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Everything posted by corvette1

  1. awesome day on the water cliff
  2. nice looking pup joey congrats just picked up my new pup 3 weeks ago
  3. awesome outing Aaron congrats
  4. awesome trip congrats
  5. simply awesome
  6. nice gator mike i will pm you after all the family stuff is over
  7. thanks for all the kind words it relly does help thanks
  8. sorry for your loss brian
  9. two weeks ago my dad went in for a flu shot two day's later he got Guillain-Barré Syndrome please read the paper work first before you get the shot 1 in 50,000 get Guillain-Barré Syndrome
  10. awesome trip guys congrats on your pb
  11. awesome pictures drew nice fat eyes
  12. awesome trip jen with your family
  13. nice eyes congrats
  14. sorry for your loss simon
  15. congrats on your pb
  16. sorry for your loss my condolences to you and your family
  17. sorry for loss chris remember the good times
  18. awesome stuff
  19. nice haul on the perch awesome weekend
  20. nice ski's congrats
  21. nice day guys i went to the catt on tuesday had a good morning we got 42 great size all over 12"
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