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capt bruce

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Everything posted by capt bruce

  1. I allso grew up near a pool and mill like that , this time of year the suckers would come in like crazy and i would sit on the bank like that and catch them all day .Great memories of a simpler time , thaks
  2. OH oh BERT , Now look what ya done lol hahahahaha I find they really go for the camp fire ones the best and the flameing mallow looks great on the cast lol
  3. They come in two models I think , the new ones have a weed guard, but if your carefull in how you put on the trailor and with the right speed (speed gives the spoon lift) the bend in the spoon protects the hook even on the old ones without the weed guard . Golfisher you dont want to be in the weeds but right over them .
  4. I have done well with the bait that comes with it but I have found a boot-tail grub like a Shaky Shad gives the BladeDancer a better kicking motion. I use mostly a gold spoon with a chartreuse or white trailer and a black spoon with a black trailer. . It definitely catches fish under the right conditions. The right conditions are lily pads, bulrushes and thick submerged vegetation think sugog or rice . i have the best luck with the BladeDancer walking it just under the surface through and over the aquatic growth. To help horse bass out of the grass, I use 30-pound power pro on a 7-foot rod with a high-speed baitcasting reel. I think the biggest mistake you can make is fishing it too fast. That bait has so much lift that you’ve got to slow down to keep it running right.Start out in shallow clear water so you can watch your retrieve and see what different speeds do to the bait . I love johnson silver minnows allso with a grub trailer , this bait fishes alot like them .
  5. Nice bird great to see you teaching your son to enjoy the out doors ,
  6. Sorry to hear this Brian , i kind of expect this with moose and deer as "camp " hunting lots of time involves 2 or 3 hunters and than the "camp" gets filled out with some guys who lets just say are not hunters just "GUYS WITH GUNS" . Turkeys on the other hand ,when the hunt first came back ,were pursued by HUNTERS who studyed their quarry and put in the time to learn the techniques to take advantage of this new hunting operatunity and made arrangements with land owners to be able to access their lands . Now with the spring and fall hunts and lots of turkeys flying everywhere we get the "GUYS WITH GUNS" ruining everything, shooting anywhere , causeing these same landowners to all of a suddan post their properties and all the good hunters suffer. Makes me want to go back to rabbits , at least with them we have some great times with the beagles braying and some fun shooting ,without haveing to share the feild with the "guys with guns". I am going to wait untill late next week when all the ya hoos are finished to go try get me one , the guy ,who lets me hunt his place wife has started to love these great birds and all I need is for a ya hoo to upset her and its NO HUNTING ALLOWED . .
  7. I had the honor of fishing with your grandad a time or two, allways had a good time,remember the first year I started running the big boat out of bluffers your uncle and him were some of the first guys I had out , very sorry for your loss .
  8. I will be giveing away my age but my first job was working on the island putting those steps in . We had huge piles of old sidewalk from the digging of the subway etc. and we cut them up and made those lagoons. was a great job paid 2.30 an hour. lol long time ago ,shows you how strong those old sidewalks were that there still there 40 odd years latter, try that with the crap they use for sidewalks now .
  9. lol kickingfrog I did say they had there uses ,most of them are special like ultralight etc.I do own 5or 6 spinning reels just hardly ever use them . And I did say you can hammer a nail with a brick,Im an enginneer and I still cant get my head around how you design and build a skyscrapper or any building for that matter without a computer, but I thinK (and who am I ,never said I know all) that for most bass fishing situations a bait caster will get my bait where I want it and get the fish to the boat the best , If im drifting a trib a center pin is the way to go ,if the flies are hatching on a stream and im after a trout dinner a Fly rod and reel would be my first choice , it makes fishing so much eaiser and more fun for me when Im useing the correct tools for the job at hand . This does not mean that ya cant have fun and catch fish with a cane pole if ya want or saw a board with a hack saw lol and I am not saying you cant get good at it , Im just lazy and trying to get a spinning reel to do what I want takes way way to much effort so I go with what is easyier.
  10. http://www.fishingmap.com/fishing-maps-plus/WC-2.html , I think this is the map you want
  11. Ya Dano I would agree but 'LAKE TROUT" . Ever caught a great lakes lake trout , I would rather catch sheep head . We throw away a lure that brings a BOOT aboard . Slimy ,no fight , best fighting lake trout I ever caught on lake O turned out to be a plastic shopping bag . I agree up north in clean water , some of the best tasteing fish I have had were lake trout in the 3-4 pound range from small lakes around elliot lake , but who wants to eat a fish in the great lakes that have alot of fat and are slow growers ?? In a perfit world maybe , but in a world where we have limited money for stocking lets spend it on something else .
  12. Silly Rabbit , Spinning reels and "TRIXS" are for kids (and maybe drop shotting with light line, or Dawgs sabki (sp) rigs ). If you "THINK" you can cast with a spinning rod think about how much better you will be with a baitcaster , where you can stop a bait in mid flight and drop it right where you want , if you think you have a "smooth drag"thats controlable , think how much better and how much more control of a fish you will have with a drag you can adjust with your thumb pressure .Same thing with steelheading where the center pin gives you way more accuracy and way more drag control over a spinning reel, sure a spinning reel will work you can hammer a nail in with a brick if ya want but you dont see many carpenters carrying around bricks . Spinning reels are good for beginers , it gets you fishing with the least amout of effort and are good for special situations when you get into fishing more , but if you want to get better and stop relying on "LUCK"and instaed count on your skills, get the right tools .
  13. Better not go untill the season opens , bass is a long way off , pike is a few weeks maybe get a carp but lots of other places on the city side for carp why pay the 650 fairy fee ???
  14. Hang in there untill Roy gets ya help , throw those club things out fast ,qiuck LEW or someone post a pic of a big muskie ,theres no where to put a reel on them things (All you people that are reading this post SEE what can happen to you when ya sell your boat , before you know it , its pink shirts and pants that dont go all the way down your legs , silly hats , shopping with your wife ,) sad sad day NO BASSBOATITIS deadly crippleing desease , someone post a ranger ad help this guy before hes lost forever
  15. Let me know I live by a new huge Ct store and work down the street from another one so if you cant get one there would be glad to pick one up for you and get it to ya .
  16. I have 2 I bought a few years ago on a sale for around that much , (was in the store to get something and like allways went to the fishing section and even tho I didnt need them they were abu's and they on sale lol) We use them on spare rods we lend out when friends come out and dont have their own stuff etc. I think they are 4 years old maybe older and have only been used by beginers or non fishermen lots of kids (read here abused)and they have stood up with no problems . Good cheap real
  17. With my pike luck they will have no problem fitting in my live well (thats if I even catch 1,never mind 3 ) Im trying to work the time out with my son but I like this Idea of makeing the day a little more interesting with a little friendly competion, I will pm if things work out and hopeing to see ya there . B
  18. Ever heard of a creel or just a small cooler with some ice, not a real fan of stringers as fish that have been kept a few feet below the surface on a sunny day tend to get mushie from sitting in the warm water but they have been used for ever , I like to kill and clean small trout ,( take the head , gills and guts ), and chill right away even if its just in my wicker creel with some cool damp grass in it and something over it to keep out of the sun , but a stringer will work fine for a few hours , just try to keep it on the shady side of the boat .
  19. I knew you would use a measureing devise , what i was getting at was will this be a catch and keep or can I measure and let go ?? I dont like eating pike much ( a small one now and than , but not the 3 biggest I caught that day) ?? I hope Im not comeing across like a pita guy , I have nothing against keeping and eating fish just for me not pike (muskies and steallhead only lol )
  20. I knew there was a reason I liked LEW , no sence me typeing anything just read what LEW wrote and go have a great time and BE a good role modell for your sisters son and show him that anyone can go chase his dreams that there is a whole wide planet out there and you DONT have to be stuck down in one small place nor do you have to be special ,just anyone can do it if they set their mind to it (he will see that if his uncle can do it, so can he). Dont forget the PICS so old guys like me can wish ..... Antarctica here I come just a few more air miles lol
  21. Dave is a great guy who seams to have endless energy . Took my son to a kids fishing tourament once when he was younger ,Dave and a few others were there , Dave spent some time with him teaching him how to fish the small jerk bait he wanted to use , my son went on to win that day useing those techniques and when we ran into Dave a year later at the weigh in at another tourament he remembered my sons name and joked with him about that day . Cant say how much it ment to the kid that he remembered him (he has at least one fan for life and down came the BoB Isumi picture on his wall and up went the picture of Dave)a great guy and a GREAT ambassador for our sport.
  22. Sounds like fun a little competion to make the opener interesting , but I just dont know what I would do with 3 big pike(in my case they will probably be small pike and probably not 3 ) in the live well how will the measureing be done .
  23. I dont know about in a trap , but my wife has a black and white cat , it never goes outside , one night last summer I was hanging up some wet towels on the clothes line and I saw what I thought was the cat on the pourch stairs , not wanting the cat to get out and suffering the wrath of the wife for not closeing the door behind me with one hand on the wet towels I manged to reach out and snatch up the "cat"before it could get down the stairs. got it almost face high when I relized it was not the cat but a small skunk and the spray got me mostly in the face , not atall fun
  24. I think the STEEL guys are just experenceing STREAM RAGE . Its just like road rage coming from all the congestion on the highways instaed its creeks . PEOPLE just dont do well all close together we need our SPACE . why do you think moosebunks threads all get so many reads , WE ALL envy his being able to get away and enjoy the fredom of haveing a great deal of space between him and everyone else.
  25. Just for Doug As a fisherman leaned over the edge of the boat to land his catch his wallet fell out of his shirt pocket. Before it could sink a large fish grabbed it. While he watched, openmouthed, another large fish grabbed it from the first, then another grabbed it from that one. His fishing buddy blandly commented, "What's the matter? Haven't you ever heard of carp-to-carp walleting? there was a man who sent ten different puns to friends, in the hope that at least one of the puns would make them laugh. Unfortunately, no pun in ten did.
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