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Everything posted by corvette1

  1. nice eyes simon
  2. fishnsled can you handle american beer coors light
  3. is it like the spring perch fest
  4. the more you do the faster you will get if you are just learning where a glove
  5. great report wait till you catch a hundred like that big one you can yell fish on
  6. nice ski.... hope the cottage stays brown and they don't cut the tree down
  7. nice trip guys
  8. nice haul of eyes
  9. awesome trip guys nice eyes and pike
  10. leuenbergers out of nakina i have been to the kag 5 times awesome walleye and pike fishing they have american plan or housekeeping
  11. congrats leech my mom and dad just had their 61st
  12. with all those apples you will have a lot of pie
  13. nice bunch of eyes and bass
  14. nice weekend dan looks like that paintball hurt good thing he did not aim low
  15. awesome trip guys congrats
  16. nice ski
  17. nice ski and eyes pictures were awesome congrats on the trips
  18. cool pictures and nice eyes
  19. very cool Aaron thanks for sharing
  20. awesome report and trip looks like a great had buy all congrats
  21. congrats on the pike and pb
  22. go bruins don't mess with the bear
  23. awesome trip and video's with the family mike. looks like brendans having a blast with those walleye congrats on a great trip
  24. sorry for your loss
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