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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. See my above post LOL! 2 4 1 wings man!!! not to mention the plac is pretty busy on the weekends and it is hard for them to reserve us space. G
  2. No doubt shawn... after spending all day on the water with HeadHunter.. my back was toast the next day.. Perhaps it could be the cheap BPS (70.00) seats as well. I will certainly look into it! G
  3. Tuesday is the only day for 2 4 1 wings... G
  4. Thx Grant, I'll look into it! G
  5. I think Tuesday December 4th would be a great idea... 2 for one wings...cant go wrong! Peter head it up man! G
  6. <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
  7. Sheepies? I thought they were Carp!
  8. Thanks Tomcat for that well thought out and written explanation. Gerritt.
  9. Cliff, I understand what you are saying about S&D... but I thought that we are currently exporting our excess power to the US for a certain amount... and then repurchasing it for more then double when we have a peak period... Mind you from what I have read most of this excess comes from QC.. and is Hydro(water) generated not sure if it comes back to the Ontario grid at a higher price because it was not generated her..... does this make sense? I still think Hydro rates are going to sky rocket with the new meters.. G.
  10. I forgot about the stove!! LOL! it was the least of my concerns ....
  11. Brian, You are a great guy!... but had you had to endure what many of us did... well.. I think you may have just about snapped... to put it lightly.. Lets just say around the campfire we were not singing their praises. But I dont see it as an apology.. just a list of excuses.. as is confirmed frmo people that have been their in the past.. and refused to join us this year.... now they are saying "Told you so..." but you are a good guy brother.. but we all have our limit. G
  12. Agreed Corey... Word of mouth is the be best advertiser or destroyer of any business.....and 95% of us belongs to more fishing sites then this one..... I know one thing unless things are made right to EVERYONE that had issues with Merlands last weekend I will actively campaign to prevent our next fall G2G from Happening there again.. I too feel cheated and lied too. I also feel Kevin's reply is nothing more then a list of excuses to keep some of our members coming back next year... as he has an answer for everything... but Zero solutions.... Besides... how can he have the answers when he was not even present? and is hearing all of this second hand, I dont think we saw his wife for more then 5 minutes the entire weekend.. how is it things were being addressed? certainly not by her or their employees. G.
  13. Ohhhh goodie!! I grew up Kiddie Corner from the Runway6 (Now Sunnyside up I believe) nice to see a fellow Hoper on board. Gerritt.
  14. HomeTown... I am from MH and lots of people already have them...including my PIL.... I grew up on 6 and Whitechurch.. where abouts are you? G
  15. what is it's year, length, Beam and model number? Looks ok from that pic... but hard to tell without detailed pics of the interior and the aforementioned. G.
  16. Does anyone here have a smart meter installed? I got a paper in the mail saying I would have one in the next 30 days... It lists a whack load of pricing.. and if things are used during Peak hours there is a definite increase in the cost per KwH.. I realize we all need to conserve.. but will conservation lead to higher prices due to less demand? someone needs to make money right? I dont see what is wrong with the currant system to be honest other then they have to pay employees to read the meters.. The new smart meters eliminate this need.. It measure electricity use on an hour by hour basis and sends it via wireless to your utility.. You have a Peak, Mid-Peak and Off-Peak... given the time of year the rates change.. have your bills increased? or are you more conscious on when you cook your meal, have your shower or heaven forsake heat your home? To add to this... when will we stop paying the Debt retirement charge? I assume when the debt is paid off... but how much is it really?.. considering the vast amounts of $$ being directed to this I assume it has to be paid off at sometime?? and WHO is getting this money? So if anyone has these so called smart meters could you please share your experiences? TIA! G
  17. Yup to our American Friends Happy Thanksgiving!! Let us know of the insane amount of $$$ you spend on Black Friday!!! PS... I thought Bush Jr. pardoning Flower and Tom(?) was pretty funny. Especially when he made comments about the VP. pardoning Turkeys apparently has a long standing tradition in the US and is a neat tradition I thought.. Anyways guys enjoy the time with your families and stuff yourself till you fall asleep at the table! G.
  18. My last post on this subject as I feel I am just flogging a dead horse here, I should also add it was my truck that was damaged when it slide down the dock..as I was stepping out of the truck. luckily I was quick and was not injured, nor was my truck visually.. however something is out on the door now, and not shutting properly, I have mechanics in my family so no real worries there.. but someone NEEDS to be there to maintain that ramp. Things could have been alot worse. Thankfully I had 3 guys on the dock screaming at me to get out of the way! Gerritt.
  19. Joe, Anytime brother you know that. The pleasure was mine G.
  20. I too would like to know what would have happened had I not called to confirm, noone went out of their way to call me after you saw the mistake (ileft all my contact info including my CC #). PS... I was the one that was organizing this Get Together and I was the one that got screwed..When I asked your wife about the charges for docking and I felt as though perhaps a break should have been given due to the mistake you made earlier with my reservation, I was informed we have to infact pay for both our boats.. She couldn't of cared less Do cottages not come with 1 free slip anymore? why did we have to pay 40.00 then? for the two boats? I would also like to know why you think it was appropriate for your wife to tell someone move my boat without first consulting me. If something had of happened to my boat I assure you, you would be liable. Luckly I noticed it was moved before it was damaged (it was tired to the very corner of the end dock and was on a 45 degree angle to the corner of the dock. Why was noone at the docks with a map of the docks to ensure docking went smoothly I do appreciate the reply you made here.. but i fail to understand how so many feel as though they have been wronged by your place of business, the problems run alot deeper then just this weekend as is evident from the posts on this thread. Gerritt.
  21. I hear that there is a guy named Lew that sure knows how to boat em G
  22. All joking aside... this has now become even more serious.. I wish your son all the best.. and I look forward to holdfast's reply.. although given the circumstances.. it should be in PM.... tell your step son thank you for me would you please? Gerritt.
  23. Thanks Glen.... But what is Carole "doing" exactly in the group pic???
  24. I can tell from the van you drive LOL! G.
  25. if it was my cash Kelvin... Plasma... they have pretty much eliminated "screen burn".. Not to mention LCD has not gotten rid of artifacting. your best bang per square inch is by far Plasma. I should add what manufacture also has alot to do with your decision Gerritt.
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