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Everything posted by Tdel

  1. When the silver bass came into the Coal Dock in Midland many years ago they were a very bright silver colour with dark lines running head to tail . I have also caught white perch there too but they had a slight gold tint to them and no dark lines head to tail. The first time I caught a white perch I thought it a small silver bass but the gold tint and faded lines on the fish made me suspicious that it wasn't a silver bass. I looked it up and found out it was a white perch. I had never seen one caught at the coal dock until that time.
  2. This was my favourite lure on the French River years ago, couldn't keep the Walleye and Pike of the hook. I was the only one that had it and everyone with me were green with envy. I also bought it at Canadian Tire.
  3. I got one too.
  4. We definitely got more than enough snow last night but that is the norm around here. Nothing special about that.
  5. As far as funny movies, they don't come any better than Christmas Story.
  6. Merry Christmas to one and all. May your New Year be full of Health, Happiness & Peace. Tom.
  7. I renewed my fishing and hunting license at Service Ontario on Simcoe Street in Barrie. I have nothing but good things to say about the receptionist and the young lady who actually renewed my license. Both were very friendly and efficient in performing their duties. It took less than 10 minutes to complete. Happy, Happy, Happy.
  8. Wayne, May you and your family have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Wishing nothing but the best for Jen in 2014. Our prayers will be with you through out the year. Tom.
  9. I have been here 42 years Wayne with no home delivery. Went from General Delivery in the old post office to a mail box in the "new" post office then a community site mail box. No home delivery here.....for sure.
  10. Lew, I got mine up and running this morning too. Now it can stop snowing because I am ready for it.
  11. I was in grade 9 at St. Theresa's High School.
  12. Canadian Tire has the Quickfish 2: Eskimo Ice Fishing Value Pack Product #78-7717-0on sale Friday for $249.99
  13. Saw a large plane flying east from Tiny and south of Vinden street in Midland around 9:30am today. Was flying very low and close to the tree tops. I had not heard about the missing pilot & airplane but knew they were searching for something or someone.
  14. May love surround you during this time. My sympathies to you on the loss of your loved one. Tom.
  15. Yep, it isn't about any political party > "Just heard on the radio yesterday that Kathleen Wynne has just donated $400,000,000.00 (yes, 400 million) of our tax dollars to the horse racing industry." If you say so Big Cliff.
  16. First of all I missed nothing, secondly, I have seen & read other posts you have made on other subjects & know the trend, thirdly, I won't get this locked one down because I have said my say and I am done.
  17. It is great work they are doing. Why it costs $24000 here.........Taxpayers in Ontario have deep Pockets (Said with tongue in cheek but true)
  18. fishNwire, The dying industry you talk about was surviving until the Liberals started interfering with it last year. The Liberals were warned about thousands of jobs being lost and business closures but in their infinite knowledge the Liberals went ahead with their plan as usual and devastated the industry. Now they are wasting 400 million dollars by throwing it into the wind to buy votes in the next election again. Important words for you to study carefully ....... >She caused the JOB LOSSES....She cause THE INDUSTRY TO DIE. Mistakes after mistakes and you defend them. I can't afford a Liberal Party. They don't care about tax payers. All these mistakes are millions after millions after millions and billions after billions after billions in wasteful spending and cuts. Wynne's Green policy is killing Ontario. I am sorry you don't see that. The list goes on and on. You certainly do sound like a closet Liberal to me or a troll. Sounds like you don't know that the Liberals are doing the same thing that you mentioned about the Conservatives but are causing much more damage to Ontario with their so called mistakes.
  19. Should definitely be time for good news. Our prayers are always with you, Jen & the family. Tom.
  20. The Liberals caused the problem in the first place with race tracks shutting down and jobs being lost. Now Wynne is trying to revive, what she was killing, by throwing money at it. Maybe they can add that to our hydro too. Liberals are so far out of touch, with the common taxpayer, money has no meaning to them. Yet they have their loyal supporters who see no wrong and will vote them back in the next election. Must be an awful lot of Liberal voters who are well enough off that the tax burden given by the Liberals doesn't hurt at all.
  21. Don't know anything about frying turkey's but I do shop at TSC every now and then.. TSC sale: $59.99 http://www.tscstores.com/BUTTERBALL-30QT-TURKEY-FRYER-P7400.aspx#.UlP5HyWLNtQ
  22. He was released from hospital this afternoon.
  23. I had a similar problem with Compusolve which uses Bell. My internet speed dropped to a crawl. (600kb to 1mb per second) Compusolve put in a work order to Bell asking them to check phone lines near my location for the problem. If the problem was not outside my home I would have to pay $100 for the inspection that they did outside the home. The problem found was that Ma Bell was making changes they shouldn't have done. Bell decided on their own, for some reason, to lower my internet speed to a speed much lower than what I was paying for and Compusolve had Bell correct this and my speed returned to the 5mb/s I was suppose to get. Bell had no explanation why my internet speed was lowered.
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