well I just got back from my GP... For the past year or so I have been feeling tired all the time, even after 8 hours sleep.. Tired during the day, tired in the evening, tired first thing in the morning.. it has been affecting my quality life and I figured it was time to ask for some help. I am not falling asleep while driving or anything I am just constantly run down... My family has a history of Iron, B12 and Diabetes problems so I figured I should probably get myself looked at... Next week I am going in to have about a thousand needles shoved into my arm. My GP is somewhat concerned as someone my age should not be having these issues.. These tests include my thyroid, Cholesterol and all the others I cant spell... Something else was mentioned as a possibility as well.. Restless Leg Syndrome.. anyone heard of this? I have yet to google it.. Is there anyone else that has been through this here? if so please share your experiences with me.. There are days normally Saturdays where I can sleep for 15 hours straight... and feel ok for a day or two.. but then it is right back to feeling drawn out.. I would appreciate and words of wisdom or advice from guys that have been through this before... I find it hard to talk to my wife about these things because she goes on about what she read in this months Todays Parenting etc... Thanks guys! Gerritt. ps... should I need to add a fish picture to this post i will
  16. Having a Minn Kota... my next trolling motor will be a motor guide.. time to replace the controls for my minn kota... yay me! Gerritt
  17. Found this on the Canada in The Rough site... Mods I hope this is ok to post... if not I understand if it is dusted.. http://www.canadaintherough.com/dream_hunt.html Follow the link @ the bottom of the page... Wow... could be a dream come true! Gerritt.
  18. back track and spin? no where did I do that... I simply answered your comment with the facts... if that is putting a spin on things then you need to have your sense of reality checked. Again those that KNOW me understand my comments. infact I have fished with most of the females on this forum even shared more then a couple beers with many of them.. Perhaps you should consult our female members before you become their "self appointed guardian" be sure to use a good moisturizer after your done the dishes.. I would hate to see your hands get dry and cracked given the weather. Enjoy your day! Gerritt.
  19. Outdoorsman, Well said. Gerritt.
  20. Jugzie... most of the female anglers here personally know me and know that in no way is it an insult directed towards them.. but thanks for your concern. Gerritt.
  21. I would be thrilled if they were in camo cooking my meal and washing up after.... other then that I consider them useless... Their show is complete crap.. I cant stand to listen to them blather on about nothing. Just like I cant stand watching paint dry.. As for Darryl.. well I grew up watching him.. others had Red and Bill... do I think he would batter your arm and lick his lips?? for sure I do!! but does he also bring alot of positive to the community?? well I also believe this to be true. I have to say I used to look forward to watching him as a youngster on the tube.... The new generation has EXTREME everything... My Generation had Darryl And the Generation before me (the majority here) had Red etc... even fishing moves with the times.. I am not ready to take anything to the EXTREME just yet... as is sounds like it will hurt in the morning... Gerritt.
  22. I see this board as an appetizer... to food... be it fish, venison, moose (meese? LOL) Beef, pork, bird... I dont care... the premise of this board is MEAT.... Mmmm and such fun tasty MEAT it is.... All finished off with a nice rich red wine... Or perhaps a nice dry white..? Burp. Gerritt.
  23. Wayne, Congrats on the purchase!... now... about me being your "experimental" guest.... Gerritt
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