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Everything posted by akaShag

  1. Hello Crosshairs, and thanks very much for your factual information, I surely do appreciate it. Doug
  2. I am reminded of a day in probably late May/early June in Petawawa, out in my twelve foot tinny, and the crap Fairy struck me, quite forcibly, on the soft spot on top of my head and said "crap NOW!" For those of you who do not suffer from IBS or any other bowel-vacating-right-now situations, the crap Fairy is something one ignores at one's peril. I was anchored and catching decent fish, but twenty feet either way of my anchor spot was a blackout zone, nada, and it had taken me quite a while to find this honey hole. No matter, the crap Fairy must be obeyed, and up anchor and quickly to shore, haul the boat up and find a level spot, down go the drawers, and within a very few seconds I had FUR, as in MOVING fur, all over my arse, balls, face, and every other square millimeter of exposed flesh. We are talking ZILLIONS of blood-thirsty black flies, well past the swarming time and well into the blood-sucking time. I hauled my pants back up and ran for my boat, far better to crap myself without the bugs than to feed them where I was. True story.............. Doug
  3. and what general area are you thinking of? or, where is your start point and how far do you wish to drive, MAXIMUM? Doug
  4. I have owned a lot of boats, all but one smaller rigs. When I was finally going to buy a brand new boat because I had saved up enough money, I asked a professor of mechanical engineering if I should buy a boat with a fiberglass or aluminum hull. Well, to distill his advice down to its basics, if you EVER pull your boat up on sand or a rock, or if you EVER leave it out in the sun, you might not want to have a fiberglass hull. I thought that was very valuable advice and bought a Sylvan with an aluminum hull, and have never looked back. That was fifteen years ago, many days on the water, and I am a VERY happy camper. Sylvan boat, Honda outboard, for my fishing I have a perfect outfit. For Caribou, you might find that a twelve footer is just not enough boat if you do want to fish three people. It can be done, I did for years, but there is not much space and an excited passenger can give you some pretty spiritual experiences. Doug
  5. More great footage, Justin............. I have been surrounded by coyotes many times when bow-hunting from tree stands. Sometimes it seems they are just out of my range of view. YES it is unnerving, to say the least. Get attacked by a pack of coyotes, armed with a bow, you might get one shot............ There have been very few coyote attacks on people, but I am not jonesing to be one of the lucky lottery winners. You might want to bring a baseball bat with you into that ground blind...............even the NCC anti-hunters have not banned baseball in the "green belt." Doug
  6. Back to knuguy...............that must have been quite the club and its annual awards night..........I can see the MC: "Gentlemen, the three finalists for Onanist of the Year are..........." to wild if somewhat sticky applause.............
  7. PS to limeyangler) That was why, in reply #5, I referred to Miss Thumb and her four little hand maidens..............
  8. back to Fisherman, guilty as charged. Although the time that BOTH wheel bearings blew out, and molten bits of bearings shredded BOTH my tires, I had loaned my big boat to Marcel for the open water season. Seems he was fond of launching "Watchdog" and leaving the trailer in the water at the ramp while he got rigged etc........ And Marcel is harder on equipment than I will ever be................. The fact remains that a trailer is another thing that can go wrong, especially if a person is technically inept like me............. Doug
  9. back to limeyangler.............on the contrary, a wanker is what the guy will be.................
  10. Miss Thumb and her Four Little Hand Maidens come to the rescue............. Reminds me of a Very Short Fairy Tale: Once upon a time a guy asked a girl to marry him. She said no, and he lived happily ever after. Doug
  11. No sir you do NOT need a haircut. If anything you need to grow MORE hair, both on top of your head, and on your chin. And those are BEAUTY whities!!!! Doug
  12. PS) I still cannot do a quote here and cut/paste takes away all of the spaces in my reply. But anyways I agree 100% with what chris.brock wrote. I have been broken down on major highways several times with blown bearings, and I am here to tell you, NOTHING screws up a fishing trip like finding places to get a trailer fixed alongside the 400/401/etc.............. Doug
  13. if I can avoid towing a trailer, I do, trailers have bearings, lights, tires, add weight and add complications in my opinion, I would put the canoe on top Lucas DITTO!
  14. We can be of a lot more help if we know what you want to use the boat for, and where. A Great Lakes boat might be too big for small water. A boat that I can take comfortably on all of our back lakes might be NFG for Lake Ontario. I will NEVER go back to a console/steering wheel, but there are folks who will NEVER buy a tiller boat. And so on............. Doug
  15. Justin, I did not think to mention this before............but if you are not a hunter, perhaps you don't know that your scent can stay on the trail camera and will spook animals. I learned this the hard way with a magnificent buck that investigated my trail camera the day I put it up in September or so, turned tail and I never saw him again all season......... So if you don't already do so, it is a good idea to spray your camera with a commercial scent killer each time you put it up/check the card/etc. It makes a big difference. But maybe you already knew that! Doug
  16. back to Art..............yep, those would be the ones! Until they check the DNA............ Doug
  17. back to Art............I would be pleased to do that but of course here in Ontario it is illegal to buy, sell, trade, barter, etc fish and game.............. Just sayin'......... Doug
  18. back to davey buoy................that takes more brain power than I can muster most days so I have not even tried yet. But I DID can a bunch of goose breasts today, some with bacon and others with bacon and maple syrup. So I did actually spend some time doing productive things.............. Doug
  19. back to jds63................ I think you are the first person ever that I have read who named Carl Wilson Lake as a destination. It was my absolute favourite lake in the park! Doug
  20. I was going through the park many years ago and nearing the Eastern gate, when a large critter ran across the road in front of me. I got a very good look at its hind quarters and tail as it disappeared - and even though there was "no such thing" in Ontario at that time, I had absolutely seen a cougar. All kinds of interesting animals to see in the park! That wolf print could not have been much fresher unless he was standing in it! Doug
  21. Thanks Justin. I was not looking to get into an argument..............and yes the photo (thumbnail) looks to my eyes like a coyote rather than a wolf. As I said earlier, the paw prints would be the dead give-away. Hope you get more photos - and maybe in daylight! (Of course, you know that I would be looking to set up a bait and a blind..............) Doug
  22. Justin, cool video and thanks for showing it here. I would be interested to learn if a biologist agrees with your conclusion about the species. I have little experience with wolves, but quite a bit with coyotes, and that looks to me like a coyote. Not trying to rain on your parade...............and of course if you found tracks the next morning where the critter had been, and they were the size of your palm, then that was no coyote! Just curious................ Doug
  23. aplumma also suggested Google Chrome. I tried it twice, hated it, had any number of problems with it and cannot see myself going back to it. But I am an old fart and not only technophobic but also a technonincompoop...................
  24. Internet Explorer (I think) Not Firefox, for sure...........
  25. Thanks Art. I am using Windows 7 Professional, and do not have these problems with quite a number of other Internet sites.... When I push the "Quote" button on a post that I would like to quote, essentially nothing happens, and it does not show up in my reply box, neither on the first page nor on a "more reply options" page. I can cut and paste by enabling html on the latter page, but then the text appears with no spaces. And on a hot button, usually I get a little yellow star with an "X" in it (which leads me to think it is a pop-up blocker problem). That one I think I can fix if I fart around with it long enough................ Ah, the heady challenges of an Internet Adventurer! Doug
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