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Everything posted by akaShag

  1. Well, I have owned probably twenty ice fishing shelters of one kind or another, from a heavy wooden 10 by 12 foot monstrosity that I put on Lake Simcoe the year the ice all melted on 2 January and when it froze again in February my shack floor was two feet under the ice surface.............to a flimsy ripstop nylon half-dome that weighed about two pounds. I've made the Ontario out of Doors huts, at least four of them (with and without part-walls), had a big four-man Clam, smaller Rapala shelter with the shock-corded poles, etc etc. I am ready to go to a one-person flip-over type shelter. I have a bad back and can't wrestle anything heavy out of, or more importantly back into my truck. What is the LIGHTEST, decent quality one man shelter out there? I do not want to wrestle with poles and carrying bags, been there done that. And for the most part, I will be pulling the thing by hand. Inside space is a smaller consideration than weight. Hands-on advice would be greatly appreciated. Doug
  2. I was thinking that a guy handling both the rod and the net looked pretty tricky, and when you had a double header it looked even trickier. Good thing it is a good-sized boat and for the most part each angler could stay clear of the other. (Even if the second guy really needed that net right now.........) πŸ˜‰ Doug
  3. You need TWO NETS!!!! Or a third guy to be your net man! I would be worried about ice on the launch ramp getting out........ Doug
  4. Hmmm. I see that the product's intended use is with painting............
  5. What will they think of NEXT!!!!😁
  6. I recall trolling out from Vale's Point, same thing, but pre GPS days. Trolled on a compass bearing back and forth, and got ashore by dead reckoning. A GPS would be a better idea. Anyways yes I agree that a GPS is very handy on a boat and I have a good hand-held unit (and carry spare batteries!) But for sure GPS onboard in a "fish finder" would be a good thing. Doug
  7. Thanks! I am not on FB but I DO know how to ring up YouTube. Old Army saying: "Time spent on reconnaissance is seldom wasted." Doug
  8. Thanks! Looks like I would need an engineering degree to run the darn thing....................or are they actually suitable for use by <<<ahem>>> older anglers such as myself?
  9. Piggy-backing on this thread, and thanks Big Cliff for making me think about this! I have an excellent ice unit (Marcum LX7) but my boat sure needs an upgrade, and it would be handy to have a portable unit sometimes in soft water season. Is this the unit recommended for just the basics? Doesn't seem to have GPS? https://www.sail.ca/en/humminbird-helix-5-g2-sonar-449716?utm_campaign=6742646359&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&gclid=CjwKCAiA57D_BRAZEiwAZcfCxTmsEJPmVNmMs2VTfaPfAGdvrqrXSsZx27godwB5_Tt2unpkytRSPBoCNbUQAvD_BwE Doug
  10. Thanks for those inspirational words, Bunk. All the best to you and yours! And back to Dan D, was that used rag found in a '72 Chrysler imperial? (Asking for a friend..........) Doug
  11. I used to think that #16 hooks were VERY small for whities and steelhead, but they did catch fish. On 2 lb Berkley Trimax line, that was good stuff. Don't think I could tie them on to my line any more with these old eyes though.............and a number 22???????????Yikes!!! Doug
  12. Earliest I ever ice fished was 19 November, I forget the year but probably 1979. It was a foothills lake near Pincher Creek Alberta, probably four inches of completely clear ice, played with your head as you could see VERY clearly all the way to the bottom. Trout were willing to hit an offering, and it was very magical. Fisherman, you may have been there, I do not recall. Roy E. went through the ice walking towards shore and I rescued him, Big Doug M grabbed my feet and pulled Roy and me away from the hole........
  13. That's gotta hurt...................
  14. I bought my wife a Paderno 16 quart heavy stainless stock pot for Christmas this year. She doesn't cook. But I do, and the inaugural pot of Dr Doug's Delightful Cream of Carrot Soup with Pear and Curry is cooling now.πŸ˜‰ Doug
  15. well.....................I guess I am in the minority here and don't think this is a good idea. UNLESS we get a hell of a lot more enforcement, which seems unlikely. Within the past six months or so, there was a very good article that I read somewhere (maybe by Gord Pyzer?) comparing the US and Canadian waters of Lake Ontario for big bass. The author stated their opinion, which seemed to have science behind it, that our later season opener protected the big spawners, so the Canadian side has bigger bass on average that the US side of the lake. And yahoos will be yahoos, and wilful blindness to a zero bag limit won't stop them. JMOYMV Doug
  16. Trust me Dave, it's not the moose's HEAD they back up to the vats when they make that stuff....................
  17. Sterilize your jars first. Or as an absolute minimum, start with squeaky clean jars. Yes you are putting meat (with bacteria) into the jars, and yes the high heat is probably going to kill all the nasties, but it is not a big thing to start with clean jars. And always use NEW snap lids, they don't seal properly if they are re-used. Good luck to you! Doug
  18. Ever try pouring a beer over your ham, then into the oven, covered, until it's cooked? Adds a nice flavour.
  19. Cook's Ham, No Frills, $1.88/lb? One of them is going in to the oven soon. BTW, what the hell are pasta sheets? Never seen these, did you make them yourself? Doug
  20. and how about that bottled moose, eh!!!!! Sorry for the hijack............ I just remembered, the usual Newfoundland bottled moose also gets a chunk of salt pork in it. And I did venison one time with a tablespoon of sweet sherry, that was good too.
  21. That's why it makes me giggle. The fat in the bacon is enough liquid to make it work. And it is every bit as good as the canned bacon we used to get in the RP4s! You could do a jar of it when you do a turkey, 100 minutes at 11 is close enough to 90 minutes at 10 pounds pressure. Doug
  22. Yes Dan, it is pork belly (side) bacon that I have canned. I also make my own smoked and cured side (pork belly) bacon and back (loin) bacon. I also make bacon candy, which is bacon made with pork tenderloin. I have never canned my own bacon after doing the cure and smoke - it would have to be a huge batch of pork bellies to do a canner load! I think it would be very challenging to try to pressure can back bacon, it's too lean. I do pressure can ham, but for that I do a hot pack with broth from the roasting pan. BTW I see you live in London - I have bought side bacon from Krug's in Tavistock and canned that stuff. Heavenly! Doug
  23. The canned item that still makes me giddy is canned side bacon. And it's AWESOME! The last time I used COSTCO maple flavoured bacon, the big double pack, and cut the slices in half to fit the jars. It worked well, and I needed less weight of raw bacon to make a canner load. And my recipe: CANNED BACON (February 2016) Buy premium bacon to make this. A 5 kg/11 lb box is about right for a canner load. Lay the strips of bacon on aluminum foil, or parchment paper, on cookie sheets in a single layer. Clean-up is about the same for foil and for parchment paper, but the latter is wider and covers larger pans better. Cook the bacon in the oven at 375 for about 20 minutes per pan, until just about fully cooked but not crispy. Cooking bacon in the oven keeps the slices nice and flat. Drain the slices of bacon on paper towel and allow to cool. Take about 24” of parchment paper, cut off the top 2” or so, and lay bacon strips side by side (some overlap is OK) to about the 21” mark or so. The strips should be about ½” shorter than a 500 ml Mason jar, so trim to length with a knife. At this point, with the bacon laid out flat, you can brush it with maple syrup or other flavourings. Fold the parchment paper top and bottom over the bacon, then roll it tightly towards the paper end. It should fit snugly into the (wide mouth!) Mason jar – if it is too tight remove a slice or two, if it is too loose add a slice or two. Take the off-cuts and place them in a shallow jar like a salmon jar that will fit on top of the 500 ml jars in the canner. These pieces, NOT in parchment paper, will be used as bacon bits or whatever. Process the jars at 10 lb pressure for 90 minutes. The jars should seal with no problems, and when cooled off there will be a bit of bacon fat in the bottom of the jars. To use the bacon, open a jar and it can be eaten directly or warmed in the microwave for a few seconds and then eaten like regular cooked bacon. My first batch lasted just fine for over three years in my pantry. It’s DELICIOUS!
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