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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Blake, Thank you for the response I appreciate the time you spent making it. In no way was my original post meant to bash the business.... Your website says one thing.. your employee says another. Sorry just the way it was and you were not involved in the conversation.. As for the reels.. I asked you for your price, I asked another local dealer for their price.. they were ALOT less on a better reel! You offered the accudepths I picked up the LC47's for close to 40 bux cheaper each .. and that included them being lined up. I am a pretty simple person Blake and I say things as they are some people like my frankness some dont.. it is just who I am.. But I kept quiet about the reels... this was the icing on the cake... You can being 130.00 over the rest of the market, @ the second price I was given or the first price quoted @ 849.00... how in all honesty can you call that competitive? I am sorry if you dont understand the nature of my post Blake.. I want to ensure fellow anglers understood to shop around. I do appreciate that FW does charity work... but so do alot of other companies.. mine included... it does not mean I charge a 25% premium for doing what is right... The reason I asked the mods to let this stay is Simple... I had an issue with the way I was treated... and you may advertise here... we are both welcome to our opinions me as a customer, and you as the merchant.. I let your employee know there had to be something wrong Blake.. he dropped 100.00 in 5 seconds.. I let him know that something still was not right as other companies were still ALOT less and invited him to please look at their prices... After him talking to someone in the background.. I assume it was Mike, it was a no. after that I was quickly let off the line... I gave every opportunity to FW to earn my $$ Yes I have spent considerable money in your store.. But that should not mean I have to go there in person (as one member suggested) to get the best price.. The pricing should be fair and straight forward across the board, it was not and to be so quickly dismissed when I question the pricing was insulting.. Alot of people here know me, they also know the type of person I am.. I am VERY passionate about alot of things... But I am also fair. Blake I have no personal issue with you... just in how your employee handled the situation... I was pretty much hung up on when I questioned as to why the price was so out of whack.. I decided to spend my $$ elsewhere Blake... and trust me their spot is nowhere near your size... nor is their name mentioned as often... Why is it they are the #1 dealer for Lowrance/Eagle in Canada then? it come down to one thing... Service and Price. they are the best because they know if you give one guy great service he will bring 3 friends... and that person 3 friends.. He might not have your profit margins per unit... but he certainly makes up for it in volume. Perhaps if a customer asks you in the future why your price is so high compared to the rest of the market you will actually give them the time of day... your new employee perhaps need to know what to do in such circumstances... Maybe looking at the company in question would be a great first start... and go from there... Blake, I know your just the messenger.. but would you personally pay 130.00 more for a fishfinder? I thank you for your view on the subject. Gerritt.
  2. SWEEET!!! awesome pics Bernie... Love the picture of the cottage @ sunset! Gerritt.
  3. Cliff, Happy birthday my friend! G
  4. Thanks Skeeter.... my motor does charge the starting battery.. my main concern was overloading it or unforeseen surges..this does not seem to be an issue in your case. So maybe I will be ok.. Do you notice your graph flicker when your still fishing and you start your motor? Due the strain put on the battery? I know not to hook electronics to the trolling motor for this reason... (Things go screwy) Thanks again!
  5. I think my Sirius unit might be a little different.. I dont have an add on dash unit... I have a Sirius box that plugs directly into my Pioneer head unit... I control everything from my Pioneer Head unit. Therefor having the Sirus unit take a digital signal and then broadcasting it to an FM frequency is not required... If your head unit supports it get the directwire unit.. FM modulation take a significant blow out of the sound quality... G
  6. Afternoon everyone! I need a bit of advice when it come to wiring up my electronics in the boat... Right now I have my trolling motor on a separate battery and I have my main starting battery. I have all my electronics connected to the main starting battery via a fuse block... I figured if my old sonar went... who really cares... now that I am adding even more electronics to the boat, I want to ensure I have things wired properly... Should I continue to keep them connected to my starting battery? Or should I add another battery and leave my starting battery just for the motor? I would rather not see the battery overloaded, drained or even worse have it popping fuses out on the lake.. should I add another battery in Parallel to the main battery so it is always being charged by the motor while underway and connect my electronics to this battery? I have the space to add another battery so it is not really an issue... other then the added weight.. Or would you just leave things as the are? and connect everything up to the fuse block that is running of the main starting battery Thanks for your advice guys! Gerritt. I should mention, I plan on adding a VHF and possibly a CD player in the near future...
  7. I have Sirius and love it... it is nice to listen to music without commercial interruptions every 7 minutes.. Only draw back is no local weather or traffic channels... G
  8. I belong to a couple clubs, Including Stelco's or is it US Steel Canada now lol... I joined up and paid my dues like everyone else... But I am a quasi member as I do not work for Steclo.. My wife does and so did my father-in-law. I do enjoy the meetings ( I have made it to two) and would like to attend more, I would be what you would consider young blood in comparison to your overall membership and you do need more people like myself if your club is going to survive.. But I have to be honest, I feel out of place knowing I am not a full fledged member as everyone else in the room... But I will be there, for the speakers and some of the great info I have received. Gerritt.
  9. One would think... with glasses like those fish would feel compelled to just jump into the boat! Mr. Cruise can I have you autograph?!? LOL Mark is a good guy... can wait to hit the water one day. G.
  10. I thank everyone for their point of view, I definably appreciate it! I bought what I wanted today and extra... my bill was 1050.07 in total... but I got what I was looking for plus plus plus Jos is a great guy! mind you a little bit different! Thanks again to everyone that let me know that you can get both get prices and great service from a small shop... Jos was proof positive of that! A small shop that blows everyone else out of the water when it comes to pricing and personal service.. he literally spent over 2 hours showing me how things work and how they they can work in conjunction with one another! He programmed the units before I left.... guess what.... I will be returning.. and with friends... I will go back there for that type of personal service for sure.. and there were other people in the store, and the phone ringing etc... but his attention was directed toward us.. This is what it was about... I would also like to thank SilveradoSheriff both for the ride from the 401, the advice and the chat... It was nice to meet you and lets hook up for some fishing! Rod is a great guy... anyone lucky enough to meet the man is certainly going to have a great day! This will be my last post on this thread.. I think everyone knows I am not happy with the price given to me by the largest in my area.. Jos, has made a new friend.... Shhhhh dont tell the wife... Up next is a new VHF unit with DSC and summers worth of tackle.. see you soon Jos! G
  11. Guys, In no way was this thread posted to as one person put it to Whine about FW... I posted it because of the companies claims to be competitive.. when I let them know they were not competitive they really could have cared less... I doubt they would have moved on the price even if I drove to their store. a few bucks I can understand as Corey mentioned... but 130.00 is just too much on a 600.00 item I posted this in the hopes that other anglers, including those new to the sport looking or their first sonar would take notice and shop wisely... just because a store has ample square footage does not always mean they have the best pricing... How is it a small place in Woodstock can be competitive to the market when the Goliath here in Hamilton cannot? this is not to BASH FW... as it is their business they are free to do what they want... I just wanted to inform other fishermen of my experience with the competitive pricing guarantee. As I stated.. this is certainly not the first time they have been over priced to the rest of the market.. but this was a shock to me.. 40.00 I could understand... but 25% is a just wrong in my opinion. Caveat Emptor G.
  12. UHmmmm ok you guys were holding hands in at least two pictures..... should we be worried: wont someone thing of the children!! G
  13. I do agree with some of your comments Justin... However,,, it hs been alot more then just "one" item.... FW is the largest (in terms of square footage) tackle shop here in Hamilton... So given their "size" they are considered the best.... I will make this known to you now..... but this is private... (Even moderators dont get a break when they are OBVIOUSLY OVER PRICED) and no I am not a mod here.... meaning it was someone other then me I am calling them out on one simple fact... weather you agree or not... they call themselves competitive... in terms of pricing... do you think they are competitive? perhaps if I was is Holland! sadly my local tackle shop is waiting for a "sucker" as Brian put it.... and I dont want to see any fellow fisherman Suckered into buying over priced electronics.... if they can they have the same item for 200 buck less down the road... sorry for standing up for the locals here in Hamilton... but I refuse to pay 130.00 more for something someone in the 416 or 519 can have for alot less. G
  14. http://radioworld.ca/product_info.php?cPat...roducts_id=3051 Here is the comparable link... G
  15. as for why I did not purchase from radio world.... I know some here have.... but I have not myself personally... but after tonight... and after my post ... I have received pm after pm about Angler Outfitters I will be probably spending close to 1000.00 there tomorrow... all because FW would not live up to their standard about their pricing... I too look forward to their response... and if need be fax them my receipts of sales lost... all in 60 seconds..... trust me in no way do I have $$ I am just an average joe... with a bit of budget to burn.. but there are some serious anglers from our area with $$ to burn... I hope this sreves as a reminder... someone else will ALWAYS appreciate your business more.... as is in my case... with Angler Outfitters. Gerritt.
  16. Justin, Thank you for your reply.... but this is certainly not a case of Wal-Mart mentality... I have been in the market for some time... perhaps too long.... I have looked at everything... I am pretty precise when it comes to my electronics.... this is not something I have posted out of anger... I am simply stating the simple fact that if you are looking for a certain model of sonar... look elsewhere as well as I am sure you can find a better deal.. if it was just about dollars and cents I would have purchased at an instant from radio world... but I have not purchased there before.... but I know MANY OFC'rs that have... that being said... I gave my local shop Fishing World an opportunity, to secure my sale... I asked questions , I asked price..they failed pretty simple....not knowing how much I have spent in the past or my additional purchases that I needed to complete.. Lets put it this way... would you like to pay 200.00 more for a sonar you could get anywhere else for less?what if you were a lurker here.... from our area.. just getting into the sport? What would you say to them? sorry about you luck? Looks like you got screwed? Justin, I know you would not do that.... All I am stating is fact... and if Canadian Tire tries to rip me of on tires... well I will post my tire issue to a tire forum.. I hope this make some sense.. G.
  17. Glen I understand what you are saying... Yes they were more on the reels... I picked them up @ Bills bait n tackle for LOT less then they were offering... and Bills Bait n Tackle are ALOT smaller then they are... I am not trying to make things difficult for myself... I am just trying to find what I want at the best price I can as my funds are not unlimited....I am just doing my homework... I just dont see how one of my local dealers can be that out of touch... (we are not in a small market here) compared to the rest....Especially when they promise they are competitive! I figured they would at least be in the ballpark.... hell they were not even close... they were in left field!... I could have spend my cash at radioworld in a heartbeat... but I have NEVER dealt there before... nor did I know FW would be worlds away in terms of pricing until tonight... and seeing as how I have spent $ there before I offered them the opportunity to at least come close...849.00 until I said something...then all of a sudden the price dropped 100.00 I mean comeon... I spoke with someone with an interest in this board tonight about them...and well... he mentioned the same thing when it came to a bow-mount trolling motor.. I dont know about you but... 130.00 is about 4-5 hours @ work for me... I would like to see that 130.00 kept in their pocket... And if I am able to help a fellow OFC'r from spending too much.... well I will do just that.. G
  18. Well after talking to Rod (SS) and Jos @ Angling Specialities, Jos has offered me the same price as RadioWorld on a better unit... not to mention a deal on maps... Thank you Rod for getting info for me and for setting me up with a company that values customer satisfaction and is fair to deal with. See you tomorrow Rod! G.
  19. Thank you Roy... I was kinda worried about complaining about a paying advertiser, but the truth is they need to live up to their word... Be competitive! Fishing world in my opinion is no where near this... I just wanted to let the other folks in the golden horseshoe to do their homework Thank you Roy for letting this stand. I promise NOONE is going to "tie" you up again LOL Gerritt.
  20. SS - Thank you I will give them a call where are they located?? LBH, Small outfits like these should be screaming for our business... I literally work 4 minutes from BPS, Jane and Hwy 7 area.... but I like to support the small local business man... but I DONT want to be raped in the process... G
  21. Why is it companies say they have the lowest price, or in Fishing Worlds case the most competitive? When is means absolutely NOTHING From Fishing Worlds website... "Our Prices Our prices are competitive and our selection unbeatable. If you need it, we have it. Fishing World is truly your one-stop fishing experience without the hassle of driving out of the area. I just called and spoke with a fella named Wayne.. I was asking about a couple different models, the 525c, the x510c and the 522c I asked his about the price on the 522c and his response was 849.00!!! I said there must be some mistake.. he looked it up and said Ohh the price dropped to 749.00 I then let him know that RadioWorld has the exact same unit on with a regular price of 649.00 on sale for 619.00 (Thats a 130.00 price difference folks) I work not far from Radio World (less then 5 minutes) I asked him if he would match RadioWorlds pricing... after talking with someone in the background he said NO... Even if I did not work in the GTA.. for 130.00! it would be WELL worth the 45 minute drive to save 130.00!! I have bought a ton of stuff from there in the past... (I did not mention this to them nor should it matter.. offer a competitive price!) Between Fishing World and Bills Bait and Tackle I spend 90% of my fishing budget.. These guys have seriously let me down... How can they call a 130.00 price difference competitive? Why would the not be willing to take my business? I urge all OFC'rs to do your homework before dropping down serious hard cash... Seems all they were concerned with was getting ready for the "show" who cares about the little guy with 1000.00 burning a hole in his pocket wanting to buy a sounder and a VHF unit... PS.... Blake, Now you know why I did not purchase those reels from you.. as you were more $$ then too. End of rant. G. Mods please let this post stay... I know Rick did their site and they may be an advertiser here... but none of that has any bearing on my complaint. Other fishermen in the area deserve to know and to do their homework.
  22. I'll be there.... Looking for deals on a sonar G
  23. Lew I know when I asked the same question as you I got a TON of different opinions... I pooled them all together and the TDR was certainly the rod of choice in a MedHeavy configuration. I coupled my TDR's with Daiwa Sealine 47's I could not be happier with this setup... I have seen first hand what happens to an Okuma reel.... they implode! LOL Just my thoughts G
  24. This year I will not be in the area for the G2G as I will be on the south shore of L. Nipissing, Cant wait for the reports though!! G
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