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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Gerritt


    Well, all I know is I will have it on here in High Def.. and playing a little poker. If your local to Hamilton your more then welcome to stop by, have a drink and plop your butt at the poker table, while watching some MMA. We play for loonies so no big deal... Gerritt
  2. Jay your a good man. I would be more then happy to share my 5 sqf of ice with you any day! I remember.. "are you cold?" "yeah" then I think I responded "i am friggen cold" as I lay on the ice with my back to the wind... good times! but I did not say friggen..... it was brutal that day fellas and me being the considerate man I am opped earlier to leave my hut @ home so the others had room for theirs in my truck..... PS.. Goran does not have a hut.. he has the Taj Mahal! LOL LOL.. anyways back to the point... All in all we all curse... it is a fact... well unless your Mary Poppins or something... come to think of it.. perhaps she said sugar so often as a replacement for another less attractive word... hey! I have an idea.. use the word sugar to get around OFC's word sensors! but your right it need not be broadcast across the entire lake as Jay pointed out.. some people see the word damn as offencive... others see using our lords first name as offencive, others need to have 19 4 letter words used at once screamed from the top of your lungs while standing on their heads as something to be offended about... it is all a matter of YOUR individual perception... G
  3. Gerritt


    I was waiting for this post..... He is a NATIONAL champion wrestler. The real deal. Yes he paid his bills being in the WWE/WWF This man is a serious threat in the Heavy Weight class... Wrestlers have traditionally done well in MMA... Mir is about to get his big mouth shutup G.
  4. Just mind your tounge while your out there! I dont wanna hear "Jesus C**** that is a huge fish and it wont come up the hole!" Because we all know there are those on the ice that are sensitive. G.
  5. While I think sometimes the "trucker" comes out in us when amongst the guys.. We know that stuff does not fly around the wife... there is a sort of freedom when hanging out with the guys... no wife telling you to watch your language, calling a guy a homo when amongst the guys is considered acceptable... as we all know it is in jest. Now dont get me wrong sometimes things slip... and I am not saying F every second word.. but there is a bit of freedom involved when your out with the guys... you drink more then normal, you swear a bit more.. heck you might even mention something about the cute well endowed waitress serving you.... none of this flies when with the wife.. as for the kids around.. well that is another issue.. I know I have been reminded on several occasions about letting something slip out... Like damn or as you said Jesus Christ.. I am human and I do err. for the most part though I try and be mindful of what I say especially now with a 2 year old in the house... and it helps to have friends with kids as well as they tend to remind you LOL right Chris? But guys will be guys and when not under the wifes thumb, well sometimes we tend to relax a bit knowing there will be no nag.. G
  6. Goran, Check out gpscity.com pricing...... just incase... Just checked.. for the full kit your looking at $25.95 and no PST....... <-- from gpscity G
  7. This is going downhill and fast... God bless all our boys over there... instead of fighting amongst ourselves, channel that energy into supporting the sons, husbands, fathers etc that are living in hell with each waking breath.. that would bring positive change. Gerritt.
  8. Jersey dog.. use it to make a little boys day... infact more then one day.. Bid on the early bird items for Tyler. NBA tickets still waiting to be bid on... Know that you $$ is going to a good cause.. helping a kid that is special and requires some special friends to help him along. One good turn deserves another... G.
  9. Cost of packing one ultra tight snowball, soaking it in water and freezing it for 3 days ....$2.00 Cost of cooler for said snow ball $30.00 Cost to fly said cooler with said snowball via FedEx $70.00 Cost for the spring actuated launching device to plaster said snowball inside said cooler square in the yip of Glen... Well thats priceless... For fun there is smashing the southerner in the face with a frozen ball of snow... For everything else there is Mastercard Anyone willing to help with the postage? G.
  10. Vance dont quote me on this... but I think it is next Weds. @ Noon.....Roy will confirm. G.
  11. Looks like Roy has posted it! w00t! http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showforum=1 Second link down Happy Bidding! Gerritt.
  12. Well I have to say I am rather impressed with the service I received from gpscity.com I ordered my Ram Mounts yesterday and had them before Noon today. I spoke to the owner yesterday as I was confused about a couple things, He called me (I ordered through Ram directly and my purchase was sent to gpscity.com I was getting odd emails etc..) anyways I got gpscity's pricing and no PST or brokerage fees! because they are in Canada I will be certain to look at gpscity.com for some of my future purchases, if Jos does not have stock. Thanks again for the advice guys. G.
  13. Stanford has a new website that not only shows you how cool their new 3-d modeling system is, but actually allows you to give it a try with your own photos. The system can take a 2-d still image and estimate a detailed 3-d structure which you can navigate. "For each small homogeneous patch in the image, we use a Markov Random Field (MRF) to infer a set of "plane parameters" that capture both the 3-d location and 3-d orientation of the patch. The MRF, trained via supervised learning, models both image depth cues as well as the relationships between different parts of the image. Other than assuming that the environment is made up of a number of small planes, our model makes no explicit assumptions about the structure of the scene; this enables the algorithm to capture much more detailed 3-d structure than does prior art (such as Saxena et al., 2005, Delage et al., 2005, and Hoiem et el., 2005), and also give a much richer experience in the 3-d flythroughs created using image-based rendering, even for scenes with significant non-vertical structure." http://ai.stanford.edu/~asaxena/reconstruction3d/ Seems the actual test section is down for maintenance at the moment... but look to it when it is back up and test it on your photos! Gerritt.
  14. TILLER!!!! Welcome brother, G
  15. I would have to vote for the West Arm also. G
  16. http://mfile.akamai.com/10676/wmv/ondemand...2508-thinhs.asx Some areas of Simcoe are not safe! G
  17. Paul, Yup... Special weather statement has been issued by Environment Canada. http://www.weatheroffice.gc.ca/warnings/son_e.html G
  18. Burlington has there fair share of wild dogs... due to the proliferation of the rabbit population... I have never seen so many rabbits in one area as I have in Burlington it is unreal!.... I was working on a project there for 2 months.. 112 windows, a whack of doors and interior trim.. and we would literally have to lift our feet when sitting outside for lunch etc... the dogs will follow the prey. G
  19. We have Coyotes up here Jen? Dang.... better not let Liam out at night.. G
  20. Anyone up for it?
  21. I dont think the intent of Brian's reply to this post was to insinuate that you were poaching. G
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