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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Steve.... Does the water clear up during ice fishing season? I know alot of silt is picked up by the current... I might just have to drop by and wet a line.. C&R of course Ohhhh... and are parking fees the same? Thanks! G
  2. Thanks guys! Dan I have sent off a request form to your suggestion. Vance, I will call them today.. Thanks again! G
  3. My father rang me up from Alberta (Camrose) to ask me every little boys dream.... Would I like his perfectly restored 1984 Harley Davidson Police Special.... (This was the last year the shovelhead was made apparently) Him and I went on alot of memorable trips on that bike when I was a youngster... it has just been fully restored... But he NEEDS it gone due to divorce... What would be the best way to get it here? I looked at flying out, then renting a truck to bring it back... 2300.00 for the truck one way and 179.00 for the flight..... Driving out and back, I loose a weeks wages and am looking at about 1500.00 in fuel and hotels.. Shipping it here.... only quote I received is about 1000.00 from Calgary (300+ kms from Camrose) to Toronto... has anyone every shipped a vehicle within Canada? if so can you recommend a shipping company? I really do not feel like putting my faith in a shipping company I found on the internet for a $15,000.00 motorcycle... Thanks in advance guys! G.
  4. for all the custom rod offers... I have one word... Spiel. He is a long time respected member on this board (Not to mention a mod) add to that he has probably been fishing the tribs longer then most on this board.. his rods are second to none... not to mentioned he is active here... and not a cousin of a buddies buddy.... As for Angling Outfitters... they are top shelf! Jos is an amazing person person to deal with.. Alot if not almost all professional fishermen deal with him for two reasons.. his knowledge and his prices.. Hell he will beat Cabela's Prices.. he is a great resource to this community and a wealth of information.... I should add he is the number retailer of Lowrance products in Canada for a reason.. There are a ton of shops closer to me... but NONE of them hold a match to Jos and his shop. I tell everyone I know that fishes to deal with him.... and not one has come back disappointed!.. not one! Deal with them... they are good people... and a wicked selection to boot! G
  5. Average lifespan of a house built in the 50's or 60's is 90 years before MAJOR repairs are needed..... most of these houses are double brick construction... Average lifespan of a house built in the 80's, 90's or 2000's.... 35 years before MAJOR repairs are needed... 2x4 stick framed..... I would take an older home. G
  6. 016..... would the auger not spin on the shaft if the shear pin is busted?... I have stood on it (the auger on that side).. and it will not budge... something caused it to break in the first place... something seized?? I would hate to buy a new pin only to shear it too... G
  7. Bernie.... you are a genius! I looked again... and noticed that the nut was rusted to the auger.... the bolt was gone!! All I was seeing was a bolt head... anyways I knocked it off with a cold chisel and hammer.. and turned the secondary auger as you mentioned... low and behold I can see the shaft turning inside the seized auger!.... The auger is still not moving though... so I assume it is the bearing on the outside of the chute not allowing it to turn? G
  8. Hmmmmmm...... I did not notice what I would call a shear pin.... say on a prop... I upon further inspection there are two nuts and bolts... one on either side... are these considered shear pins? they are intact on both sides.. G
  9. Looking at the pictures it is the auger on the right side... this unit is a hand me down... and has been in this condition for some time... I have lubed and lubed... the secondary stage moves fine as does the left side (looking head on at the blower).. I will heat her up tonight to melt any snow... but she will not budge... where the (Looking at the unit head on) left side has some play..... Thanks for the advice so far guys! G
  10. Some images... This is the side not working... Closer look Gerritt.
  11. Wayne... that side will not budge... even if I stand on it!... where as the other side has play...... there are no visible shear pins... I would hazard a guess and put my unit @ 20+ years... G
  12. My unit is old enough that they did not use shear pins... rip your arm off or not run at all it seems... please let me know what the verdict is on your unit Steve... Thanks! G
  13. I have an old beater of a snowblower.. it is a Craftsman 6hp, 24" cut, 2stage.. It has NEVER let me down... until yesterday... I noticed that the main auger is not working properly..... by not working properly I mean the one side is not moving at all (left side)... I assume it is seized... any remedies available? or is a new gearcase required? G...
  14. Thanks for validating my post Scott is a great guy! and the straw house is awesome! it just looks out of place in the neighbourhood.... G
  15. I have personally worked on the show.... I have also had my hand in building the producers house in Oakville. (Built of straw) Mike is good for homeowner..... but bad for bad builders.... simple as that... That said.... he is arrogant as all hell.... I would take Jim Curyak over Holmes any day... (they have the same producer) G
  16. "waiter..." "yes sir?.." "I think I will have what Grant is having..." "you can't afford it.." "do not make me flog you with a rotten carrot whilst hanging from your toenails!" "yes sir..... brb... Shirley temple with silver it is" ....... Nice to hear from you again Grant. G
  17. Hmmmm... should I be offended??? Got a problem, Polack!, Today, 10:32 PM A little entertainment too much fer ya. Stay out of my posts. ♦♦♦♦♦ More unity in da community! ♦♦♦♦♦ Now... I know what Pollock is... it is also known as Alaskan Pickeral.. But what exactly is a polack? Thanks for the chuckle Paul.. I would ask what you are drinking tonight... but I know we would see the picture of beer n tomato juice... Hope to see you at the Tyler event.... You say the sweetest things G.
  18. /me awaits for the twilight zone theme song to begin..... too weird.. G
  19. HUH?? They furnish a prize for our members.... they award the prizes.. and your gripping in this thread about your dislike for the show?? Don't like it? Don't watch it and stick to the Subway commercials. G
  20. put foot to ass... simple as that... G
  21. I would firmly second Roy's recommendation. Sam is a great guy! G
  22. Now there is something to say OUCH about! Drugs son... Drugs... Wisdom teeth SUCK!!!
  23. Your correct Mike... and I do wish you the best of luck in your studies and your career path... I am just looking at it from my side of the fence.. tens of thousands of kids taking these programs across Canada for a handful of jobs... do whatever it takes to make yourself stand out from the crowd... Perhaps Bill can help you out as well. Good Luck! Gerritt.
  24. JB, As with any business, institutions of higher learning need to profit to pay their own salaries... so long as there are kids shelling out the $$ they will continue to offer the program... It should also be noted that there is a TON of competition out there for very few positions that do arise??.... having a simple diploma from a community college will probably not be enough to "beat out" the other applicants.... Hell our own Bill Parker moved to BC to attend UBC to try and get a leg up on the competition that is in the market place... again for the very few positions available.. G.
  25. Mike, Congrats on continuing your education! Perhaps you think that you will become a CO after taking this course??.... I do not want to be the bearer of bad new but... this is not likely to be the case.. We have members here on our forum that have moved to BC to attend University (Not a community college) in the hopes that they have a shot of getting in... and even their chances are slim.. The number of CO's is down drastically from decades ago... That said, it is a great program and you will learn a ton!! But how will this diploma (Not a degree) help you in the working world? If there are no CO positions to be filled? If you are looking at getting into law enforcement perhaps look at Police Sciences or Criminology.. This diploma is about as useful as a Humanities degree in my opinion.... Sorry to be so point blank about it.... but it is the truth.. But I know members here have taken the course... and not one of them became a CO..... Food for thought. G.
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