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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Do I get first dibs on the Audi? Nice truck! G
  2. Max-Deet... The stuff the rednecks gave me two years ago G
  3. I think this picture shows up here weekly LOL.. smaller fish inside the larger ones gill plate. G
  4. Danbo Has it right... The lake is in Zone 15. Bass is closed till the 4th Saturday in June. and it seems that is all that lake has in it.... Now comes the ethical part of it... Do you fish a Bass only lake during a Closed season when there is nothing else to target except rockbass? G
  5. you already screwed up... someone placed you on Glens team! LOL G
  6. awesome report!!!! and congrats on the engagement, thank you for sharing you're personal experiences with us! But I wonder what made the wife sooooo tired the next morning LOL! G
  7. I remember that place well... I spent many an evening drinking beer with buds behind it From the G&M Two teens arrested in Ontario fire JOSH WINGROVE Globe and Mail Update May 30, 2008 at 11:14 AM EDT Two teenagers have been arrested after a fire razed a heritage site in St. Thomas, Ont., this week. Politicians in St. Thomas, south of London, pledged to push to rebuild the facade of historic Alma College, a former school for girls, after it caught fire Wednesday. The region's MPP had met with Premier Dalton McGuinty's staff just hours earlier to push for an order to preserve the building. The flames gutted the building, which had been unused for more than a decade – the subject of a long battle between the owners, who hoped to demolish it, and the city. Much of the college collapsed in the fire. The rest was torn down Thursday. Two boys, 15 and 16, were arrested Thursday night, and were to appear in court Friday on arson charges, police said. ”It is really a horrific end for such a beautiful, beautiful building,” said Alma alumna Suzanne van Bommel, who had been pushing to preserve the building. ”Everyone is mourning,” added Dawn Doty, a resident who had gathered more than 3,000 signatures to save the old school. ”It's a nightmare.” St. Thomas had been fighting to save what it could of the iconic building, designed in the style of the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa and University College in Toronto. The Ontario Municipal Board approved a plan last week that would have seen the facade and part of the main tower preserved, while allowing the rest of the crumbling building to be demolished for public safety. Steve Peters, MPP for Elgin-Middlesex-London and Speaker of the Ontario Legislature, met with Peter Wilkinson, Mr. McGuinty's chief of staff at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, just hours before the fire, to press for support for preservation in light of the OMB decision. Joined by Ms. van Bommel, Mr. Peters was pushing for a 60-day stop-work order, so that a last-ditch effort could be made to save the building. The Ministry of Culture had previously refused such an order, not wanting to interfere with the OMB, but the Premier's aide was receptive. ”He agreed to look into the situation,” Mr. Peters said. ”But, three hours later, the building was gone.” Mr. Peters, who worked at Alma for a summer in 1985, and St. Thomas Mayor Cliff Barwick both said Thursday that they will push for the OMB decision to be enforced, despite the fire. That means any new development by the owners would have to replicate the facade and main tower. ”I'm certainly going to be pushing the OMB decision be honoured,” Mr. Peters pledged, adding that he had previously urged Culture Minister Aileen Carroll to work to save the building, which is owned by the Zubick family of London. Alma College opened in 1881, a school for girls from around the world. It closed after a teachers strike in the 1980s and was sold to private developers. Many of the buildings on the site have been torn down over the years, but the main, three-storey, yellow brick building had remained, as did a chapel, which is thought to be salvageable after the fire. Neither building had been occupied for 14 years, sitting with broken windows, leaky roofs and no downspouts. The Zubick family released a statement through its lawyer after the fire, saying it had ”invested great time and effort to bring new life to Alma College” and pledging to co-operate with investigators. A photometric survey crew documented what was left of the facade before demolition began Thursday, so that it could be replicated. Ms. van Bommel was told of the college's fate about 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, while at Queen's Park. ”I'm sure the entire wing of the building heard my reaction,” she said. ”I'm heartbroken.” Alma's supporters hope the college's fate will alert the province to problems with its Heritage Act. The act was revamped in 2005, giving powers to cities to step in and prevent what is called demolition by neglect: letting heritage sites decay until they must be torn down. St. Thomas tried to do just that with the college, but the city's new bylaw was thrown out in court after a challenge by the owners. ”It's a microcosm of everything that's wrong with the heritage system in this country,” said Natalie Bull, executive director of the Heritage Canada Foundation, which placed Alma on its list of endangered buildings in 2006. ”The system really failed this building every step of the way.”
  8. I would be any fish that could eat a cougar.. but to be honest if I were a dog I would NEVER leave the house... G
  9. http://www.navionics.com/Premium08LakeList.asp?RegionID=5
  10. Hotmaps Premium 2008 C4 has it. G
  11. That does not look good Dax!!.. my guess is a bit of silicone and two large hammers. G
  12. There is NO way I would have sat there and let someone put there hands around my neck first off.. and I have no issue in saying that once they were laying in their own blood I would have zero issue in smashing every single one of their teeth out with my size 13's.. down or not... that is if they made it off the boat.. G
  13. I have my truck.. but I drive the car for the commute.. Brian... Google HHO This is the future. G
  14. Mike, I picked up a Eagle Fishmark 500c @ Angling Outfitters for 349.00 an awesome unit at a good price G
  15. Bern you're reports are cool I have no issue with them.. it is when a fisherman for PROFIT comes into the mix... on a thread that was intended to be on a personal level with our members... fishing with the kids is awesome... and they are great kids!! I know this.. but then to have that "special" someone in your life, say crap like "Bern it has been a pleasure teaching you and your boys how to fish" I know this to be an absolute falsehood! as those boys had fished Long before you Steve... those kids could catch rockbass or whatever species till the cows came home... and were happy about it.. I wish my first post on the other thread would have went through but as I was typing it the mods locked it.. understand Steve you fish for profit.. no more no less... you fish for the almighty buck... and Bernedette and you are in a business venture together... I was happy to read this thread Steve... until you brought two cents into it ... Pretty much pumping up your ego for all to see.... on this.. a personal post by someone your in love with? and in business with.. Highly suspect... Steve post another post into the classified section just to humour me. I see you for what you are. G PS... Bern keeps it on a personal level, something we appreciate.. perhaps you could take a lesson from her..
  16. You must have missed them... my reports are usually done via PM and phone calls enjoy your night. G
  17. and you could not have told her that on the phone or in person when she is spending time with you?? I mean you two are a couple we all know that... lets get real here... enough is enough.. call a spade a spade and stop pandering each other on here.... I can see why the other thread was locked now.... And I am certain her boys knew about fishing well before you "saved" them..Jen made sure of that I am sure... after all she does have a place up north on some water... congrats hero.. As a side note.. how many ads do you need in the members directory? 2-3? perhaps shoot for 4? all stating the same thing.. word for word.. G
  18. now... that's fish PORN!!!!! G
  19. Clamp-it you are wrong there... they are smuggled in from the US.. very few are stolen due to the tight security measures (Gun cases, Trigger Lock) we have to employ here in Canada. But that is not to say it does not happen.. G
  20. it is not in propwash is it??
  21. Hahahahahhaha!!!! It was funny then too! G
  22. well my OFC E-Magazine of course! I am liking Esox Angler as well G
  23. Awesome Nipissing Jig!! be sure to tie on a stinger! G
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