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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. I have for the past 5 years used fathers day as a time to reflect.. no presents (none that I asked for anyways.. but as always..), no cards, no hoopla... private quiet time for me... I spend quite a bit of time visiting Terrance. G
  2. I think it is best if I avoid this thread all together.. as I am sure alot of you know what I am about to say... (I am pretty grumpy today..) G
  3. I too would be interested in this, My almost three year old loves to fish! be it from the dock or the boat, I would be willing to help organize such an event, A quick suggestion?? it would be nice to find a place that might also allow camping? then we can make it an adventure! fish during the day, have a "family meal" group activities etc... Bring our wives so they can mingle and meet one another etc.. Or we could just organize a quick tourney for the kidlets... I think Binbrook Conservation area would be ideal for something like this.. large pavillions, Easy shore fishing access all over the lake, boats are allowed (no Gas motors) and a playground.. If some are into the camping Idea as well.... say for a night or two..? just throwing thoughts out there.. G
  4. Were you at his retirement party too? LOL!
  5. Big or Fancy does not put fish in the boat... All Big and Fancy does is make you think... Hmmm that walleye cost me 10,000.00 per pound of fish! and you count down from there! in about 5 years time you're down to about 2.00 per LB.... thank god!!! LOL G
  6. ok that there was just funny! G
  7. Bernadette, Nice personal report G
  8. He cursed himself... No playoff Beard... and no doubt... his GF is in the stands.. waiting for the after game **** ***.... G
  9. Starting em off early on the beer though.. but if they are gonna drink it is best to be the Light stuff Soooo... you admit to drinking Light Beer eh? LOL G
  10. yup use the image code, copy and paste it into your thread.... piece of cake. G
  11. Thats awesome! The smile says it all! Grandpa looks just as proud! G
  12. For whatever reason bugs are attracted to me, more so then those around me.. must be my good looks The reason I like the stuff that Joe and Art have is that VERY little goes a very long way and most of it actually winds up where you put it.. vs those aerosol cans where maybe 20% lands where you spray it. The difference between the two is the higher the concentration of DEET the longer it protects you from bugs... it is not any better at repelling them, it just lasts longer.. while you are respraying again with about 20% actually getting where you want it I an good for the night.. G
  13. Nice pickeral!! Surely you remembered you're OFC Banner !!! please say you did G
  14. what is it you are looking for? G
  15. Da boys have nearly da same nicks.... peace out homies G
  16. You can say thank you later LOL http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=19104 A great little boat for a great deal.. and Terry is a well respected member in our community and would not steer you wrong. G
  17. Chowder!! But something is missing.... no onions on this trip? G
  18. Absolute Laziness on the Pens behalf.. it was sad to watch them just float around the ice.. Malkin was driving me insane. you see a guy with the puck you hit him on the way to the bench! They deserve to lose this series if play like this continue.. Not to mention the cry baby antics @ the end of the game.. G
  19. http://commonsenselogic.blogspot.com/2008/...in-his-own.html http://www.world-check.com/articles/2008/0...ulate-gliobal-/ HHO is the future, Water is the most abundant thing on our planet, Batteries run the electrolysis units... easily done as once momentum is created it is simple to recharge the battery.. just as your car does now.. instead of filling up with 100 litres of petrol, you now fill up with 100 litres of water. now.. this does not have to be treated city water either.. bottled, or even salt water will do.. I fail to see the downside in clean renewable energy from our planets most abundant resource. G
  20. Ohhhh I can see how you're nicks are going to confuse the hell outta me... G
  21. cut it into little bits with a saw-z-all and little bit by little bit put it out with you're garbage.. Or haul it to the dump. Here in Hamilton it would cost you about 75-100.00 Hope this helps. G
  22. Great report Glen, and a fillet job like I have never seen before! Bet supper is gonna be awesome tonight! be sure to post the plate pics! Some beautiful country you have down there. Thanks for sharing! G
  23. Audi for Infinity... hard to go wrong there!!! G
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