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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwtEAEf4V1A&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwtEAEf4V1A&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwtEAEf4V1A&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  2. Well after alot of searching... and I mean alot! I finally found exactly what I was looking for... I would like to introduce you to Hunter. He is the yellow with the black nose.. I pick him up on Oct 2nd... man is it going to be a long couple weeks! He will certainly be a welcome companion. (Hope no one sees this as spam..) Incase anyone is wondering I purchased him from Silver D Kennels.. More dedicated breeders you will not find. They are CKC registered and Hunters' Sire is a national field champion. http://www.silverdkennels.com/index.html G.
  3. You want someone to follow? this is totally out of you're character. If you feel so passionate about this cause Lead it yourself and have others join you. G
  4. http://www.pickensplan.com/index.php G
  5. I found it through google many moons ago... While I did not say much for awhile, I read and read... things were alot different then they are now, we had a number of "colourful" characters that over time have fallen by the way side... we have alot lost a bunch of phenomenal people as well... Here is a small glimpse of the way things used to be... (Earliest that I found was still available..) http://web.archive.org/web/20010616215406/...geboard/view.pl Thanks for bring up the old days Roy.... I wont call them the good old days though... as things are pretty good now G
  6. Have you seen what a face cord goes for?!?!?!?! now to rob the local McD's for their used fryer oil... brb.. G
  7. It's worth the drive to Woodstock... Jos is the best in the game.. There is a reason he is the number 1 Lowrance dealer in Canada... and very high up the list for Humminbird as well. G
  8. Yes with matching lounge chair it is yours if you like
  9. Bill... I practically grew up on Lake St. John and would be pleased to help get you on fish... send me a pm. G
  10. The Don is the number one in terms of polluted rivers in Ontario.. The Grand is close second... I will dig up the article for you... G
  11. Although I am sure many know of this... Here is Gary's website.. a little insight into the man http://xcelco.on.ca/~vacek/
  12. Mike... due to personal circumstances I will not be able to attend this year.. Take lots of pics and write up a wicked report.. I will enjoy it vicariously through you! G
  13. What a shock.... He has offered me advice on more then one occasion.. an probably the most sound advice I received... He will be missed by many here from along time to come.. Lord, please watch over our friend, Let his fish all be trophies and plentiful.. My condolences to Gary's family G
  14. I have seen many a folk eat sheephead... you should see em line up on the St. Clair...
  15. Give them your full mailing address! They want to send you millions! and you get to keep 15%! if you forward the rest back to them in Camaroon! G
  16. I have friends in Florida right now... expected return date is Sunday... They just went through The last tropical storm, and now this one..... some family vacation for them.. nothing but rain pretty much for 2 weeks... I just hope their flights will be able to take off on Sunday... G
  17. I have furniture if required.. G
  18. Just got my copy today... awesome read.. I remember reading this report from Andrew some time ago.. MB was this (Kevin) not the guy you had troubles with?? Anyways a great read none the less! G
  19. LOL ofcourse it has mounting holes! how else do you mount it to the wall bracket? LOL We can bend up some aluminum drill a couple holes and you're golden G.
  20. Joe... it will support it... your CC weighs what 5lbs?... use aluminum and Velcro.. it will hold. I have done this to more then one plasma/lcd with no problems. if you are really concerned use the mounting holes on the back of the TV...
  21. the rubber will grip the TV... problem solved. Or you could use velcro...
  22. Mmmmmm mini lobsters and okra! Great... now I am drooling all over my keyboard.. G
  23. Be VERY careful if demo'ing the pool... be sure you have some sort of shoring to prevent collapse of the earth surrounding the structure.. numerous deaths are caused each year by collapsing soil. G
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