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Everything posted by akaShag

  1. There were four of you trying to get through the door at the same time. The MOST excited was Mac, and I bet he had a racing stripe in his underwear afterwards.
  2. Go in by one of the back-country access points: https://www.algonquinpark.on.ca/visit/camping/access-points-for-backcountry-canoeing.php and contact the park for advice about fish species. Brook trout anglers are famous for being tight-lipped. In the spring, you WILL experience black flies, in numbers that have to be experienced to be believed. Good luck. Doug
  3. Cliff, I assume you bought the bilge pump option? And they have an option to mount the winch fore or aft, with a second winch assembly on the rear wall. I'm on my third Argo, and fished out of the first one a fair bit. You do NOT have much freeboard at the bow because the driver and motor are both in the front. With two guys on the front seat it gets real dicey, especially if you get any waves. You will also find that forward speed with just the tires leaves a lot to be desired, again especially with wind. The outboard motor bracket I had on the first one worked well, but I no longer recall the max HP rating, maybe 4 HP? Of course, you have to climb into the back of the hull to run the outboard. I don't have the outboard bracket on my current Argo, and don't know if it would fit with the aft winch set-up. I don't intentionally take this Argo into the water. You might want to make sure your insurance covers you when you are on the water. The policy I had for the first Argo treated it as an ATV when it was on land, and as a boat when it was on water, so I had coverage wherever I was. Any questions just shoot me a pm, or if you'd like to shoot the breeze just pm me a number and good time to call. Enjoy! Argo's are fun! Doug
  4. Fisherman, were you with me the time on Simcoe, mid 80's, Big Bay Point I think, that we saw half a dozen huts go screaming past us and explode on the pressure crack a mile or so away? I was with somebody in the BBRGC ice shack when the wind came up like a banshee. We had no cleats, and there was no walking without being blown away. We ended up cutting pieces of the carpet, tying them to our feet, and wetting them down so we had some purchase on the ice. It was fairly crazy.... Another time on Quinte, during a walleye derby, we were out in a well-anchored ice shack when the wind hit 100 km per hour. If one man left the shack to take a leak, the shack started lifting off. My buddy and I saw a number of shacks scoot past us, and one of them had a guy INSIDE - he waved at us when he went by! One of the derby participants was being blown along the ice and couldn't stop, so he stuck his foot down an open ice hole and was eventually rescued by another guy in the derby. Another crazy day - and the current was taking our HEAVY jigs down on about a 45 degree angle in about 20 FOW. Wind is not the friend of the ice angler.......... Doug
  5. It strikes me as wrong, somehow, that a fishing forum should be talking about kinky stuff and sheep. 😮 Doug
  6. Bear Creek is a tributary stream of the Pine River, which is a tributary of the Nottawasaga, which empties into Georgian Bay. Bear Creek did have a natural brook trout population, don't know if that is still the case. There were also brookies in some of the streams on the Bruce Peninsula, flowing into the Pottawatomi and Sydenham Rivers, which flow into Georgian Bay via Owen Sound. That was back in the 80s, I have no idea if there are still specks back there or not. And I'm not that sure how to spell the full name of the Pot. 😉 Doug
  7. another thread back from the dead...... That's a salmonid, and I bet it was tasty. Doug
  8. and how about that WAYPOINT TV, eh!
  9. Thanks for sending it our way...............NOT. 🙄
  10. You can keep that snow! Some of our spots are going to be a "BEACH" to access on foot wading through that stuff....
  11. Thanks Dave! I don't watch TV (our rabbit ears don't work any more), so this is GREAT! Doug
  12. I plan to make one of those with puff pastry..........
  13. You did indeed.........except for the marinara sauce.........
  14. Times have changed! If memory serves me, the limit on them used to be 25..............not that anybody I knew ever actually caught more than a half-dozen or so in an outing... But yes indeed every herring went into the smoker! (And so did most of the whities and lakers......)
  15. THANKS! Evidently, the OOD article is in error when it said "fish parts" (see original post). This is indeed good news. Doug
  16. It's actually about a year's worth of growth and a trick camera...........if I grew it for two years it would touch my belly button! 😉 Doug
  17. Reference is made to "fish parts" so regardless of the title or section to which this stupid new rule belongs, it seems to indicate that dumping fish guts is now illegal. Hopefully we will see intelligent enforcement of this.................
  18. If it is true that fish guts can't be disposed of in the water body from which the fish came, that's another nail in the coffin for our outfitters who have already taken a crap-kicking with all the covid closures. Let's say you have a small resort, maybe half a dozen cabins that are rented by the week to anglers, some of whom catch and keep fish to EAT and to take some home. Right now the fish guts all go back into the lake, perfectly harmless. If the outfitter has to remove the fish guts by burying them, taking them to a landfill, etc etc that is just one more cost that eats away at the bottom line for those folks who are already getting boned. DUMB DUMB DUMB. One size does NOT fit all........... Doug
  19. I do a cold smoke for side bacon. 3 pans of maple chips in my Big Chief, each pan takes a bit more than an hour, so four to five hours in a cold smoke. For me, a cold smoke is one where I don't put the box over top of the smoker........😁 and back to MJIG, I cut mine with a knife, but I did once use a buddy's meat slicer and it did a dandy job. I freeze the chunks unsliced, and slice them when they are going into the pan. Doug
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