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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Sounds like a great day to me! Now if only I could master getting rid of the Y bones... my grandfather was a pro @ it.. G
  2. And a general all around nice guy to talk too.. While they might make only 15 points per reel VS. other retailers making 40 points, they make up for it in shear volume It is a win win for the consumer and a business model that works. Sell to you're customer base at what they see as value and you will make a repeat purchaser of that customer. When I was talking to him (Dave) it is absolutely mind boggling the amount of items they are pushing out the doors. This is my forth purchase with them and there will be more to come. Kudos all-americanoutdoors.com! G
  3. I just received my order as well... I ordered a Stradic for my BIL's Birthday... (It will be an early gift for him... as we are giving it to him for opener) Got it in under 2 weeks and shipping was 7.50.. I got a spool of Calcutta Mono... looks nice enough! Hard to go wrong!! G
  4. That should push your ride around nicely Roy! Congrats ! G TILLER!
  5. Roy, you picked up a new motor? What did you get? Mmmmm Lobster.... G
  6. I need to put the finishing touches on my boat and wire up a new trailering harness to the truck, Install a roof vent for a neighbour and trim out a basement.... Ohhh and take the winter tires off the car... It is gonna be a long day....... G
  7. Nice haul! Mmmmmmm... How you gonna cook them? Battered? I ask because I am friggen hungry!!!... Fried Walleye and Silver Dollars.... "insert salivation here" G
  8. Well make sure you have the right equipment to start off with..what are you using as a tank/pen? what kind of top do you have for it? Do you have the needed lights and a heat source so the snake can warm itself? do you have materials so the snake can hide itself? as for size.... I would start off with a smaller snake... and get him longer and fatter... this is really the only learn feeding habits etc.. Also There are a ton of great books on how to care for snakes.. I might still have a couple.. I will take a look and let you know.. depending on the type of snake you get... you could wind up feeding him anything from mice to rabbits.... you will need a method to also care for these... I kept Mice.. just for this purpose... Just a few things to think about.. I will let you know if I can find my books. G
  9. I did when younger... several infact.. My baby was a Ball Python named Snickers.. Have questions? G
  10. try this... http://www.uhaul.com/guide/index.aspx?equi...pentrailer-6x12 G
  11. rent one from UHaul... they make it so you can take them ONE way... Just drop it off at the location closest to your destination.. G
  12. TB, You're right about this new injector.. wow... different for sure.. I sure hope I dont have to use that huge arse second needle anytime soon!!! Nice compact case, but warns of Glass... my old Epipen did not have glass... at any rate.. alot better to carry around with me.. G
  13. I was too scared for my life when I was growing up, as I knew the belt was there and I was on the receiving end of it alot.. If I said something the wrong way the belt was there, if I complained I did not like dinner the belt was there, If I came home late from playing with friends the belt was there.. I think you get the point I am trying to make.... To this day I have never raised a hand to either of my sons, nor do I intend too.. there is no need to beat a child into submission.. Show him love and respect, and in turn that is what you will receive.. Hope that you raised your child well enough to know the difference between right and wrong and keep the lines of communication between you open.. So if he is being pressured into something by his peers he has no fear in talking to you about it.. Parents should not beat the people they love and care about.. Having said that words can be even more damaging then physical violence.. Sometimes I would have preferred more beatings instead of the name calling and demeaning dialog at the hands of my Step Dad.... G
  14. No Connie... they are a pain reliever.. and I use them only when my hand bothers me.. my last script (30 pills) lasted me for almost a year and I still have a few left.... As for the Epipen TB you're correct... but I have coverage... and this year my doctor is giving me a new one.. Twin-something or other... it is supposed to be better.. as the epipen wears off after 20 minutes.. if your not at a hospital in that time there can be a decent chance you'll go into anaphylaxis regardless.... this new emergency device gives you double that time.. she said it gives you two doses but staggered apart... I have a Bee Allergy G
  15. Thanks for all the advice fellas I appreciate it! And thanks to those calling me fat too.. I spoke with my family doctor today as she was given the full report on my test, I also required a new script for my Epipen, and another medication (none of your business) and talked about an action plan to help me quit smoking.. Turns out I have moderate to severe Apnea.. and given my medical History (from birth) Obesity is not the issue here... I will not go into details on my medical history, but I am far from obese... Nor am I considered from her charts to be " overly heavy"... I could stand more exercise however... since the injury to my hand it is something I have been lacking as I can no longer lift weights etc... and am no longer as active at work.. My diet does not need to change as I bet dollars for donuts I eat healthier then 90% on this board... Having a son allergic to everything under the sun does that to a family... Given my medical history I was more prone to develop this issue it seems.. compared to the as she put it "standard" population... Anyways she gave me the skinny on what to expect and that relief will come once I feel comfortable with the machine..
  16. That Beaver looks nice and wet... I wonder though... because it looked so delicious.. did you poke it with your stick?
  17. I appreciate your brutal honesty... Quite refreshing! I can fall asleep in the blink of an eye.. standing, sitting, playing cards it does not matter when... I have never fallen asleep behind the wheel though.. while I am tired @ 1pm in the afternoon I fight through it... but I also have times where I cannot fall asleep... usually because my mind is racing a million miles a minute... I live a pretty stressful life (Don't we all)... and being tired all the time makes things worse... I am lucky though my boss understands my situation as does my wife... again I appreciate your post... Hey and no worries... I nor most here would never look down on someone that needs a helping hand.. Social Assistance is there for a reason.. For those that need it. Be well my friend. G
  18. Yes Clamp-it I went to a sleep clinic study... which is where I was diagnosed with Sleep Apnea (hence the reason for my post )..... as for the weight gain I am husky not overly fat and have been a bigger fella for as long as I can remember anyways.. 6'+ and 215-220 depending on the day.. I go for my CPAP study on June 4th... and then a meeting with the doctor there after... Good info though Clamp-it for those people that have not been through the test.. G
  19. Well as some of you know I went in for a sleep study last month... It was booked as I was tired of being tired all the time and I could not figure it out the problem... Well I had the test... and I got a letter in the mail today It states I have Sleep Apnea and they have booked me for another study to test me with a CPAP machine... So I figured I would come here and see if any of my fellow brethren have any answers to my questions be for my CPAP study... Anyone use one of these? Has it improved your quality and length of sleep? it the thing comfortable?? Is the "Pump" noisy? Thank in advance guys G
  20. Dr. Scott Mandel orthopedic surgeon ... hell this guy was on Smartest Canadian.. G
  21. Connie, I made my own by visiting :shops" here that perform this function... I plan on doing my own once I get the supplies here... I have a buddie that is giving them to me... but that was last year......... I need to add this for dramatic effect "............................................................." Ok... hopefully soon enough, I will be PM you if I need a bit of advice.. Gerritt.
  22. NP... Anytime... Just know that surgery on your wrist is not the easiest procedure for a doctor... and I was treated by one of the best in Canada.. you're correct about the temp casts... they are put on in emerg by doctors that do not have a clue.. and 95% of the time they are plaster... once you get into the fracture clinic where they have people that do nothing but cast people all day... they have a better feel for what is correct.. not to mention the time taken and the use fibreglass! I kid you not.. tough as it is do not want to give you any false hope... surgery on my wrist was difficult... and I am not one to back down.. but it honestly drove me insane... something so small causing so much pain... PM me is you have any other questions... As a result of my surgery my life has altered and luckily for the better... I am counted amoungst the few that had the schooling and knowledge to be able to transition myself from carpenter to managing other carpenters and day to day business details... Please keep us informed on your progress... and if you need advice from someone that has been through wrist surgery please pm me... I will provide my number etc .. Do yourself a favour for the sake of your future... don't over do it... and that includes fishing... the rest of your life and earning potential is worth more then a few fish... G
  23. Silvio.... Yes I am there now... the scaphoid is a PIA... I have broke it in the past...They never heal right and take forever to do so.. I mentioned in your post fishing was a bad idea.. and I talk from experience Mine too was caused by foolishness.. busting some guys orbital bone, nose and knocking out two of his teeth (I know because he was at the same hospital)... all for a friend that deserved a beating... instead I was left with the four guys that jumped him.. while he turtled... My fun ended when I was smashed in the back of the head by someone I did not see coming with a unopened beer bottle..... (Stitches there too) Would I jump in again for a friend or family member... I dont think I have learned my lesson because Yes I would.. if the odds are not fair.. The consequences... I recently (11 Months ago) had surgery to put my smashed wrist (Right hand) back together... I have screws and a small plate holding my hand together now.... they also had to do a bone graft (taking bone from my elbow) to put my hand back together... I lost my livelihood and my self respect in not being able to provide for my family for over 10 months... I am a carpenter.. I now have about 70% of my hand function back... and less then 50% of my grip and hand strength My hand flares up and is VERY painful.. to the point where it is unuseable if I push it or do the wrong thing the wrong way.... be sure you do your physio and stay off the pain pills... they are brutal.. I Hate taking pills especially the Oxycotins.. They make me miserable and tired.. do not take them for too long.. They are an addictive narcotic.... use them when needed... and only then. Losing the function of your hand is no joke think of your future and put fishing on the side for now.. end the stupidness here. I have had other surgeries in the past, Blown knees from football, Apendix etc.. This is by far the most painful post-op operation I have EVER experienced... and I mean it... I was in tears the pain was that bad... PM me if you want to talk further... it sucks I know.. I got pretty depressed as I was useless without the use of my right hand.. I also have brand new EXPENSIVE braces you can have as I purchased two.... as I thought I would try and work with one on... no dice.. so I have one here if you need it.. G
  24. TJ... get out the lancets.. we have another one wanting to sign in blood on the dotted line...
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