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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Bernie... send me the full resolution pic? it would look awesome as my desktop background! regardless of the outcome.. sounds like an adventure was had! Talk to you soon my friend.. G
  2. and the pot gets stirred LOL Remo.. Nov. 13,14 and 15th
  3. Thanks for the update Mike... I will have my portable BBQ packed
  4. FnA... I friggen hate you man... Here I am sitting in my office (Hwy 7 and Jane) drooling all over my computer.. damn you!! G
  5. Wild is correct... I was assuming a 2 stroke.. after talking with Peter on the phone it is indeed a 2 stroke...
  6. nope.... I should add when you turn the engine over do it without the plugs in... be sure you also add fuel stabilizer to your gas tank.. this is the advice that was given to me long ago from members of this board... Hope it helps Peter
  7. Peter.. remove the plugs and spray the lubricant into the cylinder. then manually turn the motor over just to get the pistons to lubricate the cylinder walls... or VERY briefly turn on the motor with the key... just enough to get the pistons to make a stroke or two. G
  8. use the {img} picture URL here {/img} tags..... replace {} with [] or click the picture button and add the URL..... then hit ok.
  9. Holdfast, I really think you need to watch the entire movie I posted before commenting on it.. It explains our current monetary system and just how backwards (messed up) it is... But if you do not believe you are a slave to debt... well enjoy the blinders you are currently wearing.. and make no mistake about it.. you are a slave.. G
  10. Feel free to ignore my post... I failed to notice the Brock Rd... that would be making you come West....LOL my bad.
  11. I drive it daily... from the beginning (403) to the Jane St exit (right after the 400) I have to be @ work for 7:30am and I am done @ 3:30pm. Average travel time for 70km.. 45 minutes give or take. If I got off @ the 427 shave off about 10-15 minutes Hope this helps! G
  12. I just saw on the news that Fort Erie is building a NASCAR track... they are even expropriating land to make it happen... NASCAR has no comment of course.. CHCH 11 Brian. you may just get your wish! I should add... investors from Dubai are helping make this happen... to the tune of a cool 200 Million
  13. I just finished watching this "series" and found some of it quite interesting.. especially the references made to Egyptology etc... However the latest film was by far the largest eye opener... "Addendum" Some scary stuff. G Addendum <embed id="VideoPlayback" src="http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docid=7065205277695921912&hl=en&fs=true" style="width:400px;height:326px" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"> </embed>
  14. Nice to see you back and posting Sis.. dont be a stranger! Expect a PM from me. G
  15. Well.... I would expect an officer (you) to follow the law.. even if he or she does not agree with it... how many times have the police asked fishermen to leave certain shore spots? TONS! think of Bronte harbour.. while technically they are not in violation of the FEDERAL waterway act.. they would rather just end the situation as easily as possible, besides municipalities enact their own bylaws in regards to their shorelines.. this does not mean they trump Federal statutes however... I would expect alot more from an officer of the peace to be quite frank. What other laws do you feel like breaking today? Speeding, robbery, Assault? No wonder many folks look at officers with disdain. PS... it is Real Estate and Trespass. G.
  16. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone... The reason I posted this is to remind everyone just how important OFC is to myself and so many others... I also wanted to let newer members know that the C in OFC really does mean community. While I am accepting of what has happened in my life up until now... it does not mean life is fair. I did not post this looking for sympathy, But rather to remind everyone just how important it is to keep the ones you love close to you, and to remind those close to me (Many OFC members) Exactly why we are still here... Sure we bicker, sure we disagree... but in the end what we have in common is what binds us and makes us the "family" we are today.. I firmly believe people are built upon their experiances in life.. while many of us have taken kicks in the teeth in life... we are stronger people because of the experience. I just wanted to personally thank you all for the past support, now... to get my "OFNC4Life" tattoo. G
  17. Yup Charlie is right.. the LCD panel inside you're TV is pooched.. Hope you have the extended warranty!
  18. That is what going through a divorce does to a person I guess Glen... G
  19. Six years ago today I was on the receiving end of OFC's generosity.. I was 26 and was just starting out.. That is when tragedy struck.. My 2 year old son because ill and died within 24 hours.. The cause of death was determined to be E. Coli Exactly where it came from still remains a mystery... Being young (and broke) I was completely unprepared for something of this magnitude to have happen to us...It was then a good friend (Spiel) stepped up to help a young family out, OFC'rs from all over North America sent him what they could afford and ultimately allowed us to be able to afford to bury our precious child... Hard to believe it has been 6 years.. it seems like only yesterday I was holding, hugging and being a father to him. He is burned into my mind and is thought about multiple time daily, most of the time with a smile now... but sometimes in sorrow too... especially when I see Liams accomplishments. To everyone on OFC I personally thank you for helping a young family when they needed support the most. Give your kids extra hugs and kisses today, spend some time fishing or playing catch... because nothing in this life is promised or guaranteed. Humbly, Gerritt.
  20. I should have mentioned I will be pulling boards..
  21. The time has come for me to reline my Daiwa Sealine 47's for the upcoming Quinte G2G... Just wondering what line you guys are running? I have 12lb Big Game on the reels now.. and have brutal line twist due to poor quality swivels while trolling spoons.. I realize everyone might have a different answer to the question but I would like to get a feel of what you guys are spooled up with. Thanks! G
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