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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. They made the right decision..... I can here Italy whining from the rooftops.. see below UEFA back ref in Dutch opening goal dispute Reuters June 10, 2008 at 8:02 AM EDT BASEL — Netherlands' controversial first goal in Monday's 3-0 Group C victory over world champions Italy at Euro 2008 was correctly awarded despite many observers believing it was offside, organizers UEFA said on Tuesday. UEFA general secretary David Taylor told a news conference the officials correctly interpreted Law 11 which relates to offside when Ruud van Nistelrooy scored after 26 minutes. He stated that Christian Panucci played him onside although the Italian defender was off the pitch at the time. "The goal was correctly awarded. Not many people, even in the game, and I include the players, know this interpretation (of Law 11)," Taylor said. He conceded, however: "The Law itself does not deal with this situation directly at all," but said that referees universally interpreted it in the way that the officials did on Monday night. He said he had every sympathy with the wider footballing public for believing the officials called it wrong but said that Swedish referee Peter Frojdfeldt and his assistant Stefan Wittberg were absolutely correct in their interpretation. Taylor told reporters: "Even though the Italian defender (Christian Panucci) was off the field because of his momentum, he is still deemed to be part of the game and is therefore taken into considersation as one of the last two defending players. "As a result Ruud Van Nistelrooy was not nearer the opponents' goalline than the second last defender and therefore could not be in an offside position." "This is a widely known interpretation of the offside law among referees but is not generally known by the wider footballing public and indeed many people in football," he said. "That is understandable because incidents like this are very unusual. "However, there was a similar incident in a Swiss League match about a month ago between Sion and FC Basel and after a TV commentator initially suggested the referee had made a mistake, he later apologised publicly and congratulations to him." The goal caused confusion among both the Italian and Dutch players too, a number of whom looked astonished when the goal was awarded. It also provoked some angry reaction among the Italian fans when it was replayed on the giant screens inside the Stade de Suisse stadium and led to Luca Toni being booked for dissent for protesting. Taylor said his yellow card would stand and that goals would still be replayed on the screens throughout the tournament. The International Football Association Board, the guardian of the game's laws, had the prerogative to examine the law if they thought the wording needed to be clarified or a loophole existed, Taylor said.
  2. Holland Owned Italy! I flew my dutch flag with pride yesterday Little Italy was awash with tears... wooooohoooooo! G
  3. With some species of fish is is simple to identify a male from a female ie. Rainbows... But how do you determine the sex on say a Pike, or a Walleye (without gutting the fish to find her full of eggs) I understand some fish are still spawning? Due to the late winter.. and would like to ensure I am releasing the females so they can do their duty... So what say you? G
  4. Hopefully a member of OFC in in that area and does not mind letting you park in their drive..? Just a thought.. I know I have done it (let people park in my drive) in the past with zero issue Good luck! G
  5. He is doing his Lew impression! and might I say he is doing a fantastic job! Nice fish man! G
  6. John & MRM, I do not recall seeing a storm like the one we just experienced in a very long time.. I was about ready to send the family to the basement... Alot of large old tree in VERY close proximity to my roof top... And they are saying there is more to come.... Great.. G
  7. I have never seen winds like this before! insanity! the wind driven rain actually hurts!.. I think it is best to avoid any of the windows in the house. G
  8. I used to purchase my rabbit (live) in Mount Hope directly from the farmer... Man were they ever good eats.. I will take a look and see if he is still doing it and let you know. G
  9. A good solid portion of SW Ontario are under severe storm and Tornado warnings.. Hope everyone in OFC land is safe tonight.. G
  10. Enjoy the reels Chris... PS.. BBQ bring the kids.. lets set a date. G
  11. Oliver I also am from Hamilton On the Mountain... you? There is a large Hamilton contingent here G
  12. NIIIICE!!! Congrats on the new boat and I look forward to the reports coming from aboard her! G
  13. He is from Hamilton and has probably fished the Grand River! Little difference LOL G
  14. Lake Ramsey, Robinson Lake, Kelly Lake, Bennett Lake. are all within your reach.. Best best is to use Google Earth or a decent Map and decide how far you are willing to travel.. But you're best bet is Lake Ramsey. G
  15. Thats good to know! Looks like I am going to have a conversation with my mechanic buddy... Thanks for the ammunition! Does the same hold true for Gelcells etc? G
  16. Pete, How are you charging this battery? hard and fast? Low N slow? or a combination? I was always told to charge a deep cycle on its lowest setting once the battery hits 60-70% (2a) Take a good look at you're charger as well as it could very well be the reason you're battery is toast. Deep Cycles are meant to be discharged and charged back up.. I believe unlike NmH type of batteries they do not develop crystals that will kill the battery.. you are safe to fully discharge it or partially discharge it as they have no memory.. They just die. Have you used this charger on other batteries for long periods?... any ill affects? G
  17. TJ, is correct... Sounds odd saying that... (note to self mark this day on the calendar) This site is WAY more organized now then it has every been! on the previous versions of OFC boards it was a free for all. Everypost was in one area... with exception of a couple of special events.. But there it was.. That is what makes this board and our community unique and it works.. you get to know the people behind the posts, if it were just fishing posts you would not have the same feel as you do now, many of us have developed friendships because of the format used and the vision of it's creator.. Don't you dare change a thing! I would take OFC over a "real fishing forum" any day of the week. G
  18. If I am in the back... better make sure it is a hummer or better yet a pickup truck LOL! G
  19. line up the firing squad!.. Crude went down... had it of remained at a steady price it most certainly would have went up lol Ahhh well... I own you a Loonie G
  20. I know I said I would'nt but I just cannot help myself.. I manage a custom home builder... when I hand you the bill of 1.9million.. I would like my ten percent tip please.. JUST FOR DOING MY FRIGGEN JOB!... Yes thats right I want my 10-20% tip Get real these guys CHOSE to do this as a profession, they set their rates so as to earn a profit.. dont give me the Bull about insurance, docking, employee wages etc... as these are pretty much set expenses and are known... so the point is mute. Cant turn a profit without tips? it is called bankruptcy. I would have little issue to offer up a few loonies to a kid making 4.95 (below minimum wage) serving me my supper.. as I know the kid gets the $$ directly and not his manager/boss, that is make the real money... only if I was pleased with the dinner.. if the kitchen screws up? no tip.. But I will be damned if I will tip someone for doing their job. Dont like the pay?? get out of the profession PS how many of you HONESTLY report your "tip" as income to revenue Canada? I provide a service... and am damn good at what I do.. i easily deserve a 190,000.00 tip... fair is fair right? Here is a tip for you.. dont tip. G
  21. My bet is Roy and I could pull this off! <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyY0jTHaZxU&hl=en"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyY0jTHaZxU&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyY0jTHaZxU&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> G
  22. http://www.myfoxkc.com/myfox/pages/Home/De...mp;pageId=1.1.1 they have videos of the fire posted.. Here we go again.. G
  23. That is awesome Cliff!!!! thanks! community for sure. G
  24. Holdfast, you and I have never always seen eye to eye... even in private discussion. but I think this is one thing we can both agree on.. There is a need, and thank you for being there to fill it. Be Safe. G
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