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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Edited... as I do not want to hijack this thread. Have fun at the game Brian and I want to see pictures of you with a big foam finger or something LOL! Pictures we want Pictures!! especially drunken ones! G
  2. Well, ketchenany made up some ribs and wanted to share it with you but was having a hardtime getting them posted. So here they are Al I will let him tell you the story G
  3. Brian, of course it is... you have my permission to go watch you're game of football.. Feel better now? LOL! How does that saying go.... "A fool and his money are soon parted" Guess that explains why I have an obsessive need for buying tackle, rods and reels or boating junk at every opportunity! Have fun at the game Brian! G
  4. Could not have said it better myself.. while I like the NFL.. The CFL is more Grit and less glory.. you can see a Bills game in buffalo for 50 bux.. here in Toronto it will cost you over 200 bux... make sense to anyone? Nope I will not be seeing them here in Toronto.. they can take their 150% profit and share it with the gas companies. :wallbash: :wallbash: G
  5. A first hand look at what netting can cost a lake and a community.. are we next? Please guys lets keep this civil http://www.myfoxtwincities.com/myfox/pages...mp;pageId=1.1.1 http://www.myfoxtwincities.com/myfox/pages...mp;pageId=1.1.1 G
  6. With Gas prices the way they are I figured I would throw this out to my fellow OFC'rs, Not to mention carpooling is better for the environment. I travel from Hamilton Mountain to Vaughan Daily taking the 407. I leave for Vaughan @ 6:15 am and finish work @ 3:30ish. Are there any other OFNr's that could use a ride to and from work? You would need to be able to get to you're place of employment from an exit off the 407, unless you work near the Jane st. area in which case I would drop you off directly. Just thought I would throw this out there. G
  7. LOL RAF.. the fishing gods enacted my revenge.... the rain collected on the Bimini.. and when the boat was put into gear... well.. Bernie was the only safe one Ahhhh sweet sweet revenge G
  8. Raf, the Tinny is pretty awesome, handles the big water no problem... could have used a tarp lesson from Clamp-it though! LOL G
  9. A few pics from Marks' camera... Joe playing backseat driver LOL Bill and myself off in the distance.. Yet another rainbow.. Hey Joe we saw a couple bumper stickers with this "symbol" on it did we not on the drive up and back down? LOL Mark touches a fish!!!! FINALLY after years of fishing together.. notice the gloves? waiting for the big one.. Joe says hello in his friendly way. While Bill give Bernie the stink face trying my hardest.. G
  10. http://www.powerpro.com/press/news/details...RESS_NEWS_ID=23
  11. 10X STRONGER THAN STEEL But what about...? Older, first-generation superlines were made of abrasive aramids that could cut rod guides and take a toll on equipment. PowerPro solves these problems through super slick, non-abrasive Spectra Fiber composition and unique EBT processing. Other complaints about superlines arose simply because the technology was so new, and few people knew how to take proper advantage of it. The Using PowerPro quick guide takes the mystery out of using a superline and guarantees a satisfying fishing experience from the first cast! I have powerpro on alot of my reels and have used it for a couple years now.. never one instance of this.. That said Quality Rods = Quality Guides. G
  12. Sounds like you bought some counterfeit line.. PowerPro has a problem with cheap knock offs hitting the market with less the a superior product... see the power pro website for details. G
  13. Randy, dang man! We'll have to let you know next time we are all up for sure! G And Bernie.. yes.. yes we will! LOL G
  14. JB, I feel you're pain... I too was fishing Nip on the opener.. not terribly far from you either.. Constant rain and wind.. We as a group decided NOT to go out Monday as the winds were just to severe, Fishing in large rollers on the south shores is not a pleasant experience, instead we cleaned up, washed the boats and attempted to stay dry.. that said, it was nice to be out there regardless of the weather eh? and the drive home was a bit less severe as alot of people just did not bother to head north due to the weather. G
  15. Could not have said it better myself Joe!... But tell us how you really feel about the coleslaw one more time.. I forgot... LOL! FYI.. Bernie's Mom make the best coleslaw known to man!!! and her Apple pie rivals any pie in Ontario... simply awesome! Bernie made us an awesome Venison dish, going to have to get that recipe from him as I think my son can have just about everything it in!! Bill made up a wicked hand made souvlaki dish...(yeah he is greek yanno) Joe did some beer can chickens from some mutant birds.. they were friggen HUGE!!! and quite possibly the best chicken I have had in a long time. Ohhh and Joey... Asparagus rolls :) Thanks for helping me with cooking the Prime Rib Joe! Mark was on deck for breakfast and lunches.. Mmmm No Namies!!! LOL I dont remember the last time I ate so well... Ohhh wait.. the last time were were @ Bernies!! The weather sucked.. but the company did not, I had a great weekend!... Now if only they would finish the dang hwy on #11.... Booooo traffic. I needed to add this... LEMON DROPS RULE!!!! G
  16. I bet that rock fish I caught went an easyyyy 100lbs!! Awesome Pics Bernie! I will be sure to upload Marks pictures, I did not have my camera with me as my wife needed it this weekend, I do have a video clip though.. but it is not very family friendly... something about putting fur on my boat and making sweet sweet love to it? LOL wicked pictures Bernie, and an even better weekend spent with the fellas! G
  17. I corrected my mistake lol!! before you're post after I reread it LOL G
  18. Regardless of how you do it... You need the 12/3 to go to the first light, 12/2 to the second and 12/2 to the fan... as you have two hot wires coming from the 12/3 wire G
  19. Sorry Mike.... Blame the weather, the rain, the freaking snow!!!... or blame the fact I fought our way home along Hwy 11 and the 400... Grrrr..... yes the rage is strong.. I better Shower tonight... and the wife will hopefully be accommodating. G
  20. I know I froze my butt off... I was not camping though and had a warm cottage (Bernies) to come back too... but the rain and wind while spending hours on the water was enough to chill you to the bone.. The woodstove certainly received a work out this weekend! G
  21. Uhmmmm... Clamp-It I think you're taking this a bit far.. Terry is a great guy and the last person to judge a person by his or her race... Perhaps you're trying to stir the pot or you have a genuine problem with Terry... if the later is the case, might I suggest taking it to PM with him personally... as you are trying to call out a respect member of this forum and alot of people that do not know him could read into you're posts that he is Racist. Which is certainly not the case.. This attack is uncalled for in my opinion as we all know what he is trying to convey. G
  22. Yup, caught more then my share. Both from Lake St.John (grew up on it in the summers) and the West Arm... Never kept one though as I was told they were considered fairly rare from my Grandfather in comparison to Yellow Walleye They look like a regular walleye but are dark in colour.. mainly from their habitat from my understanding.. Many lodges encourage their guests to release them as well for the reasons I stated above. G
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