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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Well things have hit a stumbling block.... After talking with my current mortgage company they are going to assess me an 8400.00 or 6mths @ 1400.00 early break penalty.... OUCH!!!!! I dont understand it... so I cannot sell my house until my mortgage come up for renewal? I feel like this is extortion and my house is being held hostage...... and makes little sense to me. I put in a call to my lawyer... nothing is easy I suppose.... G
  2. Geoff, SP and lundboy have both provided great links.. BPS sells these also... If you also require a master switch there is a very simple solution, Use a 15A Circuit Breaker on the Positive wire coming from your battery Hope this helps! G
  3. They have my vote to nationalize oil production here in Canada, and say screw world market... More then enough oil here in Canada to supply us for a hundreds of years.... Problem is we lack refinery capacity.... and cannot build more due to environmental reasons. (read Antis) So we pipe it south and buy it back... Yay Canada... taking it the proverbial arse very much like our Hydro...... G
  4. Usually Tuesday evenings are the ticket.... But they can happen anytime... usually after the supper hour... All you need to do is wait till 7:30-8pm and post a thread saying you are in chat... and you will usually have a few people join in But I have to warn you... Sometimes things get off colour.. so be sure you have your parents permission lol G
  5. Pisses me off... I just paid them 35.00 each (for two separate people) not long ago LOL G
  6. This is all about the hedge fund traders... as the US dollar slides further down the crapper investors are putting their money into commodities. the more they buy the higher crude goes and the more $$ they put into their pocket. The US announced they have Million of gallons in reserve... the price still went up... Why? Fear..... Blame the up coming recession in the US fellas... and Hope that Ontario can survive through it.. G
  7. Well I have the tools and knowledge... lets get building!!! G
  8. Wayne.. Please consider me as one of your daughters supporters. I hope my small donation helps her reach her goal... G
  9. Thanks for all the advice guys, it will certainly come in handy as we progress. I will save this link for future reference. Albert, when/if this goes through, Jimmy will be able to buy the new sports car he always wanted as I will be there! LOL.. Hamilton Sod I think the real estate lawyer I have used the past two times is the most expensive in the area Charles Macaluso (sp?) I would certainly entertain the thought of using another lawyer if anyone has one they can suggest in the Hamilton area G
  10. Certainly entertaining the thought! G
  11. Thanks for all the replies guys! and please keep them coming.. A lawyer will definetly be involved Steve... these are not friends of ours... just people we know of and make nice too... I knew their parents more then I know them unfortunately... Thanks again guys! G
  12. A fitting tribute Brian. I am sure your Grandfather is proud of the man you have become. And he is looking forward to the day when you can fish again..... but as you said... just not yet... Thank you for sharing this with us... G
  13. Getting tired of the constant noise and nosey neighbours (Kidding I have great neighbours) ..... but I need a change.. An Opportunity has fallen into my lap on a house that is not on the market... but the occupants need to relocate... I knew the current owners parents they have since past.... It is a gorgeous house with a detached 2 bay garage and an acre of land.... Backs onto a wood lot and behind that is a sod farm. It brings me back where I grew up In the country... although it is becoming less and less country.... but it is certainly not the city.. I wont mention the price, but it is what I consider a steal. It would be sold privately to us, and they personally came over and let us know that they are looking to relocate, They also know that we wanted back where we both grew up (Wife and I met in HighSchool) and we know this house having grew up there and being over for BBQ's etc... But... I have never bought a home privately... Heck I bought my first house only 6 years ago..... (I am 32) While we would both like to keep the expenses down to complete a deal meaning no real estate agent.... is this wise to do as a buyer? How do you go about it? I have already talked to my Mortgage Broker there is no issue in me getting the funds needed... I am kinda lost though as to this whole private sale thing though..They would like to sell privately... I will still have my lawyer involved though to protect me legally... has anyone sold or bought a house privately before? what was your experience? We are seriously mulling this over, Now time to decide what to do here (in our current house) to make it sell..... G
  14. Roger, Thank you for all the leg work you have done in clearing up some misconceptions about BPS! If I could ask just one more question...though What if a retailer does not have a website, produce flyers or magazines.. but you saw it in store and it was available at a set price... would BPS call the retailer to confirm? if so that would be awesome!!!!!! as alot of stores do not put out flyers or catalogs like LB's does. Again thank you for taking the time to address the concerns of our little community Not only are you a great asset to BPS but OFC as well. G
  15. Wayne... that report certainly beats me sitting at my office anyday!!!.. That fish looks like it has been dead for a bit... natural causes such as old age?? your thoughts? G
  16. He is new and young.... But he seems to be passionate! Kudos!

  17. If they are 8 to 10" long.... The Muskie guys call em bait! G
  18. sounds to me like you saved a fortune! Well worth the trip in my eyes! G
  19. Cliff I would be there in a heartbeat if I was able too, Sorry.... I hope you are able to find a couple able bodies. For those of you that do not know Cliff is an amazing fella! Gerritt.
  20. Tom C, Yes a man has lost his life. and I feel for his family... and if a trust is setup please let me know about it. Gerritt.
  21. the trick is to cut in the ceiling with as little paint as possible and remove the tape before the paint dries... I like the suedes also the knife trick works if you were too late in removing the tape. consider it a lesson learnt A simple fix though... plastic off the walls and repaint the ceiling! LOL!.. If you were closer I am sure you would have alot of help! G
  22. I agree with both of you... Death is no Joke... but remember everyone deals with emotions in different manners.. people get angry, cry, laugh, snap, hold a party....... I too have been through a tough loss... and everyone has their own way of dealing with death... Everyone. while tragic, and I feel for the family this is the truth. people vent in their own manner.. G
  23. But was this man wading???.... the news report does not say so... It could be suicide, it could be someone murdered... I know this sounds morbid.... But who are we to speculate until the police have done their job... Wait for the autopsy then from a conclusion... Noone said this man was fishing either.... he could have been pushed... who knows... and I think 4Reels comments were made in jest, making light of a difficult subject (that being death) everyone deals with it differently... and I think his comments might have been misconstrued. G
  24. Roger, I picked up my Eagle unit @ Angling Outfitters for 349.00 when BPS was 599.00 would BPS have matched it? would a phone call be in order to ensure the price and that stock was available? I would just like to know what BPS's procedure is when another shop has them beat hands down.... As I work 5 minutes from BPS... Or does it have to be something that is advertised? perhaps you could ask George for us? G
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