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capt bruce

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Everything posted by capt bruce

  1. Thanks as allways for the chum , but you know I like the other side better more open space , lol If the sun stays out Im gonna walk down after dinner for an hour or three , hope your back gets better . Wish I had of gone down yesterday and seen you guys
  2. For me Its Bald eagle soup with baked whopping crane , best long weekend grub
  3. Sorry Fisher if I came off wrong , just wanted to point out that hes fishing as if he has a licence , so the same rules apply , BUT so many forget the HES FISHING PART . not ment for you personally , but as a warning to others reading this , CO's might be hard to find at times ,but (at least the ones I have delt with) THEY AINT STUPID its and hard to get a 5 year old to answer his questions with less than the truth ..
  4. When fishing licences first staRTED I ANYWAYS FIGURED Im not a co so what do I care , some guys are going to pay me 600 dollars for 6 hours fishing , I would be stupid to say sorry you cant go no licence , I would tell people on the phone a licence is needed for everyone over 18 , BUT NEVER CHECKED . One spring off the bar a boat was following me as I set up just got the 6 th line down fish on , The boat following came over watched as we landed the double and than showed his badge , asked for the licences of the two guys who had just landed fish , one guy showed a licence other didnt !!!! Now he comes aboard and wants the rod, reel, lures used to catch the fish and the down rigger (Fu** im out 250 for the rod 450 for reel 900 for rigger !!!!!!! ) LUCKY the co was a great guy after I had allmost fainted he asked if he had made his point , I assured him he had , He fined the guy who landed the fish with no licence and told me I could only fish 5 rods as the other 5 guys had licences and that if he found me takeing guys out with no licences again he would take every thing . Stopped me every time he saw me all that spring , I bought 12 licences the next day and made sure everyone had one in his wallet every trip (not sure if thats legal ) but I never had problems after that , when he would pull along side everyone on board would hold up a valid licence and off he went . My ice huts the same thing , the co from port perry allways joked about the amount of money they make from my huts in fines lol. Even after telling EVeryone that he would stop by allmost every day and be checking and you needed a licenece , eeven had to supply him with adresses for one party that rented huts for the night but left early and when he came by in the morning they had left baited lines in the water , he called ,I gave him their credit card info phone numbers the whole works they all got fined large . I now check for licences and sorry no licence no fishing for you. BUT I STILL WONDER why WHY WHY WHY DO I have to inforce the law (other than the loss of my equipment ) AT first I thought that licences were a good thing , the money would ALL GO BACK into the fishery and the people would get EDUCATED on the rules (we see how much educateing they do ,and money for the fishery duhhh) NOT NOT and MORE NOT . now they want me to inforce this TAX ,YES GUYS CALL IT WHAT YOU WANT ITS A FISH TAX nothing more just good old BIG BROTHER with his hand in my pocket once again AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. ITs two each , but HE has to catch them, not 4 for you just because he is siting in boat .
  6. TWO lines per boat ??????? I have 6 downriggers ,2 outriggers and with dipsys and boards I can troll 12 lines No problem , I can just see me tell the other 10 guys sorry you got to watch . NO boat max !! lake huron or lake O I can troll two lines per licennec , G bay only one per licenece , so in those lakes 6 guys 12 rods , in G bay 6 guys 6 lines .
  7. OH on M or S ,can just see the 20 to 30 cars parked beside that caulvert now , should have blacked out the background lol , love the colors of trout , browns to look great from a small stream , great pics
  8. 24 - 7 always ,I HAtE IT , Im an engineer and theres allways a question to answer and no mater how unimportant it is to me to the asker its "I need TO KNOW THIS NOW NOW " how did things ever get done before ??? PEOPLE WAITED THATS HOW !!!!!!!!! black death , cell phone and wireless lap top allways with me AHHHHHH . Used to be only a radio out in the boat so at least when I was on the lake only people with a radio could call(ie other fishermen and my wife in an emerg) , than the wife thought (wimens thinking allways gets me in trouble )maybe a satilight phone in case , than came cell service allmost everywhere , than my work thought they could ask things even when I was fishing so they got me the black berry than than , AHHHHH DID you see TJs pics , I see that even at camp Jiggy Jiggy you cant escape , would love to go back to the "HES out fishing , I will try to talk to him tonight when he gets in " 9 to 5 becomes 24 7 and we think we are better off ??????????? just say no to tech
  9. IN THE MOUTH , this is a stupid question . OUTSIDE THE MOUTH IS A SNAGGED FISH !!!!!!!!!!! Maybe the test thing isnt a bad idea after all , the regs are VERY CLEAR on this .READ the regs guys , I can just see you say "well officer it was close you know ,around the mouth ,head ,comeon you know it was close ?????????????. DUHHHHHHHHH
  10. At least you can fish , my friend cant even come sit on the boat , I like to take a 10 or 15 people to watch the fire works or just go out for a night cruise to Ontario place and even with cleaning up the boat he still cant go out , he got real sick when we went to a korean restraunt where you cook the food at the table and even tho we didnt cook any fish at the table next to us they had fish and the fumes I guess got him.
  11. I dont know if theres more to it than they watch the tapes at night see her take the donnut and fire her . IF she worked for me i would reward her for her customer service, crying baby give her a cheap donut happy baby happy mom ,ME happy store owner , happy mom tells her friends and family about free donut more custumers all for .016 cents win win . BUT IF she worked for me she would know what SHE CAN AND SHOULD DO and WHAT SHE CANT DO . Three managers to deal with .016 cent theft and the girl didnt see it comeing ??????? I think this store needs to get policy clear to people that work there for three years maybe the three mangers time is better spent traing people rather than punishing ???? AND even if it was THEFT there is degrees of theft .016 does not warrent the death penelty imho
  12. Most fish have finished spawning and are heading back to the lake to spend the summer , so spinners , spoons and cranks should work now as fish are hungry after all that sex stuff ,NO CANDIES lol meat is what they want lol hehe
  13. Ashbridges is good too , lots of room if we fish the bay NOT the board walk , on the west side by the bridge to the sewage plant ,we can set up maybe 10-20 guys and have a day of it . with dsn baiting the week before should have lots of fish , have had many 10-20 fish days with lots of +20 pound fish and no one fishes there, no one (except one old asian guy,I see most nights ,probably the best carp guy I have ever met , very low tech but he knows his prey ) we can do a west at the credit and than a east a few weeks later ????
  14. WE do get Zebra muslles , and all kinds of crazy weed growth . I leave my boat in as much as I can (its 300 dollars to pick it up and 300 to put it down again , adds up ) Would never think of leaveing it without anti fouling , even with it still takes most of a day with the high pressure power washer to get the crud off so you can repaint !!! Left it in the inner harbour for a few weeks last year , the suuny side was so built up with weeds I had to lift it and clean so I didnt burn more than the 300 or 400 dollars in gas it takes to get back around the spit .Big difference in boats tho from Toronto to St johns , my brother in-law has a boat down east and does different kinds of fishing scallops etc. The deal was he would come spend two months working and living on my boat and I would than work on his . He couldnt believe the paint etc. and all the so called "luxerys " on board my boat , when I went to work on his boat everything you needed was there but !!! no computer no flat screen tv no this no that just what you needed lol it took soome getting used too for me .
  15. I paint my boat (40 footer glass ) with interlux the start of every season a quick power wash in the fall and all is well . Interlux
  16. A new guy moved in down the street and I would have to pass his house to get to the corner store . He had the biggest dog /beast /killer I have ever seen . ever time I went past I was afraid for my life all the barking growling etc. I started to pick up a ice cream sandwich (cost about a buck) everytime time i went to the store , i threw it to the dog on the way back . After a few weeks of this, dog would come up to the fence wag his tail and get his treat (i know someone will say icecream is not good for the dog)never barked at me again . Dont know maybe marshmellows will work here too
  17. paulus I say NITTTTT NITTTT to you ,no more fishing untill I get my shrubbery. I lined a beaver one night lost a good rappalla , I was fishing at night beside a beaver dam set the hook and before I knew I had a beaver on , it went inside the lodge and I cut the line lol fuuny thing tho who knows maybe he did hit it lol I didnt see if I had hooked him near the mouth but im sure I lined him /her it .
  18. read the exceptions TORONTO HARBOR ie the islands is not considered lake ontario
  19. great way to beat the crowds .
  20. Large mouth , small mouth ? pre spawn , post spawn , summer or fall ? shallow weedline or deep ? pre front, post front ,steady weather ? clear lake or stained , I can go on and on LOTS for a young guy to learn about bass fishing , FIRST thing you should learn is there is not ONE bait that works all the time . Learn about your prey and what there doing at different times of the year and than you should be able to put together a pattern of where they are and what they are doing and than choose a bait that suits the condishions .and if all else fails u try a marshmallow lol
  21. NOW STOTY ya have gone too far , go leafs go lol hehehe
  22. Thanks Blaque , you said what i tried to perfectly, lol ,wish I was better with words lol .
  23. Bigger fish in rice , but should still be lotts of smaller males around gorskies . Trade off of big or more . Allso with the bog so close to TO more boats to contend with I would go to rice and save the bog for a week day down the road .I would launch at port perry and fish the west side of the island on my way up
  24. If ya feel like shareing my adress is ....... Did you get to choose or did they just send out a package? either way great score .. is there more to come ?
  25. Johny bass and everyone else all bent out of shape read High drifters post I think he said it well . I remember the first years the browns came into bluffers in the fall I would sit all day at the launch and line browns never thinking anything of it as "wrong " would throw my line out with a 1 ounce weight and a mallow drop shot riged half way up , with a long cast I could run my line amost right across the pool, big kipped males would be lined easy , I would catch them let them go catch another again and again , because I was hooking them in the mouth no big deal . I had never heard of lining (I thought I was inventing a new way to hook fish ). THIS IS MUCH DIFFERENT than properly drifting a bait ,roe ,mallow or roe imation to a feeding fish. BECAUSE OF THE ease of ABUSE I think its not a way for the new to the sport to fish , MUCH BETTER TO TEACH new comers how to properly present a bait (mallow or otherwise)and than lineing would not become the issue it is . I agree LOTS OF GUYS fish mallows without lineing , the use the rigged properly presented properly but lots of guys line fish without KNOWING they are doing it because they just have not learned how to present a bait to a fish in a stream and just throw out a weighted floating line .I bought a big boat so I can go out into 350-400 feet of water and catch 50 or 60 bows a day every day (most days )all summer long and never see another fisher person for miles so I dont have to stream fish anymore lol I have taken out 8 people charters with all geting their 5 fish in a few hours when things are right 7 days a week , so much more fun to give this fish their due and fight them on long rods with light line in OPEN WATER (lol that will piss off the stream guys, I didnt mean anything just I dont like lots of people and trees and such getting in my way) ). I hope I got across what I wanted to say , I am not commenting to stir things up or to say anybody is WRONG , the more you learn the better fisher person you will become theres so much more FUN in fishing than just throwing out a line and hopeing something bites so instead of useing mallows and hopeing ,take the time to study baits and how to present them , tight lines .
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